Biggest Reality Check You've Had

I was in the same boat as you about 3 months ago. I graduated in December and had new responsibilities kicking me in the teeth. When I was in college I always thought my dream job would just fall into my lap after graduation. I was lucky and actually have a job after 3 months of searching, not my dream job, but something that can help to get me there. During my search though, I was very depressed. It seemed like there where no jobs out there. Then all of a sudden 3 jobs offers fell into my lap at the same time. Literally, in 1 wk I had 3 companies call and say we have a position for you. That was when I realized that life is too short to be doing something you dont love. So I turned down 2 very promising secure positions w/ career paths for one that pays less and isnt nearly as secure w/ little to no career path. The reason being that I knew in my heart I would be miserable with them. So I took the one that would make me happier. Its not the best job in the world, far from it, but I know im happier there than the other 2. And the experience will help me get the job I want. Realize what you want in life, and then make a plan to get it. Those other 2 jobs where totally unrealted to what I want in a career but they offered security and good new grad pay. But its not gonna give me what I wanted in life. Always realize that.
well i guess you could go on to graduate school and further your education and still hide from reality a little longer :D
nsxtacey said:
well i guess you could go on to graduate school and further your education and still hide from reality a little longer :D

Haha...not exactly. I'm paying for grad school. :) I don't mind having the responsibilities. It's just more overwhelming than I anticipated. I made some mistakes in college cards and crap like that and now I have to take care of them.
Well go on to another grad school. Thats what I did. Not to hide from reality but to combine the degrees. Luckly, my first grad degree enabled me to get a good part time job to paid off some debts. I feel your pain. ;)
nsxtacey said:
Well go on to another grad school. Thats what I did. Not to hide from reality but to combine the degrees. Luckly, my first grad degree enabled me to get a good part time job to paid off some debts. I feel your pain. ;)

Hehe...yea...let's just say I'm a little past overdue. :o I owe a little over a grand. Luckily, Ford pays me enough that I should have it paid off by this summer and I'm hoping it doesn't ruin my credit completely. My dream job would be to become a physical therapist...for the LA Lakers! Haha :D
NsXMas said:
MsKadyB, don't let your mistakes worry you too much. You're supposed to make them and then learn from them.

I had a couple of really crappy jobs out of college, but things turned around quickly. Now I'm very happy I had those crappy experiences, because I know what I won't tolerate in a job.

Good luck.

Thanks, I really appreciate the words of encouragement. :)
MsKadyB said:
Yikes! Did he settle down for the right reasons?? Those are big life commitments. :eek:

I am getting stronger from this whole ordeal. It is definitely changing me. I am gonna miss school, but at the same time looking forward to what's ahead. Do you drive a red NSX? I've seen one around campus a few times. I wonder if that's you? :confused: :)

I hope he did it for the right reasons...only he really knows!

It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and your reality check might do you very good in the long run (boy did THAT sound like a parental thing to say!:eek: )

Believe me, I had a reality check after I got out of college with the mountain of debt I had and I vowed never to get that deep again. It taught me alot.

I DO drive a red NSX!!!:eek: and I do drive it around UCI ...but I have seen another with a black top in the area. Mine has aftermarket wheels (Volks) and tinted windows (just got tinted).

When did your love affair with the NSX start??
She doesn't really have a love affair with NSX's. LOL

she joined cause i made her haha. guess shes gonna start posting now?

I'm sure everything will work out it always does ;) and if it doesn't it means your dead in which case it doesn't matter anymore haha :p

haha karen wait till i get my reality check i think i might die ;) i uno i don't see how it would really hit me. my next 5 years are pretty planned out. save for NSX, go to school, transfer, graduate, job already lined up, get NSX. maybe get married... nah :D
NemesisX said:
I hope he did it for the right reasons...only he really knows!

It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and your reality check might do you very good in the long run (boy did THAT sound like a parental thing to say!:eek: )

Believe me, I had a reality check after I got out of college with the mountain of debt I had and I vowed never to get that deep again. It taught me alot.

I DO drive a red NSX!!!:eek: and I do drive it around UCI ...but I have seen another with a black top in the area. Mine has aftermarket wheels (Volks) and tinted windows (just got tinted).

When did your love affair with the NSX start??

Debt sucks! But happens to the best of us. I've seen a few NSX's around here. I mean, it IS Orange County...hehe. There is a black one that some guy on campus has. I used to see it all the time last year. It looks stock with chrome rims. I saw a red NSX a couple weeks ago on Harvard. Dunno how common NSX's are around here.

I have a love affair with cars in general. :cool:
KulSecHskY said:
She doesn't really have a love affair with NSX's. LOL

she joined cause i made her haha. guess shes gonna start posting now?

I'm sure everything will work out it always does ;) and if it doesn't it means your dead in which case it doesn't matter anymore haha :p

haha karen wait till i get my reality check i think i might die ;) i uno i don't see how it would really hit me. my next 5 years are pretty planned out. save for NSX, go to school, transfer, graduate, job already lined up, get NSX. maybe get married... nah :D

No, I didn't join because of you! That was Supraforums, hehe. :p And I never posted remember? :rolleyes: This place is pretty cool, though. :)
I had everything planned out, too, Rich. BA by 21....Master's by 23-24, marriage around 25-26, kids 28 and after. Hahaha...did I think it was gonna work out that way back then? Yes. NOW? NO WAY! But I'm enjoying what I have and working through the muck. Just don't be too set in your plans. You have to allow some flexibility. :)
And MARRIAGE, Rich? You said the "M" word!! :eek: You can't even buy alcohol yet! :p :D