I was in the same boat as you about 3 months ago. I graduated in December and had new responsibilities kicking me in the teeth. When I was in college I always thought my dream job would just fall into my lap after graduation. I was lucky and actually have a job after 3 months of searching, not my dream job, but something that can help to get me there. During my search though, I was very depressed. It seemed like there where no jobs out there. Then all of a sudden 3 jobs offers fell into my lap at the same time. Literally, in 1 wk I had 3 companies call and say we have a position for you. That was when I realized that life is too short to be doing something you dont love. So I turned down 2 very promising secure positions w/ career paths for one that pays less and isnt nearly as secure w/ little to no career path. The reason being that I knew in my heart I would be miserable with them. So I took the one that would make me happier. Its not the best job in the world, far from it, but I know im happier there than the other 2. And the experience will help me get the job I want. Realize what you want in life, and then make a plan to get it. Those other 2 jobs where totally unrealted to what I want in a career but they offered security and good new grad pay. But its not gonna give me what I wanted in life. Always realize that.