I'm very sorry if you got the wrong impression. I never meant to ignore you, but as someone else said, the excellent posts on diagnosing, possible other problems, etc is just sensory overload to a engine newbie as me.
I'm trying to get all these options in a orderly filing;
For example, I'm a podiatrist, in my field there are times I can amputate a few toes and save a whole leg from a massive infection. Well, sometimes an infectious disease guy says his ideas work without loosing the toes, then a vascular guy will say patient needs by-pass , not surgery or antibiotics. The pt is ready to walk in front of a car and end it.
Now I wish I had my car home to try these things. Right now it's at the dealer, and I plan on having him do:
1. disconnect coils, to confirm rod only
2. check on this harmonic wobble, but sounds like that would trash engine anyway.
3. anything else before I confirm it's engine trashing time?
Rather not have dealer remove engine @ $1500 to examine internally, I'd rather had Larry B or Mercanic Direct in Lowell Ma do that ..
I'm still interested in your lower block STMPO, please understand I'll answer all these posts so I apologize. You've given me some rays of possible hope that this might be less to fix.
Problem the weekend is I gotta go to Long Island for:
a. Easter b.daughter birthday c.father 90th birthday. so I can read posts but hard to reply. I wish I had car here to get you better quality vid/sounds..
Thanks, Dennis