So then donald trump and Paris Hilton, the people who make wayyy more than you or I may ever make, get to ride on half the rate you and I pay. Something is wrong with that IMO.
I guess we just see it differently. :smile:
Yes, yes we certainly do. :smile: Because where you see someone rich living a charmed life, I see someone, or someone before them, who infused a ton of business and money into our economy. Sure the Rockerfellers and Fords are probably living a fat cat life now, but the Rockerfellers and Fords of the past helped built what this country is today. I want more people like that because it only means our country is thriving and expanding. Paris Hilton living like a princess is only a by-product of someone building a fortune. It's like your NSX. Someone can look at your NSX and say, that jerk, look at him living that luxury life, driving their over powered sports car. What a charmed life he lives! But it's your reward from all your hard work. You've earned it. And if you pass it down to your kids, then you've earned the right to do that as well.
Also, while you my despise the Trumps and the Hiltons for living such a charmed life, I applaud them and aspire to be like them. I don't find any reason why I can't join their ranks and someday I hope to do so. I may or may not, but part of why I love living here in the USA is that I do not feel like I don't have a fair opportunity to do so. Sure it takes some luck and a lot of hard work and some people have slightly better odds than others, but I firmly believe it really is in the grasp of anyone who is willing to try. There are countless of stories of self made millionaires and I find no legitimate reason why I can't be one of them. I do not feel the "system" is rigged to keep me down or the rich are preventing me from getting there. I feel in control of my own destiny and I by no means have come from a charmed upbringing. I grew up poor, I'm a minority, I'm not particularly tall, talented or super smart. I have no special attributes that suggests I should succeed over anyone else, and yet I have succeeded and am well on my way to get to the Trumps and Hiltons. I've said this many times before, the biggest deterrent to someone's success is not the government or the rich or some other external force, it is themselves.
I think part of what is wrong with what is happening here in the US was all about the American Dream. We used to see a rich guy and say, wow I want to be like them. Now we despise the rich for being rich. And to me that's the wrong attitude. If we see someone like Donald Trump or Paris Hilton living this unfair life, then it should be our goal to be in their shoes. I bet there was a day once when you saw a guy with fancy car, maybe an NSX, and instead of cursing him for driving such a nice car, you said to yourself, someday I want to have a car like that. You worked your butt off and guess what, you did! Now you look at the Trumps and Hiltons and say, someday I want to live that like. If you really wanted to, I'm sure you could, or at least get close. But when you just curse them and say the system is rigged or they were just born into it, then you've eliminated any motivation to even try. Just like if you took that attitude to someone driving the NSX. If you just said well the only way to get one is to have rich parents, would you have aspired to try to get your own?