Broke Mcguard wheel lock key, where to order new one?


Legendary Member
26 July 2010
Wildwood, MO
I have the serial number from the key, I just need to order one. I can't find where to order one though.
I did, I didn't see a place to order.. guess I need to call them monday.
I don't suppose you have the order form that came with the locks, you could try asking around if anyone has one.
I don't suppose you have the order form that came with the locks, you could try asking around if anyone has one.

No, I sure don't.

Honestly, I just need a key to pull them all off. I'm not going to use wheel locks anymore. Where I'm at, I don't ever hear of anyone getting their wheels stolen unless you're rolling on 26" bro wheels.

and I don't park it anywhere of concern
Most dealerships keep extra McGaurd lock keys becuase many people lose them or forget to bring them in with the car. Go to the serivce department and ask if you can borrow one and take your off right there. Make sure you have replacement lug nuts to put back on.
If it is the lock with a male key. You can take a half inch socket, metric I dont remember size 17, 18, 19 one of those. To determine find the one that will almost slide over outside of it and then tap on with hammer and then use ratchet to remove. Done it many times and the socket is still good. Use a quality socket 10 point only.
I threw away the card that came with mine so they told me to email them a picture of the lock. They matched it up and sent me a replacement.
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Actually, I just picked up that term. A local wheel shop outside East Saint Louis "Rent & Roll" uses it on their billboard. It's a shop that rents giant gaudy wheels by the week.

Sorry, I meant no harm.
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