Be glad Honda/Acura isnt doing this to YOU...

This is Not News

Most warranties have clauses saying participation in racing events will void the warranty. All Mitsubishi is doing is using technology to enforce their clause.
Re: This is Not News

Soichiro said:
Most warranties have clauses saying participation in racing events will void the warranty. All Mitsubishi is doing is using technology to enforce their clause.

I think the upsetting part is the fact they are actively tracking these people.
Re: Re: This is Not News

DGibb said:
I think the upsetting part is the fact they are actively tracking these people.

And they are being very unfriendly about it too from what a few of my customers tell me. I guess they figure they will be a jerk to you now, so when your car is broken later you will already be prepared for it. It's proactivity is a nasty way!
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This doesn't make sense to me. How can Mitsubishi build a car that's way overpowered for the street then punish those that use that power safely at SCCA events rather than racing on the streets. Where do they expect their customers to drive the car to its full potential? To me, this is very contradictory of building a fast sports car.
ak said:
This doesn't make sense to me. How can Mitsubishi build a car that's way overpowered for the street then punish those that use that power safely at SCCA events rather than racing on the streets. Where do they expect their customers to drive the car to its full potential? To me, this is very contradictory of building a fast sports car.

Why should they care? Seems like all they care about (and I'm sure most if not all car manufactures) is $$$.
Zuerst said:
Why should they care? Seems like all they care about (and I'm sure most if not all car manufactures) is $$$.

That's exactly why they care because they are about to be Mitsibankrupt from what I have been reading.
Wow.. good pr for Subaru
jlindy said:
That's exactly why they care because they are about to be Mitsibankrupt from what I have been reading.

I think you misunderstood me. Of course they care about that, they're in it for the money. When I say they don't care, I meant they don't really give a damn about their customers once they sold their damn cars. Maybe that's why they're facing the possibility of bankrupt.
Lotus encourages people to participate in track events with their new Elise.
I think any company that denies their warranty on their "sports" cars without isolating the failed part during HPDE and similar events are just shooting themselves in the foot. I have a lot of respect for companies like Ferrari which actively encourage track use for their cars... thats where the extra $$ goes. In the end, you gotta pay to play. $35K may be not enough money for a proper new 300HP track car.
I have a 2003 EVO with 21,000 miles on it and I got some work done under Warrantee and my car had cams, cam gears, fuel pump, full turbo back exhaust with NO cat, computer, racing harnesses. The tech writer said "man the car lumps with those cams" then they ordered me a new fuel injector and said "good luck at the track next weekend" It all depends who you deal with and if you are nice or not. Hell someone was running a 150 shot on there evo and mitsu COVERED all of it but 1,000 in labor. about 8500 in parts.
I agree with ryanmcd2... it all depends on the dealer you work with and whether or not they like to work with those who use their cars for the intended purposes.
Honda IS doing this too!

Take a look at this post by our own Doug H. - owner of the flamemobile:

The "District Service Manager" comes and takes a look at my S2000. After his inspection, he denies fixing the motor/tranny, saying through the local service folks that, "This car has been on the race track. Warranty denied".
So if a car company can deny its warranty when using a high-performance car in an appropriate environment, there must be a lawsuit just around the corner for someone getting killed doing 150 mph on the highway.

Can't build fast cars, market them as race machines, and then claim owners are not to use the product as it was marketed.
GM has denied Corvette owners warranty coverage for racing their cars as well.


I should know -- I just sold my C5. The writing is on the wall with these $$-conscious corporations existing in an ever-increasingly litigous society.

To a certain extent - I can understand this rational. They do not want to cover race cars and become the free support team for a season of abuse.

My problem is the apperent lack of consistency and expectations. I am hearing everything from "your car has been on a track - denied" to "You must have had a great time Sunday - let us replace things that broke on you so you are ready for next week".

I can understand adopting language about timed competition events, but I wouldn't think a HPDE should be included in this (at least the better known and policed ones).

What is more disturbing is the repeaded speculation that being on a race track is enough to void a warranty. My wife typically meets me (with the kids) in the Minivan when I run at Gateway. She has to sign in at the gate and sign all the wavers for herself and each child. Could this list be used to deny coverage for our minivan as it was technically on a race track while a HPDE was run.

Also - what gives companies the rights to ammend a warranty contract after the car was sold?

Unfortunately - with the number of expensive accidents per HPDE and the speculation that we are all trying to scam the insurance industry and car companies with loopholes - I fear things are going to get a lot worse.

I guess we will all be lapping in old Neons and Miatas soon.

Who cares what Mitsu is doing, Hell the dealer down the street was closed by the FBI for having DEAD PEOPLE co-sign on new cars. This stuff happens, I don't care if the CEO is screwing sheep as long as the car is nice and does what I want it to.