Biggest bane of a new owner: Everyone wants to race me!

Most people have never seen an NSX in person. It all depends on where you live. The NSX is considered an Exotic by publishers which by definition makes it exotic. Im not quite sure what the criterium is though.

The Viper GTS is considered an exotic and theres probably more of those by far from year to year than there are NSX's.

12 year old car? What about people that have a '93-'02? :D

I know what you mean though. However, I think from person to person, an exotic is whatever the individual defines it as.
Curiously I have not run in to too many racers here in Dallas. I think one reason may be that a majority of the younger folks in town prefer jacked up trucks/SUVs as opposed to sports cars.

Drag racing in a urban environment is just foolish. Some of you may live out in the country where the only lives you endanger are your own. I do not have a problem in the latter scenario. We all know the NSX is capable of going 120MPH without any problems. When you mix this with the unpredictable behavior of other motorists, you can run in to problems.
nsxtasy said:
It's obvious that some of you have never met Ed. ... Knowing Ed as I do, when he says "Liars", I automatically assume there's a smiley face next to it.

Emotions and context are almost always subject to a readers interpretation. As long as we understand that, no worries. ;)
I race whenever I can, and when the conditions are safe. Most kids that pull up in Civics are just fans of the car and want to see it in action. 99% of the time we wind up pulling over and talking about the car. Most of them are very nice people. I rarely get the coments about I would buy a vette for 40k and do 40k worth of mods. When I do get that I say to each his own and am usually very polite.

I have never had anyone try and race me... I guess the white car just doesnt look fast :)
I own a rice rocket too, I have a CRX VT (1990 SIR), has as much bhp/ton as the NSX, so I would imagine the performance is similar. (Thats after spending well over 12k on modifying the car... and the engine is NA)

I only picked up my NSX last week, so I must say I can drive my CRX faster than the NSX for now, since I have been driving them for the past 10 years, I know how to get most out of them.

As for the hastles in the street, just ignore them I think, you get that sort of attention whether you are in a CRX or in a NSX.

I think is the loud muffler. I have my red X with stock muffler about 9 years and total I had about 5 cars want to race with me. My silver X with "loud"muffler, everytime I take the car out their will be some one want to race me.
Deuce said:
It used to happen to me all the time when I first got my car ....... I've learned that since people don't see this type of car everyday, they just want to "test" the car, to see how well their cars will do against it.

Now this is odd. I'm from the same area as you and I don't really get any attention at all. I guess it is because my car looks up to your car :D Anyway, at best I get a few people just try to stay with me and hang a few cars behind. When I bought my wife the 04 RX330 last weekend we have gotten more attention in that car than I do in the NSX. Go figure. I guess for me that is a good thing though as I wont get into any racing trouble with the NSX.
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I agree with NSXLOVER (Rob) alot of people just want to see the car in action..numerous times they are nice people and they get amazed at the car sound at WOT and at VTEC.

I am guilty too, of pulling up to some cars just to see it go when I am in my beater. Once I paced a 911TT just to see the wing pop up over 75mph and thought it was cool to see it in action...:D
From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

Main Entry: ex·ot·ic
Pronunciation: ig-'zä-tik
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin exoticus, from Greek exOtikos, from exO
Date: 1599
1 : introduced from another country : not native to the place where found
2 archaic[/b] : FOREIGN, ALIEN
3 : strikingly, excitingly, or mysteriously different or unusual
4 : of or relating to striptease <exotic dancing>

According to the above definitions, #1-3 certainly applies to the NSX. I guess if you're going by definition #4, then no the NSX is not exotic. :D Honestly, a car doesn't have to have an Italian badge to be considered exotic. :rolleyes:

From the FAQ - Exotic Owners Code of Conduct:

4. With one exception (see 5, below), I will obey all traffic laws or local traffic customs. Especially, I will pass other cars only in marked, safe passing zones, and I will always respect traffic speeds and noise ordinances within city limits. I will always drive in a defensive manner to protect myself and my vehicle. I will not initiate nor will I respond to challenges to race my cars on open public roads. When asked to race, I will positively comment on the challengers car and invite them to inspect mine at an appropriate stopping point, while asking if I might see their

5. Operating my cars as Enzo, Soichiro and Ferruccio intended will occur only on open, rural routes free of heavy traffic or on appropriately designated race courses. On public highways, I will use my highest powers of observation and diligence to ensure that I place myself, my vehicles, and the public in no additional danger. I will be aware of the environment and road conditions, and I will not drive at excessive speeds on unknown or suspect roads. When approaching blind corners or hills, I will assume that an obstacle exists and will take appropriate defensive measures.

Personally, I choose not to street race for the following reasons.

1. I don't want to risk hurting an innocent bystander.

2. I don't want to risk the hassle of getting a ticket.

3. I don't want to risk losing my assets and/or freedom due to reasons #1 or #2.

4. I don't want to risk look like an idiot after getting "schooled" by an econobox sleeper. (A former colleague of mine does this. He spent close to $20k putting every imaginable mod into his Civic so he can purposely go out and "embarrass" flashier cars. Personally I don't get it, and he used to be an NSX owner too. Go figure.)

5. It's not necessary to street race in order to have fun. Driving a sleek sports car, hanging out with other sports/exotic car owners, that's where most of my car-derived fun comes from.

I'm sure that those who street race feel confident in their ability to avoid the dangers, and it's probably true that most of them will never get into any serious trouble. I guess if they understand the risks, and are willing to accept the possible consequences of their actions, then more power to them.

Sorry for the long post, but that's my $0.02.
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The James Bond Theory

I think the NSX is a "James Bond" experience come to life. I saw my first NSX in 92 at a posh hotel. The valet had just brought the car around when a guy came out of the hotel in a tux with the finest looking "bond babe" on his arm, they jumped in this exotic red sports car and sped off. I knew that someday I would own that car. Over the next ten years I would see the low profile, red
sports cars once in a blue moon on the highway and find myself speeding up to catch a glimps. Its been almost a year since I bought a my red 92 NSX and I can only hope to carry on the James Bond image of beautiful women in fast, exotic, red, sports cars for a future NSX owner. (P.S. Don't tell my wife about the beautiful women)
Teej said:
The Viper GTS is considered an exotic and theres probably more of those by far from year to year than there are NSX's.

I believe total Viper sales (all Viper models) in the U.S. since it was introduced are similar to the roughly 8400 NSXs that have been sold here.

In worldwide unit sales, the NSX probably beats the Viper substantially.

Great reference to the Exotic Owner's Code of Conduct! There are stereotypes out there that people who drive these low-slung supercars are speedmongers, egomaniacs, etc, but I also abide by practicing road courtesy.

Last year in the elevator at the office, a woman in my department complimented me about riding my motorcycle on the highway. She said, "I saw you on the highway today and wanted to compliment you on using your blinkers, not speeding or weaving in and out of traffic, etc." Those of us on sportbikes also have a stereotype but people won't hesitate to appreciate those of us who are not.

If you have a need to race, there are driver's education events.
nsxtasy said:
I believe total Viper sales (all Viper models) in the U.S. since it was introduced are similar to the roughly 8400 NSXs that have been sold here.

In worldwide unit sales, the NSX probably beats the Viper substantially.

Worldwide Viper sales have been 14,680 since inception. Of that number, only 267 are outside of the US...
I suggest keeping a Polka cd with the "Clarinet Polka" or the "Pennsylvania Polka" on it, in you multi disk cd player.
If someone wants to race and is taunting you select this disc and CRANK IT UP as loud as possible.
Smile and bob your head.
NO ONE messes with a POLKA FREAK!
I constantly get people trying to race. Its just not worth it. Too many cops around my part of Jersey. The thing that aggravates me much more than that is the tailgaters. It drives me crazy when I pass a car while I'm in the left lane and he has to speed up to catch me then stay up My ass. If i'm doing 85 -90 in the left lane I dont need the P.O.S. right behind me.
If people want to race they should...


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I never have someone trying to race me after they hear my LOUD GruppeM exhaust sound and intake plus the BIG exhaust tips, especially after they went through a tunnel with me. Most of the people whom I passed through were busy jumping up and down their seats trying to see my BIG exhaust tips. Maybe they thought I have NOS or turbo with that mods. LOL :)
4 : of or relating to striptease <exotic dancing> </B>

Attached photo: NSX strip-tease??? :confused:


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