From the
Merriam-Webster dictionary:
Main Entry:
Pronunciation: ig-'zä-tik
Etymology: Latin
exoticus, from Greek
exOtikos, from
Date: 1599
1 : introduced from another country : not native to the place where found
2 archaic[/b] : FOREIGN, ALIEN
3 : strikingly, excitingly, or mysteriously different or unusual
4 : of or relating to striptease <
exotic dancing>
According to the above definitions, #1-3 certainly applies to the NSX. I guess if you're going by definition #4, then
no the NSX is not exotic.

Honestly, a car doesn't have to have an Italian badge to be considered exotic.
From the FAQ -
Exotic Owners Code of Conduct:
4. With one exception (see 5, below), I will obey all traffic laws or local traffic customs. Especially, I will pass other cars only in marked, safe passing zones, and I will always respect traffic speeds and noise ordinances within city limits. I will always drive in a defensive manner to protect myself and my vehicle. I will not initiate nor will I respond to challenges to race my cars on open public roads. When asked to race, I will positively comment on the challengers car and invite them to inspect mine at an appropriate stopping point, while asking if I might see their
5. Operating my cars as Enzo, Soichiro and Ferruccio intended will occur only on open, rural routes free of heavy traffic or on appropriately designated race courses. On public highways, I will use my highest powers of observation and diligence to ensure that I place myself, my vehicles, and the public in no additional danger. I will be aware of the environment and road conditions, and I will not drive at excessive speeds on unknown or suspect roads. When approaching blind corners or hills, I will assume that an obstacle exists and will take appropriate defensive measures.
Personally, I choose not to street race for the following reasons.
1. I don't want to risk hurting an innocent bystander.
2. I don't want to risk the hassle of getting a ticket.
3. I don't want to risk losing my assets and/or freedom due to reasons #1 or #2.
4. I don't want to risk look like an idiot after getting "schooled" by an econobox sleeper. (A former colleague of mine does this. He spent close to $20k putting every imaginable mod into his Civic so he can purposely go out and "embarrass" flashier cars. Personally I don't get it, and he used to be an NSX owner too. Go figure.)
5. It's not necessary to street race in order to have fun. Driving a sleek sports car, hanging out with other sports/exotic car owners, that's where most of my car-derived fun comes from.
I'm sure that those who street race feel confident in their ability to avoid the dangers, and it's probably true that most of them will never get into any serious trouble. I guess if they understand the risks, and are willing to accept the possible consequences of their actions, then more power to them.
Sorry for the long post, but that's my $0.02.