Britney Spears goes BALD....

7 September 2003
Newport, CA

honestly... this is getting pretty sad... it ashame to see this happen... seems like the pressures of superstar status does make one's life collapse.... (ie: michael jackson, mike tyson, britney spears, etc)...

i feel bad... the girl needs obviously help....

here's rest of article:
I still don't get how shaving your head makes your life apart.

Natalie Portman did it. It was hot on her.

I think it's highly overdramaticized.
I still don't get how shaving your head makes your life apart.

Natalie Portman did it. It was hot on her.

I think it's highly overdramaticized.

of course simply shaving the head isn't a red flag for life falling apart... but i guess its in the context and timing of it all...

natalie portman did it for a movie role, same with signori weaver, and demi moore.... britney... shortly after break up with k-fed and a lot of (probably overdramatized) issues she's been going through...

i dunoo... just my opinion
Well I guess that's what happens when a little girl from the south gets on the mickey mouse club and then makes a skanky video with her in a plaid skirt and makes mega millions then marrys a looser that travels around with her as a dancer that has kids with some other hoe

What did she expect?:smile:
I hope her next gig is not SNL,,she might be tempted to tear up a pic of the Pope:wink: Can anyone figure out who I'm comparing her to?:smile:
You guys are good!
Article said something about her crying before she did it? Maybe she's got cancer? Or maybe I'm just underestimating how far Britney Spears' has gone off the bridge.
Well, maybe she is not as far out there as everyone assumes. Could be publicity stunt for something....that sure appears to be working. I mean, think about it, has she done ANYTHING musically in several years? Nope!
Agreed - and that can be said about a majority of celebrities.

Is it just me, or has this tabloid stuff gone out of control these last few years?

I remember the days when a glance at the cover of people, or Us was something you did while standing in line at the grocery store.

Lately it seems like our culture is being permeated by tabloids, and tabloid TV news. How else to you explain the popularity of Paris Hilton, and the rest of the "IT Girl" skanks,,,
My question is, "Why does anybody care?"

duno why... but they do.... otherwise tabloid papers, gossip columns, and paparazzi's would ALL be out of business... but it seems like its picking up steam from what we see...