Britney Spears goes BALD....

Is it just me, or has this tabloid stuff gone out of control these last few years?

I remember the days when a glance at the cover of people, or Us was something you did while standing in line at the grocery store.

Lately it seems like our culture is being permeated by tabloids, and tabloid TV news. How else to you explain the popularity of Paris Hilton, and the rest of the "IT Girl" skanks,,,

It's not just you.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sad that Anna Nicole Smith's child will grow up without her mother. But it really bothers me that her death is getting so much airtime. Especially when you compare it to the relatively mild coverage of Gerald Ford's death.

You might or might not like Gerald Ford (I'm too young to really have an opinion of his presidency) but the man was POTUS. At the time he died, James Brown got more coverage and now Smith is getting 100x more airtime.

It's sad.