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Beware of PSE Superchargers!!

Ed. Your responses to these threads are hurting you. My experience with you was very negative. When speaking to you on the phone a year later you admit wrong doing. Everyone makes mistakes. You post in my thread that it was all me and I tried to scam you. Not the case. I charged back the amount of the work that wasn't completed. I paid you in full for the rebuild plus the 4% you never told me you were charging for credit card fees. If I wanted to scam you I would have not paid you at all which was a option. You were the first person In my 37 years I ever had to charge back anything on
So how do you deal with people lying and discrediting your company? How do you standing up for your name and company reputation? is there ever a perfect way? Do you know how I feel? How would you like if you received a call from a potential NSX customer and they are hesitant and have questions about some comet they read about on NSX prime? I haven't done any harm. 1 employee made a mistake, another makes a shipping mistake. customer accuses me, not my employee, me of not replacing his rotor pack because of a scratch in the same place. Thinks ripped him off. Wants me to give him all of his money back. I asked him to send it back on our dime to correct it. Nope, wants all his money back or he will bash me. Now the post pops up any time you search PSE Superchargers on Google or Yahoo. Yes, I am upset. I didn't do anything wrong. The customer, Blacknot and I talked on the phone last month whereas I explained that an employee made an mistake and was fired after a second costly mistake was made, NOT me. He agreed to remove all negative threads and tried but needs help from the administrator. We both tried with no reply. Now I am getting calls from people saying that they sent there supercharger the some other fly by night wanta-be and there supercharger is now locked up. They told to my staff they were going to send the S/C to me but decided not to because of the negative post on NSX prime. So, Tell me how I should feel. Remember, my commit is addressed too: "Who the heck is bad mouthing me."

Ed. Martinez.
So how do you deal with people lying and discrediting your company? How do you standing up for your name and company reputation? is there ever a perfect way? Do you know how I feel? How would you like if you received a call from a potential NSX customer and they are hesitant and have questions about some comet they read about on NSX prime? I haven't done any harm. 1 employee made a mistake, another makes a shipping mistake. customer accuses me, not my employee, me of not replacing his rotor pack because of a scratch in the same place. Thinks ripped him off. Wants me to give him all of his money back. I asked him to send it back on our dime to correct it. Nope, wants all his money back or he will bash me. Now the post pops up any time you search PSE Superchargers on Google or Yahoo. Yes, I am upset. I didn't do anything wrong. The customer, Blacknot and I talked on the phone last month whereas I explained that an employee made an mistake and was fired after a second costly mistake was made, NOT me. He agreed to remove all negative threads and tried but needs help from the administrator. We both tried with no reply. Now I am getting calls from people saying that they sent there supercharger the some other fly by night wanta-be and there supercharger is now locked up. They told to my staff they were going to send the S/C to me but decided not to because of the negative post on NSX prime. So, Tell me how I should feel. Remember, my commit is addressed too: "Who the heck is bad mouthing me."

Ed. Martinez.

Ed, As a business owner you can not say "my employee made a mistake" That employee is YOU and your BUSINESS. You ask how to handle situations like this. Well, the best way is to calmly explain your side of the story without getting emotional. The yelling in your posts along with name calling will kill your business. Remember this isn't just NSX owners reading this. It is everyone that does searches.
How do you standing up for your name and company reputation? is there ever a perfect way?

1. Don't write your reply when you're emotional.

2. Find someone with strong English skills and have them proofread/correct your reply.

3. Cool down some more and read your post one more time before you submit it.

Remember, my commit is addressed too: "Who the heck is bad mouthing me."

Your comments don't read like that at all. If I ever need SC service, all I'm going to remember about PSE is that the owner is a hothead and who wants to do business with someone like that?

See #1, #2, & #3 above.
Heyskippy, You don't have anything to do with this so please bud out! Ron and I will figure this out.
We all understand you're upset. I have no dog in this fight but dude.. for your own sake... take a week off. Calm down.

Again, these combative replies from you only hurt you.

Source1 is a Class Act vendor. I'm sure they've had their fair share of issues. It's all about how you handle it as a business owner.
Ed, As a business owner you can not say "my employee made a mistake" That employee is YOU and your BUSINESS. You ask how to handle situations like this. Well, the best way is to calmly explain your side of the story without getting emotional. The yelling in your posts along with name calling will kill your business. Remember this isn't just NSX owners reading this. It is everyone that does searches.
Thanks, You are right. I don't know the thread stuff or about posting things. I just know how to be good employer, dad and husband. I was pegged directly as the culprit. You and I always know that we are the company. Our customers think that if something goes wrong, WE did it not understanding or considering all the crap that happens behind our backs. I hate to fire an employee but I must always protect my customers and company.

- - - Updated - - -

1. Don't write your reply when you're emotional.

2. Find someone with strong English skills and have them proofread/correct your reply.

3. Cool down some more and read your post one more time before you submit it.

Your comments don't read like that at all. If I ever need SC service, all I'm going to remember about PSE is that the owner is a hothead and who wants to do business with someone like that?

See #1, #2, & #3 above.

please stop responding. I asked you to bud out so bud out. I don't need your instruction or negative feedback. I am not a hothead. Stay out of this.

- - - Updated - - -

Blacknot and I are clear and resolved.

My post was for ANYONE that that has a PSE invoice with ANY concern with PSE to put it no the table right now! If you don't have an invoice stop making comments about my company.

- - - Updated - - -

I didn't think so.

I am going back to work.

Thanks, You are right. I don't know the thread stuff or about posting things. I just know how to be good employer, dad and husband. I was pegged directly as the culprit. You and I always know that we are the company. Our customers think that if something goes wrong, WE did it not understanding or considering all the crap that happens behind our backs. I hate to fire an employee but I must always protect my customers and company.

- - - Updated - - -

please stop responding. I asked you to bud out so bud out. I don't need your instruction or negative feedback. I am not a hothead. Stay out of this.

- - - Updated - - -

Blacknot and I are clear and resolved.

My post was for ANYONE that that has a PSE invoice with ANY concern with PSE to put it no the table right now! If you don't have an invoice stop making comments about my company.

- - - Updated - - -

I didn't think so.

I am going back to work.



I have no part in this whatsoever, so take this however you see fit. Prime is the wrong place to be bashing members. In fact, should you care to visit our vendor feedback area, you might be surprised at how prime members actually give credit to vendors for their customer service, business ethics, etc. While you take personal offense to what members such as Source 1, RYU, and heySkippy have told you, I would actually recommend that you listen to them.

YOU are the business owner and ultimately responsible for the actions of those you employ with regards to work performed at your business. Instead of blaming your employees, how about standing up and saying that "I" messed up and will do whatever "I" can to make it right. I've been a member of this forum for a little while and can tell you from experience, that would go a long way. As a person who is currently contemplating Supercharger or Turbo, your emotion and the fact that I may one day be on the receiving end of one of your temper tantrums makes my choice much easier.

I did not write this to stir the pot, bad mouth you, or anything else of the sort. Rather, I wrote this to give you a different perspective on things and how to approach them here. Of all the forums I have ever been on, prime has always been my favorite because of its members. Don't know if it is worth it to you to find out, but I'd recommend it.
I just know how to be good employer...

Don't think so Ed. Your past few posts on NSXPrime have single-handily decreased the non-OEM business your company will see.

I feel sorry for the OEM's that have to deal with you too.

The previous posters in this thread have been very polite and have given you honest, helpful feedback how to improve. Obviously, my post is not one of them. I don't have an invoice from you either.

This should be entertaining.
Thanks to this thread, I know who to avoid if I decide to supercharge. Wow.

Just about sums it it up.

This one meltdown will cause more harm than good for your company and it looks like the word is spreading quickly (google searches). Hopefully you've learned a valuable lesson from this: don't have a meltdown over the internet. If their is an issue, you as a business owner are responsible and it is your job to make things right within reason. Present facts politely and never ever lose your cool.
I wouldn't let PSE work on my skateboard after reading his illiterate hot headed nonsense.
Hello everyone. We have had a company meeting this morningwith all of our staff members in regards to the isolated incident that happenedto blacknot supercharger repair order. Bottom line with our company is customersatisfaction in giving them the highest quality product. As all of you cantell, up to this point PSE Superchargers has a blemish free reputation for thepast 17 years. Of course things have happened and we quickly react to resolveany concerns with our customers. In our opinion, the customer is always rightas long has he completely understands all of the circumstances regardingsomething going wrong. Sometimes it just takes a conversation with the customerso that they clearly understand everything that has happened. Sometimes it'sbest to give the customer refund as a goodwill gesture or it's just flat-outthe right thing to do. Again, thisrarely ever happens. In this regard,because of the circumstances that have happened, Ron received his superchargerback with a scratch on the rotor in the same locations as his old rotors. Thiswould clearly indicate to him that he paid for something that he did notreceive. We can clearly see that. Even though we know that the rotors werereplaced and the technician did not remove the burr in his housing that causedthe scratch in the first place before putting the new rotor pack in, thetechnician should have repaired the housing and grabbed another new rotor packand slid it in. He admittedly didn't because he did want to get in trouble forthe mistake he had made and thought that the customer would not notice thescratch. There are thousands of timesthat we rebuild superchargers and the customers rotors mechanically are finethey just have a lot of scratches on them. Typically we smooth them out and continue with the remanufacture. Light scratches on supercharger rotors areharmless and provide no loss of boost pressure. These are scratches you can barely feel with your hands. Bottom line in Ron's case, he paid for Newrotors with no blemishes and he was supposed to receive brand-new rotors withno blemishes. I have made the decisionthis morning with the support of my staff, to provide Ron a full refund as agesture of goodwill. We will providethis refund today. I truly apologize forany inconvenience or worry that he has gone through. Rest assured, the supercharger he receivedhis mechanically perfect. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>​
Ed Martinez.<o:p></o:p>
Guy's, Take it easy. I am not hot headed or having a meltdown LOL.
Look, there were harsh words against my company without theunderstanding exactly what happened. Before anybody has looked into anything they just can't wait to dive inon something negative and start beating somebody up about something they knownothing about. First off they're noteven involved and second off they can make very damaging remarks about aperson's company. I could always tellthe people that have never owned a company and had to manage employee's. Have you ever heard of someone buying a productthat is 100% blemish free? No. Most all of you posting on this website ownan NSX. Did you know that many differentdefects were on these vehicles because of someone's negligence. The problem was not caught by the owners ofAcura and the product went out and was sold anyway. I don't hear anybody bad mouthing the AcuraNSX. This car has had all kinds ofproblems. Broken harmonic balancers thatcauses the timing belt to jump resulting in a destroyed engine. Front alignment that is so bad from new thatit chews up the front tires. Windowregulators fail, Bose speaker amplifiers fail, snap ring failure in thetransmission. There was even a recall onthe 1991 Acura NSX for a seatbelt problem. If these problems were brought to the ownersof Acura's attention they would have fixed any issues before the product wasreleased. <o:p></o:p>
Yes, PSE Superchargers is a good company. In fact I'm the only company you would everwant to send your supercharger to if you want it repaired correctly at a fairprice. Am I absolutely perfect? No. AmI always making steps to improve the company? Yes. In the case of Blacknot’s supercharger repairwe can clearly understand how he thought that maybe a part had not beenreplaced that he paid for. I have madethe decision to refund his entire invoice as a gesture of goodwill. Ron has put no pressure of any kind on us todo this. We can clearly see hispoint. We feel the customers alwaysright as long as he understands all of the circumstances. We have also added an inspection of allsuperchargers by the shop foreman before they are sent to shipping.<o:p></o:p>
I apologize to all of you that was thinking I was having ameltdown are being hotheaded. Iwasn't. I was just frustrated thatpeople throw their opinion out on things without being asked for it. After Ron and I spoke over the phone andexplained the circumstances of what happened he was totally fine with that. Collectively we have made a decision toprovide them a full refund just to remove any worry that my companycollectively performed anything wrong on purpose. Ron purchased a product that was supposed tobe blemish free, that's not what happened so he gets a refund.<o:p></o:p>
I hope that this closes this concern. And would like to ask if anyone has asupercharger repair need to please allow me the opportunity to prove myself toyou. Think about it, 17 years of beingin business and only one negative customer feedback at of the thousands ofsuperchargers we remanufacture. We mustbe doing something right. <o:p></o:p>
Ed Martinez.<o:p></o:p>

Ed the owner of PSE has been in contact with me to try and resolve this issue and make things right. Today he gave me 100% refund for the work had done. Since this has been 100% resolved now I would like the thread removed. He went above and beyond to make things right and earn back my business. If the moderator can remove this thread I would appreciate it
PSE Superchargers has earned my business back

As many of you know I had a negative experience in the past with PSE. Ed who owns the company has been in contact with to resolve the issue. He told me that his reputation is very important and he wants to earn my business. In our original transaction he had offered to replace my supercharger but with all that had happened I refused and wanted to cut ties. He called me today because he was trying to refund all of my money back I had paid him. I told him that was not necessary because I had paid him for a rebuild and that he had replaced my bearing. I did not want to take advantage of the situation. He then emailed me and was unable to refund my card since its past 90 days old. Ed told me how important it was to him to make things right and he want to earn the Nsx community's trust back. I received a full refund today of close to $900. I'm honesty shocked since I had refused it. I feel he has gone above and beyond to make this right. Everyone does make mistakes and I was told this was a employee that was responsible and he was terminated. Ed told me he built this company 20 years ago and he does not want people thinking anything but the best from his company. I really feel he is sorry and we have spoken several times over the past few weeks. To refund me $900 with me telling him that it was not needed speaks for itself. Im hoping the original thread will be deleted and everyone can put this in the past and move on.
Glad to see he's making it right with you Ron. Hope he works on his PR skills so he doesn't continue to put out fires he seems to create for himself and focuses on high quality SC rebuilds.

I would have refused his $$$ like you did as well. This is a good start to rebuilding his reputation.

With that said.. hope it's a long long while before I rebuild my SC. It's rated to boost at 7psi but at the track I peaked at 8psi :)
Maybe he should have thought of that before he tried to rip you off. He shouldn't be in business.
In my defense, I do not try to rip anybody off. You were saying some horrible things about someone you don't evenknow. I have 13 employees to manage my company and the employee was terminated who made a mistake on a customers supercharger. The employee did not want to get in trouble for scratching a new set of rotors because he didn't clean up a blemish on the customer's housing. Then when the supercharger was shipped out our normal shipping clerk was out sick and a new employee that it only been with us for short time packaged Blacknot’s supercharger. He used cardboard and bubble wrap as packing material. He did not know how to operate and Instapack machine. He thought that because we receive superchargers coming in like this all the time that a supercharger can go back out the same way. So the packing was absolutely ridiculous and completely unacceptable. Fortunately the supercharger made it to the customer just fine. Now I have a second person trained in the shipping department to ensurethis never happens again. Yes I should be in business. I've been providing the best supercharger remanufacturing in the world. No one could ever come close to our quality and customer service. PSE had been the official authorized warranty and service center for the United States for the manufacture of the Lysholm AB Superchargers and Opcon AB Autorotor in Stockholm Sweden. We had a 4 year relationship with them before the company president asked us if we would perform warranty and service in the United States for them. At that time we were granted access to all of the original equipment service parts, Jigs and special tools. Not cheap China knockoffs that you will find from other so-called competitors. We are tier 1 for Ford Motor Company, Mercedes Benz AMG and Mercedes Benz Eaton's style superchargers, General Motors, Nissan America, Toyota TRD,Jackson Racing, Mazda America IHI, and many others. We process approximately 1300-1500 superchargers a year. That's about six superchargers a day on the average. If you go to my company website and take a look at the shop tour you will be ableto see my facility. I am not a one-manband working out of my garage. Wipple Industrieswas purchasing the Lysholm 1.6 L supercharger that ended up on most of your supercharger kits. The remaining supercharger kits for the NSX were produced using a Opcon 1.7 L. The only two companies I would ever let work on my supercharger is Kenny Bell who does an awesome job and like me and only uses OE components. The other companyis Wipple Industries. Whipple Industry refers all customers with older superchargers to PSE Superchargers and no one else. During our remanufacturing process we go through great detail to make sure that everything is perfect. I spent well over $.5 million with my new facility and equipment in 2007. If you were to call Roush Racing, Saleen, Jackson Racing, Toyota TRD, tomorrow and ask them where should I send my supercharger for repair? They would inform you that they only send customers To PSE Superchargers with absolutely no complaints.

I have sincerely apologized to Blacknot for what happened and have done everything we can to make it right. Regarding B Boxer we did return his supercharger. He needed a new rotorpack. We both thought it just needed to be rebuilt when we spoke over the phone. When the supercharger arrived his gears were very worn and we had no new replacements for the first generation. He had to get his car back together for an automotive event. Typically we only return superchargers in pieces. We rarely ever put them back together because of liability. In his case I wanted to help them get to the event. I instructed Jim, our shop foreman to find some good used gears and a couple of bearings including a couple of new bearings and seals and put it back together to help the guy out at no charge. Just the inspection and shipping fee. To my surprise, I ended up getting slapped in the face. Of course he put his supercharger back on and went to his event with out a hitch. We were accused of telling him he needed something that he didn't.
Look you guys, I want to be friends with all of you. I'm not a bad guy nor do I have a bad business. Things just spiraled out-of-control. I take fullresponsibility. <o:p></o
There is no better authority on your superchargers then me, Whipple or Kenne Bell. <o:p></o
I know that a lot of you have questions and many of you are not really sure of the answers. I know because I've read most of them and geta little laugh now and then. I would like to be your tech support when it comes to these superchargers. Ask me any question you wish and I can supply you with good reliable answers and some help if you need.<o:p></o
Thank you.<o:p></o
Ed Martinez<o:p></o
Last edited:
In my defense, I do not try to rip anybody off. You were saying some horrible things about someone you don't evenknow. I have 13 employees to manage my company and the employee was terminated who made a mistake on a customers supercharger. The employee did not want to get in trouble for scratching a new set of rotors because he didn't clean up a blemish on the customer's housing. Then when the supercharger was shipped out our normal shipping clerk was out sick and a new employee that it only been with us for short time packaged Blacknot’s supercharger. He used cardboard and bubble wrap as packing material. He did not know how to operate and Instapack machine. He thought that because we receive superchargers coming in like this all the time that a supercharger can go back out the same way. So the packing was absolutely ridiculous and completely unacceptable. Fortunately the supercharger made it to the customer just fine. Now I have a second person trained in the shipping department to ensurethis never happens again. Yes I should be in business. I've been providing the best supercharger remanufacturing in the world. No one could ever come close to our quality and customer service. PSE had been the official authorized warranty and service center for the United States for the manufacture of the Lysholm AB Superchargers and Opcon AB Autorotor in Stockholm Sweden. We had a 4 year relationship with them before the company president asked us if we would perform warranty and service in the United States for them. At that time we were granted access to all of the original equipment service parts, Jigs and special tools. Not cheap China knockoffs that you will find from other so-called competitors. We are tier 1 for Ford Motor Company, Mercedes Benz AMG and Mercedes Benz Eaton's style superchargers, General Motors, Nissan America, Toyota TRD,Jackson Racing, Mazda America IHI, and many others. We process approximately 1300-1500 superchargers a year. That's about six superchargers a day on the average. If you go to my company website and take a look at the shop tour you will be ableto see my facility. I am not a one-manband working out of my garage. Wipple Industrieswas purchasing the Lysholm 1.6 L supercharger that ended up on most of your supercharger kits. The remaining supercharger kits for the NSX were produced using a Opcon 1.7 L. The only two companies I would ever let work on my supercharger is Kenny Bell who does an awesome job and like me and only uses OE components. The other companyis Wipple Industries. Whipple Industry refers all customers with older superchargers to PSE Superchargers and no one else. During our remanufacturing process we go through great detail to make sure that everything is perfect. I spent well over $.5 million with my new facility and equipment in 2007. If you were to call Roush Racing, Saleen, Jackson Racing, Toyota TRD, tomorrow and ask them where should I send my supercharger for repair? They would inform you that they only send customers To PSE Superchargers with absolutely no complaints.

I have sincerely apologized to Blacknot for what happened and have done everything we can to make it right. Regarding B Boxer we did return his supercharger. He needed a new rotorpack. We both thought it just needed to be rebuilt when we spoke over the phone. When the supercharger arrived his gears were very worn and we had no new replacements for the first generation. He had to get his car back together for an automotive event. Typically we only return superchargers in pieces. We rarely ever put them back together because of liability. In his case I wanted to help them get to the event. I instructed Jim, our shop foreman to find some good used gears and a couple of bearings including a couple of new bearings and seals and put it back together to help the guy out at no charge. Just the inspection and shipping fee. To my surprise, I ended up getting slapped in the face. Of course he put his supercharger back on and went to his event with out a hitch. We were accused of telling him he needed something that he didn't.
Look you guys, I want to be friends with all of you. I'm not a bad guy nor do I have a bad business. Things just spiraled out-of-control. I take fullresponsibility. <o:p></o
There is no better authority on your superchargers then me, Whipple or Kenne Bell. <o:p></o
I know that a lot of you have questions and many of you are not really sure of the answers. I know because I've read most of them and geta little laugh now and then. I would like to be your tech support when it comes to these superchargers. Ask me any question you wish and I can supply you with good reliable answers and some help if you need.<o:p></o
Thank you.<o:p></o
Ed Martinez<o:p></o

Glad to see you made good with blacknot. If he will give you another chance then I will too.
As a retired business owner I can certainly agree that mistakes get made.
But to survive as a business the owner must accept responsibility for any mistakes regardless of who makes it.

The measure of the firm, and the maturity of the owner, is how a mistake is handled.
If the mistake is made, it must be acknowledged and promptly corrected.
Sometimes the firm is not really at fault, but if the general perception is that the firm is at fault the owner needs to show good judgement and fix the problem.

My experience is when a complaint is handled quickly the reputation of the firm is enhanced.