Be glad Honda/Acura isnt doing this to YOU...

Ryanmcd2 said:
Who cares what Mitsu is doing, Hell the dealer down the street was closed by the FBI for having DEAD PEOPLE co-sign on new cars. This stuff happens, I don't care if the CEO is screwing sheep as long as the car is nice and does what I want it to.

I believe a truck driver in Japan died from accident that was caused by defective clutch. Mitsubishi knew of the defects but covered it up and never made the recall. There are also two other death related to defects that were known but never recalled. They don't have nice cars or policy. Read the news here.
Ryanmcd2 said:
Who cares what Mitsu is doing, Hell the dealer down the street was closed by the FBI for having DEAD PEOPLE co-sign on new cars. This stuff happens, I don't care if the CEO is screwing sheep as long as the car is nice and does what I want it to.

not a big animal rights guy huh? :D :D :D

Just kidding......

The mitsubishi situation is going from worse to terrible here in Japan. Its on the news every night.

Yet another MMC cover-up revealed

Yomiuri Shimbun

Mitsubishi Motors Corp. covered up an additional 93 defects in large vehicles, sources said Tuesday.

Of these, 21 led to accidents involving injuries, and eight were considered highly likely to cause accidents. The automaker did not recall any of the affected vehicles.

The Construction and Transport Ministry has begun an investigation of the latest findings on suspicion that the automaker, which spun off its truck and bus division in January 2003 to create Mitsubishi Fuso Truck & Bus Corp., concealed serious defects besides the defective clutch cases that already have come to light.

The failure to recall defective models was discovered after additional examinations of the company's conduct that were ordered by the ministry.

Following the examination, Mitsubishi Fuso reported 97 defects, including four faults that already had been revealed.

Recalls conducted by Mitsubishi Fuso as a result of the latest findings will be reported to the ministry.

According to the ministry, the 93 new defects were found in trucks and buses and included problems with parts for steering-columns and parking brakes. Of the 93, 29 either caused accidents or were regarded as having the potential to do so. A further 11 were seen as having the potential to indirectly cause accidents.

The 21 cases that caused accidents involved defective parts hitting other vehicles after falling off Mitsubishi vehicles. None of the accidents resulted in fatalities.

According to the sources, the new cases occurred from 1992 onward and were not reported by Mitsubishi Fuso. Some of the defects were concealed even after the company's earlier failure to recall defective models came to light in 2000.

Faulty parts were secretly changed or repaired through auto dealers in only 10 of the cases. In the other cases, the defects are thought to have been left uncorrected.

Ah, so this is the company edward norton told us about in 'fight club' :D
Ya Mitsu may suck and all but with the evo people can put 8-10k in there car and do this at the drag strip, then go autocross, go offroad, then goto a road course. Check out this slip

60' 1.62
330' 4.382
1/8 6.576
MPH 111.40
1000 8.443
1/4 10.01
MPH 143.50

Let me know when the NSX can do this, the car has only been out 14 months now.
Ryanmcd2 said:
Let me know when the NSX can do this, the car has only been out 14 months now.

Let's just correct you a little shall we.

The EVO 8 has been out 14 months. The EVO has been out FOREVER outside North America. No wonder it has so many parts. duh.. :rolleyes:

Also, YOUR car can't do that. Just some HIGHLY mod'd EVO.

Why don't you run YOUR car and see how YOUR car does.
Mitsubishi Motors has also been all over the news over the past few months because they have been losing bucketloads of money, and Daimler-Chrysler has been on-again-off-again in providing financial support for their share of the company.
Ryanmcd2 said:
Who cares what Mitsu is doing, Hell the dealer down the street was closed by the FBI for having DEAD PEOPLE co-sign on new cars. This stuff happens, I don't care if the CEO is screwing sheep as long as the car is nice and does what I want it to.

That's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
Maybe change your screen name to "EVO Troll".
Ryanmcd2 said:
Ya Mitsu may suck and all but with the evo people can put 8-10k in there car and do this at the drag strip, then go autocross, go offroad, then goto a road course.
Really? You can just take a regular EVO off-roading? That is quite impressive.

How do they do that? Specially-designed suspension that allows for the car to be raised multiple inches? Futuristic tires that can switch from road performance to big knobby design?

Please remember, AWD does not translate to off-road. It takes a little more to make that claim. Or do you think the Porsche C4 is a good off-roading vehicle also?

Also, while those times that you're posting are impressive (assuming the claims are true that $8-10K of mods can actually get you there reliably), this still does not address the original reason for this post: Mitsubishi appears to be going out of their way to void your warranty for the slightest "infraction".
Mitsubishi has always looked for reasons to deny and cancel warranty coverage. When I bought my new 1995 3000GT Spyder VR4 and added a K&N FIPK, they wanted to deny coverage for the transmission replacement. I was always scheduling my regular maintainence when the regional rep was out of the area because I had been told by the service manager that if he saw my car with the few bolt on mods (K&N, Borla exhaust, boost gauge, stereo) that he would void my warranty. It was even comented to me one time that I had put my top up/down over 1000 times during the three years that I owned the car and that was considered abuse.

I will never buy another Mitsubishi automobile because they do not know how to treat their customers well whether they own a $10,000 Mirage or $65,000 3KGT Spyder. Mitsubishi has brought this bad publicity apon itself. Good riddance!
DocL said:

I will never buy another Mitsubishi automobile because they do not know how to treat their customers well whether they own a $10,000 Mirage or $65,000 3KGT Spyder. Mitsubishi has brought this bad publicity apon itself. Good riddance!

$65k for 3000GT?! And people say NSX is overpriced...