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Ben Roethlisberger - in a motorcycle accident :(

H-carWizKid said:
What Nic was getting at is that just because Ben wasn't wearing a helmet does not mean he deserved injury.

That's how I read it too. Of course noone deserves an injury, well almost noone. :)

Exercising common sense and not being stupid to begin with go a long way in preventing them.
Hugh said:
Exercising common sense and not being stupid to begin with go a long way in preventing them.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I am still dissappointed he didn't take better measures to protect himself.

He will be missed on the field for whatever portion of the season he misses. (I am pretty well convinced he will be out for at least September).

I apologize for my last post - as pointed out I missed the point of the analogy.

While no-one deserves ill will, if you pointedly, deliberately refrain from using safety equipment you deserve part of the blame for any injuries caused by it's absence. Maybe most of the blame.

Regarding the 150 pounders and wood floor, I thought this guy was a basketball player at first. I don't follow the ball sports too much.
Re: Sorry

DocL said:
Don't the ball hit you in the face. :biggrin:
tea time...
and while we are on it, it's soccer, not futbol:biggrin:

hope big ben does alright. i know a good oralmaxillafacial reconstructionist in
boca, but he's probably too busy working on grandpa's stinky toof...
christopher reeve for the motosquad.
Re: Sorry

jalnjr said:
...i know a good oralmaxillafacial reconstructionist in
boca, but he's probably too busy working on grandpa's stinky toof...
christopher reeve for the motosquad.

I happen to know the OMFS who operated on Christopher Reeve. :wink: And he really was Superman because he removed the sitiches and intermaxillary fixation himself. :eek:
No mercy on stupidity...(Motorcycle = Helmet) nuff said.
Pay back is a bitch ...(cheated the Seahawks on the dive-in TD)

rickysals said:
breaking news on the local news here back @ home on KDKA...

Ben Roethlisberger was in a motorcycle accident this morning about an hour and a half ago. He was going straight thru a greenlight when a woman made a left turn illegally and Ben struck her front fender and hit the windshield with his head, then into the ground head first. No helmet.

He was taken to Mercy in Pittsburgh, I'm watching this live... will say more if there is more live, that isn't online yet.

Sucks :(
there's no way a Seahawks fan is whining about a call that showed with video evidence he scored while in the air - in a thread about him getting into an accident and being very lucky in only having sone broken bones in his face.
Hope he's ok...but yeah, I don't see his logic about no wearing a helmet. I don't think I'd even ride without full leather, armor, etc. It's just too damn dangerous out there for bike riders.
Re: No helmet

Soichiro said:
>>No helmet.


I agree 100%. Except that the first word out of my mouth was DUMBA$$. He is lucky he still has a brain and didn't break any "important" bones- femur, Rt. arm, etc.
One other thing. IIRC in Texas, It is illegal to ride a bicycle without a helmet yet its perfectly legal to ride a motorcyle without a helmet.:confused:
Did she got sued?
rickysals said:
...He was going straight thru a greenlight when a woman made a left turn illegally...(
Jin1976 said:
Did she got sued?

This story isn't even 24 hours old yet. It was a 62 yr old woman who made the turn.

I doubt she will be sued unless she doesn't have sufficient auto insurance w/medical coverage.
I'll have to agree. Gotta wear a lid. Great fb player, HORRIBLE common sense.

I feel bad that he got hurt cause someone cut him off and he got hurt in general, but at the same time I don't because it should have been common sense. We'll just call it...... Community Service Message. "Dont be an idiot like me, wear a helmet, it's the LAW"
Kicking a man when he is down?

NA1/2-R said:
No mercy on stupidity...(Motorcycle = Helmet) nuff said.
Pay back is a bitch ...(cheated the Seahawks on the dive-in TD)

Dude; I think your car is very nice, but you are a total moron.

Your going to come into a thread and call a motorcycle accident "payback" for a questionable football call?

If pay-back is such a bitch, I wonder what karma has in store for you...
Seven hours of surgery to fix his face:eek:

Sometimes guys just think with their balls and not with their brains:D
What gets me is that his reason for not wearing a helmet is "there's no law to wear a helmet". Would he drive drunk if there was no law restricting that? I bet everyone would feel okay calling him a moron or an idiot if the NFL changed their rules to not require a helmet on the field and he chose not to use one then got whacked.
