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Beware of PSE Superchargers!!

I love it when someone keeps making a situation worse but think they're doing so much good. Please keep this train wreck going PSE. The more you try to bully people on this forum the body count from that wreck just continues to pile up. I will be going supercharged in the future so I want to thank you. I now know where it won't be going to get work done.
+1 thinking about supercharging soon also.
I love it when someone keeps making a situation worse but think they're doing so much good. Please keep this train wreck going PSE. The more you try to bully people on this forum the body count from that wreck just continues to pile up. I will be going supercharged in the future so I want to thank you. I now know where it won't be going to get work done.
I was in the forgiveness category after ed made things right with Ron, but now PSE is back on the POS list for me.
This reminds me an actress in a low budget movie that mocked the Muslim and triggered chaos in Benghazi , Lybia . It ended up killing the US ambassador . She sued YouTube for not removing the movie that was posted. How did she do?

BTW, could someone tell Nate from CT engineering be careful whom he should refer his customers to , so we don't have this mess?
Another email:

"What purpose or does your client have on leaving a negative thread that the author himself has asked to be removed?
Why would he not want to comply with what the author would request?
How is leaving a negative link beneficial to your client?
Why would you not encourage or client to have the thread removed to provide a more positive environment within his Internet forum?
How does it benefit your client in leaving the negative exchange on his Internet forum?

Mr. Ondrovic did you know a recent case showed how powerful Defamation laws, applied online, can be. In November 2006, a Florida woman, Sue Scheff, was awarded $11.3 million in damages in Broward County Circuit Court, in one of the biggest awards ever tolled. The suit was filed for Internet defamation, and the jury found a Louisiana woman had posted caustic messages against the Scheff and her company, claiming she was a "con artist" and "fraud". The jury found the charges were completely false, so the Louisiana woman had no defense. Interestingly, Scheff's attorney had offered to settle the case for $35,000 before it went before the jury.

PSE Superchargers, Inc.
418 Enterprise Drive
Edmond, OK* 73013

By way of background:
1. A jury did not decide the allegations were false - nor did any jury decide there actually was defamation. The defendant never appeared for trial and a judge issued a default judgment.

2. The jury did award damages against a person who did not appear at trial and who offered no defense by an attorney or anyone else. It's similar to what could have been expected if the 49ers didn't show up at lambeau on Sunday and the packers were told they had to play the game against no one.

3. The defendant was a Katrina victim, homeless with no money to defend herself (or pay this paper judgment).

4. Most importantly, the defendant was the person who made the purported defamatory statements - NOT the Internet forum.
From the sound of things... I came up with a thought: What if they did this to keep that 'clean history' that Ed deems PSE for the past 17 years because he's been going around eliminating all the 'negative threads and posts' regarding his company and solely keeping the Good job PSE threads out there? Just a thought...
most that make threats work off the assumption that those they are threatening are not intelligent enough to call their bluff. bullies are bullies only because they have yet to get their noses broken...
^ reading this last email on Bob post, a simple sentence comes to mind:

"If you are in a hole trying to get out, digging is not the solution" (this in Prime context)

Way to dig a deeper grave Ed...
one can only surmise what you'd do in person if this is how you attempt to intimidate over the Internet.
Has his imaginary attorney sent any correspondence yet?......or is Ed just someone with a lot of time on their hands sitting at his desk making idle threats and making himself look like a crybaby. For someone that wants the world to see how "smart" he is, he should be able to figure out how many potential customers he is losing every time someone reads his buffoonery here that he is dragging on with.
EPIC thread...Point though(mentioned earlier) it is sad that the NSX community doesn't have a good shop to repair SCs.
Wow...just wow. Some people can't get out of their own way on the Internet.

Sounds to me like PSE is capable of doing a lot of very good work. And I believe Ed does truely try to provide quality work. But his customer relations skills leave a lot to be desired. I'm glad he's so busy that he doesn't need my business because I wouldn't do business with him. Not that he doesn't try to provide a quality service. Not that he isn't honest. It's just that if we ever failed to see eye to eye about anything, I have the feeling Ed would dig in his heels and refuse to work with me. Ed, there was a suggestion earlier on that you hire someone to handle customer relations. I'd give that some thought. The kind of tough personality it takes to run a growing business is usually not the kind that deals effectively with dissatisfied customers. Working effectively with a customer who is unhappy, angry, and feeling abused--rightly or wrongly--is a unique challange that requires a very special kind of talant and skill set.

And by the way, a public forum is no place to resolve customer satisfaction issues. As tempting as it may be to try to defend oneself in response to unfair (in your eyes at least) criticism, the smart thing to do is to fix the problem and let the complaintant post about the positive resolution. And telling potential customers to "bud[sic] out" is no way to promote one's business.

In my line of work I spend a lot of my time dealing with problems experienced by end users, business associates, and customers. I always assume the problem is at my end until I have investigated thoroughly and determined otherwise. At that point I make sure I provide a clear explaination to the other party. I don't consider the matter closed until I know the other party is satisfied with my analysis and my conclusions. Even then, I do everything I can to help the other party resolve the issue while keeping an open mind that new information could still come up that puts the problem back in my court.

I also have to deal with unreasonable requests, demands, and accusations. When I feel myself getting hot under the collar I take a deep breath and remember that staying calm and reasonable will be far more productive than would blowing my top.
This was a very interesting thread! I think keep it for the entertainment factor alone. But on a more serious note, yes I'm concerned when the time comes for rebuilding my CTSC. I don't even have it yet, it's shipping soon. But I guess they all wear out at some point. Maybe go straight to the manufacture?
So I think its time to rebuild my Whipple Comptech super charger. did an internet search and came to this thread and I am not sure I want to send it too this company.. Can someone point me in the right direction Please! I would like someone that does good work and is fair and honest..

thanks Jermaine
So I think its time to rebuild my Whipple Comptech super charger. did an internet search and came to this thread and I am not sure I want to send it too this company.. Can someone point me in the right direction Please! I would like someone that does good work and is fair and honest..

thanks Jermaine

I've got the SOS 2.1 Kenne bell no major issues I had the drive snout seal go bad but was an easy fix just removed and installed a new one. There are a few rebuilders out there have you tried http://www.magnacharger.com/ or http://kennebell.net/KBWebsite/Reman_SC_pg/layouts/remansc.htm?
Wow...just wow. Some people can't get out of their own way on the Internet.

Sounds to me like PSE is capable of doing a lot of very good work. And I believe Ed does truely try to provide quality work. But his customer relations skills leave a lot to be desired. I'm glad he's so busy that he doesn't need my business because I wouldn't do business with him. Not that he doesn't try to provide a quality service. Not that he isn't honest. It's just that if we ever failed to see eye to eye about anything, I have the feeling Ed would dig in his heels and refuse to work with me. Ed, there was a suggestion earlier on that you hire someone to handle customer relations. I'd give that some thought. The kind of tough personality it takes to run a growing business is usually not the kind that deals effectively with dissatisfied customers. Working effectively with a customer who is unhappy, angry, and feeling abused--rightly or wrongly--is a unique challange that requires a very special kind of talant and skill set.

And by the way, a public forum is no place to resolve customer satisfaction issues. As tempting as it may be to try to defend oneself in response to unfair (in your eyes at least) criticism, the smart thing to do is to fix the problem and let the complaintant post about the positive resolution. And telling potential customers to "bud[sic] out" is no way to promote one's business.

In my line of work I spend a lot of my time dealing with problems experienced by end users, business associates, and customers. I always assume the problem is at my end until I have investigated thoroughly and determined otherwise. At that point I make sure I provide a clear explaination to the other party. I don't consider the matter closed until I know the other party is satisfied with my analysis and my conclusions. Even then, I do everything I can to help the other party resolve the issue while keeping an open mind that new information could still come up that puts the problem back in my court.

I also have to deal with unreasonable requests, demands, and accusations. When I feel myself getting hot under the collar I take a deep breath and remember that staying calm and reasonable will be far more productive than would blowing my top.

Hello tof.

I would like to thank you for your comment in regards tothis terrible situation I have foolishly gotten myself into. Your thoughts and suggestions are veryaccurate, and I appreciate them. Everyyear there's always a couple customers that are difficult to deal with, but Ibelieve I do deal with those very well and always come up with a quickresolution in the customer's favor as soon as possible. What is difficult for me is that I see othermembers of this forum not realized that there have been several concerns thathave arose through the years and I've dealt with each one of them verywell. It's usually because of mistakethat was made out of shop that was clearly our own fault, and we took care ofsatisfying the customer very quickly. Itseems like we don't get credit for the hundreds of customers that are very satisfiedand continue to send us work. As theowner, I never thought I would be put into a position of having to protect theintegrity of my company and myself. Members of this Internet form immediately came to judgment aboutsomething they knew nothing about. Theyjumped into the bashing parade without even knowing me, and all the good that Ido every day for my customers and employees. They know nothing about our hardship programthat provides substantial discounts for customers who are going through adifficult hardship. They know nothingabout my 27 years of me being a volunteer Search and Rescue. Most of them do not know what it's like toenter a collapsed building with countless trapped victims in it, assisting thefire personnel recovering victims or deceased persons. I was immediatelystereotyped as a bad person. You hadmentioned to me that you would like to be my customer at some point, but wereconcerned if there were a disagreement and how I would handle it. I would like you to know that you need nothave any concerns. From time to time Iget a call from a potential customer that mentions to me that he read thearticle on this forum and they believe I was just standing up for myself andget a big kick out of non-involved persons making their worthless, immature andstupid comments. I agree with you thatI will never take a challenging situation and try to resolve it over the Internet. Through all the years there have been twotimes that I have done this. Once on theToyota form and the other on this forum. What is to say for the thousands of customersI have worked with and repair their superchargers, with no concerns? Doesn't that say something? People never get any credit for the positivethings they do. They only get bashed forsomething wrong they've done. There arepeople on this Internet form that do not even know me or have ever met me, norhave I ever met them, but they are quick to kick someone when they are down. Bashed them, put them down and just beingcompletely ugly to someone they don't even know. Tell them they deserve a broken nose. I really don't want any part of it. Each one of these people that I don't evenknow all have something they have done that they regret. It really bothers me that the administratorof this forum sent a private copy of a letter addressed to them, and put it onthis Internet form publicly. That shouldnever have happened. What the moderatorand administrator did not do is tell you about the three times I have reachedout very kindly, with no threats of legal action, asking them kindly to pleaseremove the threat. I did consult with anattorney who had suggested I send a more firm letter. My point in the letter was clearly to pointout that there is no benefit to them, allowing a link to appear out in theInternet that was discrediting my company. The author of the original thread and I have spoken several times and hehas indicated that it may have been best to contact me directly and speak to meabout his concerns versus addressing his concerns over the Internet withoutgiving me the opportunity to make things right. We had all thought that this would be enough that the administratorwould remove the thread. I've indicatedto the administrator that I didn't feel that it was fair that he would allowthe thread publicity be funneled from his Internet form. I guess it just shows the type of person thathe really is. For an administrator totake a private letter and post it on this form is really pathetic. Was he trying to make a laughingstock of me? Is that really his purpose? Is that really his place? Is he out for revenge? All this will do is bring negative to hisInternet form. I never meant for any ofthis to happen. I thought it was justdefending myself and ended up getting thrown into the lions den.<o:p></o:p>
Talk about beating a dead horse.........lol. Bump it up to the top for another year.
Beware is truly right . Wish I would have scanned the internet first . My mechanic in Florida found this guy online. What a disaster . Explained the situation what we needed done , he quotes 1399.00 over phone and we will receive back in 6-8 weeks . Haha funny guy . 6 weeks later we get call it's gonna be 3400.00 to rebuild and if I want it back within 10 days I will have to pay express fee of 400.00. Either that or they can "get two it in 6-8 weeks after waiting 6 already . Is this legal ??? My attorney says strong arm tactics are not . Anyway we call and claim we were already waiting and not paying the extra money . Ed agrees that if he gets the money wires and only wired which was a nightmare , that he will have done and shoppe in 7--10 days .we asked for a email specifically stating this as well because the guys is really shady . Well 9 days go by ask how it's coming along and if it will be shipped by Tmro to schedule car in shop to reinstall and he tells us another 2-3 weeks until he can get to it . We tell him this is unsatisfactory and bullshit after he aggreed to date and was wired a lot of money , his reply was I will charge you almost 900.00 to inspect and send your supercharger back in pieces . I honestly am amazed at this person , business owner , entrepreneur . Can we say stressed out much . I am not a little person and am getting my legal team on this immediately . If anyone would like to help or jump on board I think it's time to shut this guy down . I'm not goin into details but proof is he is a chronic liar , about his work , employees , business etc etc . 2000 superchargers a year lol . 15 employees . Beware all . I will be scouring the Internet as promised . Oh and still have not received my refund . Sean is my name
Dear NSX Prime Members. I apologize for the interruption in your forum. Please disregard the above attack from Mr. Forgarty as his information is not true and holds no merit. The events he is describing did not happen as he describes. He had sent PSE a message that he wanted his repairs performed for free or he would attack PSE on the internet. He had run across the "Beware of PSE Superchargers" thread and thought he could use that to taunt PSE. This person has serious mental issues and we strongly encourage no one to reply or provoke him.
Memo September 23, 2015.
PSE Superchargers Inc. is a reputable and trustworthy company.
PSE performs supercharger repair work with the highest quality and customer service. This is been our reputation since the company was opened.
I would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight in regards to a transaction that had taken place with a customer named Sean Forgarty. Recently, it was brought to my attention that Mr. Forgarty had posted a very negative and untrue statement regarding his transaction with PSE Superchargers. Mr. Forgarty went out of his way to intentionally make my company look incompetent and unfair. Mr. Forgarty made many accusations about PSE that are untrue. Our transaction with Mr. Forgarty has been uncomfortable and challenging. Mr. Forgarty demanded his supercharger be shipped 10 days before its scheduled completion and shipping date. Mr. Forgarty did flat-out threaten PSE that if his demands were not met that he would attack PSE Superchargers on the Internet as we were once before, in 2012.
This is the timeline of the actual chain of events that had taken place.
June 15, 2015. Received a telephone call from Mr. Forgarty's mechanic in Florida, inquiring about our services, timelines and average repair cost for a 2008 Mustang Saleen supercharger that has a severe oil leak at the front nose cone and the supercharger was making an abnormal noise. We informed the repair shop that due to the racing and boating season currently we are experiencing a backlog of 4 to 6 weeks to complete any repairs on the supercharger if it arrives within the next two weeks but we do have an available expedite service for an additional $400 that can rush the repairs of the supercharger and have it completed and shipped within 10 days. We provided our standard remanufacture price of $875 as posted on our website, $124 for return shipping to Florida (100lb.), and a expedite service fee of $400. Total $1399.00.
June 24, 2015. Supercharger arrived at PSE along with proper documentation. The front office contacted the repair shop immediately upon its arrival and then asked if expedited services were needed. The repair shop informed us that the customer Sean Forgarty did not want rush services at this time. The supercharger was then put in line in back of 12 superchargers that had arrived before it. The supercharger was scheduled for inspection and estimate on July 17, 2015 approximately 3 weeks and two days after its arrival.
July 17, 2015. The supercharger was disassembled, sanitized and inspected for repairs. The front gear cover/ nosedrive were found to be severely leaking. The front bearing had been spinning in the housing, causing a severe groove allowing the bearing to move about excessively. This excessive movement allowed the pulley shaft to freely move about, therefore not allowing the front seal to contact all the way around the pulley shaft. The result was a severe leak that allowed the supercharger to run low on oil. The gears were worn allowing the two rotors to hit each other damaging the anodize coating.
Total to repair: standard reman, replacement bypass valve actuator, new rotor pack, new nosedrive gear cover, return shipping to the customer add insurance, heavy-duty shipping container. $3300.00 additional cost for expedited services, $400. Grand total $3700. New replacement $4500 before shipping cost also, no longer available.
July 17, 2015. Late afternoon. Repair shop was notified of the estimate for repairs and forwarded this information to his customer. Repair shop, asked if Sean Forgarty could pay PSE directly as he has had trouble paying his bills as agreed. Repair shop owner provided Mr. Sean Forgarty's phone number so that we could call him and receive payment directly. A voicemail was left for Mr. Forgarty that same afternoon with no reply.
July 18, 2015. Mr. Sean Forgarty telephoned PSE and requested all suggested repairs be performed. Mr. Forgarty indicated that the entire supercharger had been replaced once before, due to a complete failure. Mr. Forgarty requested expedited services during this phone call. Mr. Forgarty requested a completion date, and we informed him 10 days after receiving his payment. We provided Mr. Forgarty with a prepaid UPS return envelope label by e-mail and Mr. Forgarty informed me that his payment would be made by personal check using the UPS label on Monday, July 20, 2015 and we would receive it Tuesday, July 21, 2015.
No payment was received on Tuesday the July 2015.
During the next two weeks several e-mails, voicemails and text messages were sent to Mr. Forgarty inquiring about his payment with no reply. Because of no reply for over two weeks we prepared to return his supercharger disassembled and carefully packaged to the repair shop in Florida with a COD invoice to cover the open invoice for cleaning, disassembling and inspection, shipping, packaging and insurance.
Monday, August 10, 2015, we finally received a phone call from Mr. Forgarty. He inquired if his supercharger repairs had been completed(?) We informed Mr. Forgarty that until his invoices is paid no further work can be performed on his supercharger. We reminded him that this had been explained to him 3 times prior. We informed him that we had left numerous messages by voicemail, e-mail and text message. He then became frustrated that we had not completed his repairs. I then explained to Mr. Forgarty that I had felt uncomfortable accepting his personal check, and that I would need to have guaranteed funds to move forward with his repairs by the means of bank wire transfer. Mr. Forgarty, and then continued to complain and become difficult. Mr. Forgarty did not want to pay the additional cost of expedited services, but wanted to receive these services free of charge. Mr. Forgarty then wanted to have a date of completion. I again informed Mr. Forgarty that the completion date would be determined after we had received his payment and if this payment reflected the additional expedited services charge of $400. I provided Mr. Forgarty by e-mail our bank wire transfer instructions and he promised to make his payment within the next couple of days after a line of credit he applied for was approved.
Friday, August 14, 2015. We finally received payment by bank wire transfer that did not include the expedite services fee. I personally contacted Mr. Forgarty by telephone and informed him that we have received his payment and the supercharger would be scheduled for completion in approximately 3 weeks. He asked why it was going to take so long.
I reminded him that when his supercharger arrived PSE was 6 weeks backlogged. The supercharger arrived on June 24. Three weeks and 2 days later an estimate was completed. Once the invoice is paid then in 3-4 weeks after that we would be ready to ship his supercharger back to Florida. I reminded Mr. Forgarty that we had waited 24 days before receiving his payment after he had promised to pay his invoice the next following Monday. I also informed Mr. Forgarty that since 24 days had passed without receiving his payment our workload has increased and a realistic ship date would be September 11, 2015, but I would make an attempt to see if we could have a completed as soon as August 28, 2015, but I couldn't make any promises.
Thursday, August 27, 2015 4:31 PM. 15 days before the estimated ship date. I received a text message from Mr. Sean Forgarty inquiring if his supercharger has been shipped to the repair shop in Florida.(?) I replied to him that it has not shipped and will not ship for approximately 15 days on the scheduled completion date and that he would receive an e-mail with his tracking number. I had then received a text message back with swearing and threats that if his supercharger wasn't completed and sent out the next following day that he was going to have his office go on to the Internet and slander PSE and myself.
Mr. Sean Forgarty then made several statements that I was running a scam for charging him a rush fee. His message just didn't make any sense. Why he was saying I was scamming him for a rush fee that he never agreed to or paid I do not know. We firmly believe he was trying to strong-arm me with Internet slander threats after reading a published thread from 2012 whereas a customer had felt that the supercharger rotor pack that he had paid for was not actually replaced. The new replacement rotor pack had received a minor scratch during assembly so as a goodwill gesture to this customer PSE provided this customer with a full refund. This customer was very grateful and contacted the NSX prime forum owner had asked to have the entire thread, “Beware of PSE Superchargers” removed. The request was denied. In my opinion, the owner of NSX prime form allow this thread to continue posting for the reason that it draws attention to his website that offered advertising that he was compensated for depending on exposure.
I informed Mr. Forgarty that his allegations are not true, and I would not be strong-armed or threatened by him for any reason. I then informed him that I was going to stop the process of his supercharger repair and have his supercharger again packaged in pieces and shipped back to the repair shop in Florida, along with a COD invoice for the services that we have performed thus far. Mr. Forgarty then went completely out of control and continued with horrible threats.
Friday morning August 28, 2015. I contacted the repair shop owner in Florida, and explained the behavior from Mr. Sean Forgarty. I informed the shop owner that the completion setback for almost a month was only because Mr. Forgarty had not paid his invoice 24 days after it was presented to him. I informed the owner that Mr. Forgarty's behavior is not acceptable, and we no longer want to have him as a customer. The shop owner then asked me to please complete the repairs so he can get this Mustang out of his shop and Mr. Forgarty out of his hair.
For the sake of the repair shop owner and the terrible troubles that he would also incur if the supercharger arrived back to him in pieces with a COD invoice, I made the decision to side with the Florida repair shop owner and not interrupt the scheduled completion of Mr. Forgarty's supercharger repair.
On September 7, 2015, four days ahead of the completion date Mr. Forgarty’s supercharger was completed, tested and packaged for shipment. The Florida repair shop received the supercharger on September 14, 2015. I telephoned the Florida repair shop on September 17, 2015 and spoke with the shop owner who appeared to be very grateful to receive the supercharger in perfect like new condition. He Informed us that the supercharger would be installed on the vehicle the week of September 21 and informed me how well the vehicles running.
Today, September 23, 2015. I telephoned the repair shop in Florida, and spoke with the owner. Informed me that the supercharger has been installed and runs great.
On behalf of everyone here at PSE Superchargers and myself I would like to apologize for the interruptions of Internet threads and all reckless threads that Mr. Forgarty has made. I would like to ask my current and future customers to please disregard any reckless threads from Mr. Sean Forgarty. Any allegations that he makes that are negative towards PSE are completely untrue and have no merit. My mission has always been to provide you great customers with the best supercharger service and repairs available anywhere in the world. I truly love the work that I do and enjoy talking and working for you my customers. As always, my door is open for any potential customer to contact me here at PSE and discuss any supercharger services that you may consider.
Thank you.
Ed Martinez
President, PSE Superchargers Inc.
impressive retort....:eek: