BIG letters

16 June 2002
I don't know what I have done or what button I have pushed accidently.
When I am typing something the letters are normal size but everything else on my screen is now Mc Donalds SUPER SIZE!!
I hope someone can tell me what I did or how to fix.
Operating system: Windows ME
Maurice, it could be the setting in your browser, or on your video display driver. See the following screenshots for details:



These are from a Windows 2000 machine with IE6, but it shouldn't be too different for Windows 98 and whatever MS browser (I'm assuming) you're using.
Hmm, weird. Is it just your browser that's showing big letters, or every application? Are you using the browser that comes bundled with whatever version of AOL you're using? It's difficult to troubleshoot without knowning the exact symptoms, but if you don't have it figured out by tonight's chat, we can try to provide some "live" help then. :)
Just the browser.
I am having to use AOL to access the web because I got a virus or something that has completely disable my Internet Explorer.
Everytime I double click the E icon it give me an error code with a file (MSIESH.DLL) having a problem.
I am not computer literate and have tried everything my limited knowledge can think of.
I performed a web search on the DLL you're getting the error on, and it sounds like your problem is not caused by a virus, but rather an adware/hijacker. There are some suggestions here (scroll down to read the posts amongst the ads). Some people recommend CoolWebShredder as well as running Housecall. I know you have McAfee, and so do I, but I find it sometimes misses stuff, so I run Housecall occasionally. It may pick up stuff McAfee missed..
Thanks for the info.
BTW, I did the update per your link and I was able to open the Explorer page to change the size of my text. Thank you.
One down, one to go.