Bay Area Christmas Dinner Post #2

I'm planning on driving the NSX to the dinner. I assumed that others would too since it'll probably be clear tomorrow night (though likely very cold) but thought I'd ask. Who's taking their daily driver? Who's taking their NSX?


i'd like to know as well! i'll probably leave straight from work so i'd need to know which car to take to work tomorrow :confused:
I'm planning on driving the NSX to the dinner. I assumed that others would too since it'll probably be clear tomorrow night (though likely very cold) but thought I'd ask. Who's taking their daily driver? Who's taking their NSX?


i'd like to know as well! i'll probably leave straight from work so i'd need to know which car to take to work tomorrow :confused:

I'm bringing my NSX to the Christmas Dinner :wink:

Looks like it's going to be a GREAT turnout! Sorry I'm going to miss out.

Have a GREAT X-MAS you guy and girls!

Well my flight to Houston has been canceled and I'm rerouting to Chicago. Getting into Oakland later than expected but as of now I think I will make it. Save me 2 seats in case I'm late.
I'm planning on driving the NSX to the dinner. I assumed that others would too since it'll probably be clear tomorrow night (though likely very cold) but thought I'd ask. Who's taking their daily driver? Who's taking their NSX?


We coming in my wifes Tl............bill :biggrin:
I don't think I'll be able to make this. Have some issues at work that need to be resolved by tonight :frown:
Wishing you all an awesome dinner and lots of fun tonight! Good food and good friends is what it is all about.:smile:
Thanks, Nalesh. I really wanted to go to the Sac dinner this coming Monday but it's just soooooooooo far! I know you'll all have a great time also.

Hey Guys,

Couldn't make it tonight. Getting real sick and wouldn't stop coughing. You guys have fun and takes lots of pics. I did bought some toys and who should I drop the toys off to?
Sorry you can't make it, Larry. Take care of that cold.

We'll figure out tonight how the charity can get your toys. Thanks for your generosity.

Whats this?? I live the furthest away and I am the first to post after dinner.

Anyway just wanted to say that was a great dinner with great people and my wife and I had a great time and thank you to all the vendors who donated goodies....especially Driving Ambition of which I won a license plate frame and a $200 gift certificate.

Thanks to all those involved in setting this up.......and a special thanks to May Lee for pulling my raffle

Lets see some of those pics..........
FYI...The Marine Corp arrived in their Dress Blues to pick up the toys donated to Toys for Tots. After most of you guys left.

They send a big thank you out to all who donated Toys and money. They were quite impressed with some of the Toys brought to the dinner.

Several more Kids will hopefully experience a better Christmas due to all your generosity.

Tonight was a resounding success, I want to thank all of you who came from near and far to share your time and donate to a worthy cause.

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I had a great time like always with you guys/girls! Thanks to everyone who took part in setting this up and everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to attend!

and BIG thanks to my BFF James! lol Mike you're also my BFF :)

Click here for full size.
Thanks a lot Jimbo. So I see how it is.

I had a great time like always with you guys/girls! Thanks to everyone who took part in setting this up and everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to attend!

and BIG thanks to my BFF James! lol Mike you're also my BFF :)