I just recently had that installed on my NSX and I had that same exact problem. I'm guessing you have a later model NSX equipped with the electronic throttle body. It's not a leak in your vacuum lines that you're experiencing, but rather the electronic throttle mechanism that is "out of sync", which cause the butterfly plate to open and close. To solve this simply:
1) Loosen, but DON'T REMOVE the four tamper-proof torx bit screws at the side of the TB. (You can't miss it, it covers the electronic throttle mechanism. It does require a special tool, since those screws are not commmon and they are tamper-proof.)
2) Install the TB as you normally would.
3) Start the car and let it idle until the vehicle is warm/normal operating temp.
4) Rotate the cover that covers the electronic throttle mechanism. (Once the TB is installed and you're facing/looking at the TB, it should be able to rotate towards you or away from you. If you're not able to rotate that cover, you didn't loosen the screws enough.)
5) Once you're able to rotate that cover, you can hear the RPM's acting normal again. But if you rotate it to opposite direction, your RPM's will start to "hunt" again. Which is fine, because that means you're on the right track. Basically, you'll pretty much rotate that cover until the "hunting" goes away. Rotate a little at a time, let it sit there for a few seconds before rotating it again.
6) Once the "hunting" goes away, you need to make sure your car is idling like normal, keep an eye on your RPM's, it should be around 800 to 900 RPM's. If it's more than that, you either rotated the cover too much or not enough.
7) Once the "hunting" is gone and the idle is normal, tighten those four screws back. It'll be hard, since there's not alot of room there, but at least tighten one, so that it won't loose its place.
8) Turn the car off and remove the key. Remove the "clock" fuse for one minute to reset the ECU. Replace the fuse and start the car again.
9) If you did everything correctly, the "hunting" is gone and engine light is off. Let the car sit and idle until warm and make sure it's idling normally. If everything is fine, you're all done and go for a test drive.
Let me know if you have any problems. I'm sure you'll love the new sound and the better throttle response. I know I do. :smile: