Body weight workouts

15 January 2007
Braselton, GA
I am changing my workout to more of a cardio based workout. I am getting a little more squishy around the mid section than I would like. When I get back stateside I won't have a gym membership anymore, and driving to base is little far, plus the weather is beautiful this time of year. I don't have weights at home, so what are some good bodyweight excercises (Or even routines) are there to tone. I and going to be running about 3 miles a day 4 days/week and high intensitiy training on the eliptical 2x a week.

Sorry EAC won't have Bicepts as big as a small house. :biggrin:

Also any good diet advice would be a great help.

Thanks guys
First thing you need to fix is your diet. That is what is making you squishy. You can have 6 pack abs without even working out and without doing cardio. It's all in your diet. I don't do any cardio and this is my taken the other day. Nothing special but it shows it's all about your diet. PM me and I'll give you some tips.


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The only cardio I do is once a wk. hiit. Sprinting 100m. 8-10 times. Rest for 10 seconds in between. It KILLS you. Haha
First thing you need to fix is your diet. That is what is making you squishy. You can have 6 pack abs without even working out and without doing cardio. It's all in your diet. I don't do any cardio and this is my taken the other day. Nothing special but it shows it's all about your diet. PM me and I'll give you some tips.

Totally agree. If you watch Survivor, you'll notice all contestants lose weight especially the final few. I've seen people working out hard at the gym 5 to 6 times a week but not losing any fat. Diet is the other half of your solution.
First thing you need to fix is your diet. That is what is making you squishy. You can have 6 pack abs without even working out and without doing cardio. It's all in your diet. I don't do any cardio and this is my taken the other day. Nothing special but it shows it's all about your diet. PM me and I'll give you some tips.


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The only cardio I do is once a wk. hiit. Sprinting 100m. 8-10 times. Rest for 10 seconds in between. It KILLS you. Haha

PM box full what do you got for me?
adjusting your diet is first. there are plenty of resources for this depending on what is possible for you, what you normally eat, and what is available in your schedule.

I first started training for both of my Tough Mudder races by running and going to the gym doing standard weight lifting. This helped, but I only saw results go so far. I lost weight and gained some muscle, but didn't feel like my endurance got any better.

I then joined a crossfit gym and I feel like a different person. 3 months have come and gone and I am stronger, at a good weight, longer endurance, and generally feel more healthy. Best part is, if you already know the movements, you can do these workouts by yourself as they are published online with different workouts every day.
It's true about diet. Unfortunately that's my failing, I find it impossible to eat healthy, especially when surrounded by a wife and kids who don't. After 4 months of CrossFit, I am also stronger with more endurance and feel healthier, but I haven't lost a pound going 3x/week and my waist has not gotten any smaller. I'm adding muscle so I must be losing fat somewhere but it's not really evident. Diet has always been the key and my albatross. If you don't watch what you eat, you can pretty much forget abs.
It's true about diet. Unfortunately that's my failing, I find it impossible to eat healthy, especially when surrounded by a wife and kids who don't. After 4 months of CrossFit, I am also stronger with more endurance and feel healthier, but I haven't lost a pound going 3x/week and my waist has not gotten any smaller. I'm adding muscle so I must be losing fat somewhere but it's not really evident. Diet has always been the key and my albatross. If you don't watch what you eat, you can pretty much forget abs.

Same dilema here. I love pasta too much! After 3 months or so of Crossfit, I can now consistantly go for hour long workouts every day without being completely spent for the next day. I also see myself slowly creeping up in AMRAMP and weight figures compared to others in the class. Next goal is to continue on this trend, try to eat better and be more consistant with my diet, and work in a few double sessions during the week.

There are a few other very informative threads here on Prime about the same subject. A few about Marathons, Crossfit, Tough Mudders. Here is one of the longer ones:
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Have you gone to the Doctor for a blood test? Get your test levels checked when you get a chance....

True, diet is 95% of the battle....... but some sort of resistance training is also a must.
Have you gone to the Doctor for a blood test? Get your test levels checked when you get a chance....

True, diet is 95% of the battle....... but some sort of resistance training is also a must.

agreed. I'll post my transformation up after I get home tonight if i remember. I also do online coaching as well if you are interested.
My advice. Hit your macros and you'll do good, meanwhile being able to eat WHATEVER you want.
This link helped me calculate how many calories and macros (protein, fat, carbs) I needed per day. Might seem like a lot to calculate but once you do, you can eat literally whatever you want. You don't have to "eat clean" to have a toned body.

this is my 6 month transformation after I actually had a PLAN vs going to the gym every day and then eating without a system. Too many people do what they think is the right thing, like flooding the body with too much protein, yet ignoring carb/fat intake. I can't really give out my system at the moment because it's a competition diet; I'm competing in September.
I can help out with my diet before this though which is what got me to this state. It worked for me, I don't know if it will work for everyone as every one is different. My advice. Do your own research.
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What Payam said is completely on target... I used to have this mentality of eating whatever I want and drinking beer every weekend and my body would get used to my system and somehow out-train my bad habits... WRONG.. Had to completely readjust my eating habits but most importantly my lifestyle... I still enjoy a beer or two here and there but i keep it in moderation now...




My right forearm sits pretty with a metal plate, six screws, a gaping permanent hole + a very limited 90 degrees of rotation (half of what it should be). The pic above is post first surgery - 4 pins through bones holding them together and 22 staples so my lap doesn't become a blood bath. Broke my arm downhill mountain biking when I was 15 I know the second pic is filtered but you get the point, no excuses ;)

2008 I was 18.. now im 23

Oh and also just want to point out that I have only ever taken off the counter supplements, never pro hormones or steroids or drugs of any type.. This topic is so un-discussed its ridiculous since a majority of the pros are doing it. Nothing against that at all btw, just stating that I personally have chosen a fitness path that doesn't include those things.
The toughest body weight workout ever is to grab right under your feet, around the heels, and then lift your entire body off the ground. It's really tough.
As many have already suggested, crossfit workouts are very simple smokers that work the body with high intensity over a work or time domain. Intensity is what's needed to burn fat. Burpees, hand release pushups, pullups, butterfly situps, air squats, box jumps and the like are great for that. Heck, you can incorporate a little weight in (a weight vest) with these workouts for a better burn... all body-weight ish workouts. Really good for you. Sprints, as also mentioned, force you to keep your core and trunk tight and upright. Good at engaging the abs while getting a leg smoker in.
As many have already suggested, crossfit workouts are very simple smokers that work the body with high intensity over a work or time domain. Intensity is what's needed to burn fat. Burpees, hand release pushups, pullups, butterfly situps, air squats, box jumps and the like are great for that. Heck, you can incorporate a little weight in (a weight vest) with these workouts for a better burn... all body-weight ish workouts. Really good for you. Sprints, as also mentioned, force you to keep your core and trunk tight and upright. Good at engaging the abs while getting a leg smoker in.

I don't really care for crossfit as most people that do it don't really have a belief system in fitness. They just want "Olympic style training" and swear by it. Sure it burns fat, but I feel like if one is really interested. They should do their research and find out what methods work for them vs being another blind sheep following the crossfit crowd. Crossfit doesn't really build strength. It builds endurance. If that's what you're lookin for then the crossfit cult is a good starting point.
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"Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift no heavy ass weight."
To the OP:

Have you looked into the TRX trainer? We use them in our clinic and have converted quite a few of our patients into buying them for their personal use at home, on the road, etc.