Biggest Reality Check You've Had

9 February 2004
Orange County
I'm graduating from college this June and I've been getting reality check after reality check in the past month. I'm seeing how the college life spoiled me and how real life is going to change things. Does this happen to a lot of people? :(
I couldn't wait to get out of college. Student budget blows.
Hmmm....when I moved to S.F. my first year in my career was sort of a reality check.

Other than that, the next one I'm anticipating for sure is when I wake up the next morning after getting hitched and realizing I'm now a *husband*! Gulp! Trying to stall as long as I can. :D
By the looks of it, you did get a job, which is better than the reality check many college graduates are getting.

All of my biggest reality checks in life have resulted in phenomenal learning experiences that made the next one(s) easier to handle, good luck to you end everything you are about to encounter, it makes the ride all the more interesting :D
Jonathan said:
By the looks of it, you did get a job, which is better than the reality check many college graduates are getting.

All of my biggest reality checks in life have resulted in phenomenal learning experiences that made the next one(s) easier to handle, good luck to you end everything you are about to encounter, it makes the ride all the more interesting :D

I try to tell myself that, but I hate when I learn things the hard way.
MsKadyB said:
Hmm...the link doesn't work. :confused:

It is a link to a 45 million dollar home for sale. Just goes to show how different the world can be for everyone. One guy gets up at 5am takes the bus to work to bust his A$$ just to pay the electric bill, the other guy gets up and slides down his slide into a heated pool, then to the garage to chose between several different cars, then off to the beach for the day.
The first guy has no pleasure for himself all day and the second guys day is about nothing but how to bring himself pleasure.
Big reality check for either party if they were to switch postions.
That's a crazy contrast, but it does exist. I make sure to always remember where I came from because it keeps me humble. I know that whatever crap I may be going through now is still not as bad as what other people may be going through.
MsKadyB said:
I'm graduating from college this June and I've been getting reality check after reality check in the past month. I'm seeing how the college life spoiled me and how real life is going to change things. Does this happen to a lot of people? :(
Did you pay your own way through school, or did someone else finance your way? If it's the latter, then you're probably in for a rude awakening. The real world can be pretty brutal, especially for someone who's led a pretty sheltered life.

Don't worry though, if you have the determination and willingness to do whatever it takes to reach your goals, you'll make the adjustment just fine. :) Good luck.
Re: Re: Biggest Reality Check You've Had

PHOEN$X said:
Did you pay your own way through school, or did someone else finance your way? If it's the latter, then you're probably in for a rude awakening. The real world can be pretty brutal, especially for someone who's led a pretty sheltered life.

Don't worry though, if you have the determination and willingness to do whatever it takes to reach your goals, you'll make the adjustment just fine. :) Good luck.

You hit it right on the nose! My parents supported me through most of college, especially the last couple years. As I get closer to graduation, my responsibilities are catching up to me and mistakes that I've made are giving me a good kick in the butt. My mom is trying to teach me a lesson and I'm sad to say that I've learned it the hard way. I've definitely learned from it, though! I know I'll get through it, but the initial blow has given me quite a stun.
Biggest reality check I had getting out of school (I'm 25 now) is that a lot of people let 'real life' get to them. Most of the people my age, just getting done school are very boring. They are working the job, paying the loans and just doing the routine. I mean I work my job too but I have my own business on the side and just want to do a lot of things.

Maybe it's because I paid for school myself and learned early on that I was going to have to make it myself if I wanted to be happy in the long run, so that keeps me doing interesting things.

Just don't fall into the trap.
I get the feeling that our generations "reality check" is in the mail......

Half-joking..half NOT!:eek:
I would say it's all about perspective....

For me, my reality check came when a friend's 6 month old was diagnosed with leukemia. And when another friend dropped on vacation from an aneurism, in front of his horrified wife and 2 small boys. And when little Carlie Brucia was brutally taken from this world.

In due time, everyone will come to their own conclusion about what is important in their "reality". I have decided that work only gets to steal a small part of my time, and while money is always an issue, I can't let it become my master.

I certainly felt differently at 15, 18, 21, 25......each phase of life has it's own rude awakenings. It wasn't until I matured enough to realize that what I considered a kick in the ass would be a major relief to a lot of people.

In the mail means , its on the way ( the reality check)

watch the movie 'trading places' :D

I've had to pay my way since i left home at 19years old, that was a reality check! Actually my parents telling me at 18 years old that if i wanted to live under their roof i either, got a job or went to university. I'm happy now for the incentive :D

For me, my reality check came when a friend's 6 month old was diagnosed with leukemia. And when another friend dropped on vacation from an aneurism, in front of his horrified wife and 2 small boys. And when little Carlie Brucia was brutally taken from this world.

I agree that this is a life changing perspective. My friend passed on with brain cancer at the tender age of 22. The destructive effects on the family and friends gives you one hell of a wake up call, especially over a period of a year.

Also seeing the houses,cars and money of some of the people on this board gives me a reality check too;
my reality sucks, compared!:(
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Agreed, it is all about perspective. You live like a KING compared to people just a century ago. In fact we all live like Kings compared to 80+% of the world's population. Money and possessions are nice distractions but they can't make you happy in the long run. There are people who have fame and wealth, can have anything or anyone they want, and decide that life isn't worth living. I agree that not having money can be difficult, but having money does not guarantee happiness.

A good quote to live by:

"When I am gone, nobody will remember how much money I had in the bank, what kind of car I drove or how big a house I lived in, but the world may be a better place because of my role in the life of a child."

That is my reality check.
I guess my biggest reality check was when I realized that if I didn't do my best and failed, the world wouldn't care. I always figured that the world would tell me that things would be okay and I'd be fine but when I started to mature in college, I figured out that if I didn't my best, someone else would and I would be passed by without a second glance. Live and learn.

Graduating from school and doing things on your own is a really tough but rewarding experience. Just try and remember how to succeed by making success out of apparent failure. ;)
MsKadyB said:
What do you mean by "in the mail"?

Like AJnsx stated, that its coming. I have to remind myself sometimes when things are rough that there have been many generations before us that have had things much rougher than we have. Every generation (I believe) has had VERY distructive wars, famine, pandemics or destructive forces that has changed many peoples lives in that generation. We, who cant remember WWII may not have had our "wake up call"........

Who knows??
But remember...."this too shall pass"! Things will get better:D

On a lighter note...Do you go to UCI?? I live in Turtle Rock:p
The biggest reality check that has kept me humble is when I was 12, I was playing around the back of resturant where my uncle worked at and a couple in their 30's came up to me and told me they were recently homeless and had no money for food and if there were some spare left over food in the kitchen. Reflecting back, I was kid that two adults had the courage to ask for food. Ofcourse i went in the kitchen and gather some food (not people's left overs) for them.
NemesisX said:
Like AJnsx stated, that its coming. I have to remind myself sometimes when things are rough that there have been many generations before us that have had things much rougher than we have. Every generation (I believe) has had VERY distructive wars, famine, pandemics or destructive forces that has changed many peoples lives in that generation. We, who cant remember WWII may not have had our "wake up call"........

Who knows??
But remember...."this too shall pass"! Things will get better:D

On a lighter note...Do you go to UCI?? I live in Turtle Rock:p

Ahh, thanks for the clarification. Yes, I do go to UCI. You're down the street from me...haha. :p
I love It!!!!

What is amazing is watching the paths people take in life. I love seeing people that were once my bosses in a middle mgt type position or somewhere in corporate america with a bunch of rats.

I love my freedom more than anything else. A lot of people work for MONEY, I was always motivated by freedom more than anything else.

Choose wisely and think about your moves because in the real world people play for keeps.

The greatest advantage I ever had over my peers is I came from a background where I had to earn everything myself.

I have lived in Detroit (sucks too cold and bad enviroment)IMO

Boston, I went to middle school across from where JFK went to high school. You can only imagine how snooty some of the people were.

So many young parents all think "their kids" will be great yet how many actually do achieve greatness. Those same great kids end up nightmares for many. I guess it is one of those life experiences I have yet to experience.

I am glad I did things differently than most and can say I lead a happy and rewarding life now.

A friend once told me that no matter what everyone will have at least 10 years of their life that will be absolutely miserable. I know I went through my 10 years and hope it is all good from here...

For those who have had a cush life and have not had "the sweat running down the crack of your as#. I hope you will feel this experience because it might give you a little humility. We are all human and WORK never hurt anyone.
MsKadyB said:
Ahh, thanks for the clarification. Yes, I do go to UCI. You're down the street from me...haha. :p

Well Hello Neighbor (at least until graduation)!!!

Its good that your dealing with reality at your age. I have a friend who is married, just had a child and STILL gets helped out by his parents..ALOT! His reality check hasnt happened yet. And the older you get...the worse it will be!

I think its one of the toughest adjustments to make....going into adulthood and on your own....but I believe it makes you so much a better person, and independent in the end.
NemesisX said:
Well Hello Neighbor (at least until graduation)!!!

Its good that your dealing with reality at your age. I have a friend who is married, just had a child and STILL gets helped out by his parents..ALOT! His reality check hasnt happened yet. And the older you get...the worse it will be!

I think its one of the toughest adjustments to make....going into adulthood and on your own....but I believe it makes you so much a better person, and independent in the end.

Yikes! Did he settle down for the right reasons?? Those are big life commitments. :eek:

I am getting stronger from this whole ordeal. It is definitely changing me. I am gonna miss school, but at the same time looking forward to what's ahead. Do you drive a red NSX? I've seen one around campus a few times. I wonder if that's you? :confused: :)