Black NSX in Antioch,CA

1 April 2002
Lafayette, CA
Just curious if the owner of a black NSX I saw yesterday in Antioch is here. We passed each other in opposite traffic and gave each other thumbs up. He had a nice set of wheels on his car.
I think he might be from Discovery Bay..Passed by him in Brentwood the other week.
Sounds like there's two of us in Antioch, one in Oakley and one in Discovery Bay
Originally posted by rowr:
I think he might be from Discovery Bay..Passed by him in Brentwood the other week.
Sounds like there's two of us in Antioch, one in Oakley and one in Discovery Bay

I have a client in Antioch .... perhaps next time I visit I should come with the NSX via the river and maybe we can meet .........

98-T Black/Tan
Give a holler or private, Hrant.
We talked at lunchtime at the last T'Hill event and I appreciate the tips you gave me.
Hope things go well next week over there...
won't be driving, but may drop by..
That was me, was that you in the red NSX. I have work rims on mine. I live in Oakley. Lets hook up some time its alway nice to see other NSXs.

Originally posted by rowr:
Forgot to mention, if you do travel via the river, heads up for the trap in Isleton.

Yes .......... unless you are in one of those ditches ....

In one of our club events last year (coming back from Blackhawk museum tour, 5 of us went to a local diner in Iselton .... they thought we were part of the Corvette club or something ........ given the surroundings, we just went along with that assessment rather than belabor a lengthy explanation ......

Yes that was me in the red NSX. We definatey should hook up. Maybe all of us in the area should get together sometime. I think it's pretty cool when NSX owners see each other on the road, they always give the thumbs up to each other.


[This message has been edited by Option2 (edited 17 April 2002).]
I seem to be seeing a lot of NSX's in the Bay Area recently. On Sun., I passed a black one on Tunnel Rd. in Oakland and then saw a Spa Yellow parked in Hiller Highlands about 1 min. later. Then, today, I saw a Sebring Silver on 1st St. in SF heading towards the Bay Bridge. Anyone from here?
Hrant..Well, you know Isleton..Home of the annual Crawdad Festival (which I understand is a great event!)

Jay..I'm in Antioch , too. Let me know if you guys deceide to get together.

Garth..How are those H&R springs working out?
I'm thinking of different springs or TEINS for the car and trying to sort it all out

93 White/black (Tubi installation tomorrow)
I love springs the car look really good. A lot better then I thought it was going to. The only negative is the camber angle. It way out of wack but it handles like an F1 car now. Let all hook up sometime It would be a lot of fun.
I think we got our cars at about the same time last summer, but I saw your "For Sale"
awhile back...
Glad you haven't sold it...
Give a shout if you guys on the other side of the bay are up for a informal meet.

Hi Charles,

What part of the eastbay are you from?
Yeah, I thought about selling my car at one time, I had so many inquiries about the car.
Im so glad I kept it.
I met a few guys at the previous NSX gathering in DC. Lets all get together with the Antioch guys.

I'm in Antioch along with, I'm finding out,
at least three others here, and one in the next town over. Kinda surprising for this neck of the woods. Met the owner of a black 95 today while waiting for the car to be worked on.
Are you going to head up to Thunderhill next week?

Let's all try to plan a meet sometime in May. Maybe do a cruise and a BBQ. What do you guys think?

Charles---so how's that Tubi exhaust sound?


[This message has been edited by Option2 (edited 19 April 2002).]

That sounds like a plan! There's at least a few interested in getting together...

The Tubi sounds great..I did have a bear of a time getting the old exhaust off, though, trying to use handtools and jackstands. After 3 hours of trying and getting nowhere, I ended up taking everything to a local race fabrication shop. A couple of guys put the car on a lift and wrestled with it for about an hour. At the end of everything they said that even if I were to have gotten the thing loose, I would not have been able to get the old exhaust out from underneath, due to the jackstands not allowing me enough clearance to drop and angle the thing out.
Again, it sounds great. Not much louder at idle, but a deeper burble/rumble. A bit of boominess between 2-2.5k RPM under load, and not too much louder than stock at highway cruise. Tino S. tells me that the sound will even out and sound even better after a few miles.
It's as good of an excuse as any to go for a drive this weekend...


Thanks for the warning (Tubi install) I was supposed to help out Gary with his installation. So Gary if your reading this bring it to Don =)

No, didnt get to sign up on Thunderhill. I did promise to go when Garth goes =)

Yeah BBQ and a Drive sounds great..keep me posted..

One of the tips the mechanics were telling me were to work to exhaust nuts in the tighten rotation with just a little sharp turn until you hear a pop..that's the rust breaking loose.. and then loosen anticlockwise..if you try do just turn anticlockwise (like I was trying to do)you run the risk of sheering off the nut and/or bolt. So they said, anyway.
My car is a 93 with 110k on it, so I'm sure that didn't help any either. Used WD40 daily on the exhaust nuts for a week to prep.
The car being on a lift was definately an
important help, too..

Good luck!


Hey...I used to live in Hercules!! Back then I owned a red '91. Where in Hercules are you? My folks still live there.

Have you guys ever thought about going to the monthly meeting? You guys keep talking about meeting up... but no one has mentioned the monthly meeting in Milpitas.

If you decide to meet elseware other than this meeting, im down for it as well.

Im in the East Bay....


I guess I'm blind in one eye and can't out of the other..when I checked to events in the Northwest Sector, I'd always run across stuff happening in WA, OR & sometimes Sac,then click over before seeing anything about Milpitas. Didn't know there was a monthly meet there..Geez, doofus award for me!