bad bike accident

martin said:

I understand. The freedom to be a idiot without common sense. I hear you. I understand that these rights are actually so importent that you are willing to die for them. And you are correct. US has more of a tradition of liberty than Norway.

I think that we need some laws to prevent stupid people doing stupid things. I understand that you would protect the stupid's right to do stupid things. So I think we just have to agree to disagree on that topic.

I think the chances to survive is much greater using common sense and not being a idiot. I do not always succeed, but I try every day.

then i suggest you wear your helmet while driving your car to work!
willabeest said:
then i suggest you wear your helmet while driving your car to work!


I would if my risk assesment told me that it was needed. Going 30 km/h for 5 minutes in little traffic is a risk I can handle without a helmet.

Soon I will however wear some protective headgear since winter is not that far away. :)

martin said:

I would if my risk assesment told me that it was needed. Going 30 km/h for 5 minutes in little traffic is a risk I can handle without a helmet.
And there you go. My own personal risk assessment says riding without a helmet is a risk I can handle. :) Happily, the state of Florida agrees with me.
bodypainter said:
And there you go. My own personal risk assessment says riding without a helmet is a risk I can handle. :) Happily, the state of Florida agrees with me.


Last statment from me was about driving to work in my _Vw Golf_ without a helmet :)

If you want to drive without a helmet and the state of Florida agrees. Great for you. I hope that you do not regret it somewhere down the road though.

Ride safe

Originally quoted by Jerry Seinfeld

There are many things that we can point to as proof that the human being is not smart.
The helmet, is my personal favourite.
The fact that we had to invent the helmet.
Now why did we invent the helmet ?
Well, because we were participating in many activities that were cracking our heads.
We looked at the situation, we chose not to avoid these activities, but to just make little plastic hats,
so that we can continue our head-cracking life styles.

The only thing dumber than the helmet is the helmet law,
the point of which is to protect a brain that is functioning so poorly,
it's not even trying to stop the cracking of the head that it's in.

I LOVE that quote .........

p.s. I always wear my helmet on my bike - it's just crazy not to!
My personal choice is a Suomy Spec 1-R Extreme 'Dragon'. - not only are the Suomy's light, a great fit & meet the highest standards, they probably (IMO) have the absolute best graphics on the market!
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D'Ecosse said:
I LOVE that quote .........
The reason for helmet laws is so grannies who don't even ride can get their jollies by forcing their own choices on other people. They get off on the power trip. Come to think of it, that's the reason for a LOT of laws.

I love threads like this. Every single swinging dick is all like "I'd NEVER ride without a helmet!" but when I got out driving around I'd say 50% of the riders are helmetless. Someone is lying but it isn't me. Someone else out there is reading this and understands what I mean when I say helmets suck the fun out of riding.
martin said:

Last statment from me was about driving to work in my _Vw Golf_ without a helmet :)

If you want to drive without a helmet and the state of Florida agrees. Great for you. I hope that you do not regret it somewhere down the road though.

Ride safe

OK i was trying to stay out but ...
a friend of mine was a concert employed violinist until the ford she was driving at 15 MPH in an intersection was T-boned by a policecar doing 75MPH engaged in a high speed pursuit of some suspect (whom i assume escaped).
she can no longer even teach the violin. you may be going slow, you may even be stopped like the fellow on I-80 last year who was decapitated by a truck whose driver failed to
to notice the traffic had stopped. just because you drive slowly to work in your golf for a short distance does not mean a helmet might not save your life someday. since you already own one and there is no downside (except inconvenience and less enjoyment) you need to wear one or stop insisting bikers wear one.
I had the same thing happen to me on my old Ninja. Lady made a left turn right in front of me, I t-boned her, and took a helicopter ride to shock trauma. I took 5 years off and just recently bought a new bike. I was wearing full race suit and helmet. It definately saved my life, and no road rash.
OK....I've got to add my 2 cents......I've been riding motorcycles of all kinds for the last 37 years. In several hundred thousand miles of riding, I've crashed twice (fell asleep once and low sided on slick pavement the other. Both were learning experiences. The sense of freedom and joy derived from riding a powerfull 2 wheeler has kept me sane in a field (like NEWBY I suspect) that deals in human misery and death. Motorcycling is not a risk free activity, but who said life should be risk free? Generally speaking, it's a manageable risk if approached responsibly and tactically. Rider training, armored body protection and safe equipment can optimize your odds. Bikes that can do 0 to 60 in under 3 seconds simply don't suffer fools very well. The advice to ride "like your invisible" is a riding philosophy successful riders employ. I love my NSX, but nothing can replace a fast motorcycle!
fayaar said:
Did you register here just to post that?

Anyway, what's your point? It's a typical useless CNN article geared towards people with an attention span measured in seconds and fueled by sensationalism. Throw out a bunch of grim statistics and percentages but don't provide a single actual number so we'd have a basis to judge by. Be sure not to mention the part of the report that blamed a lot of the additional deaths and injuries on alcohol and increased ridership.

Junk science, trash reporting.
Why does the government feel the need to try and save us from ourselves? If you dont want to wear a helmet that should be your choice left up to you , not some bureaucrats in Washington. Where does it stop? And if you look hard enough you can find a statistic or a so called study to prove almost anything..
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I can not comment on the CNN article since I have not read the studies in question.

However it seems logic to me that if you fall over or get hit without protective gear you are likely to be more hurt compared to when you ride protected. But I can not say based on my first statement that there is a connection between no helmet laws and fatalites. It would not suprise me if it is though.

Would those driving without helmets and/or any other protective gear except a higher cost of insurance?

I don't understand why this is such an important topic. Some people wear helmets some people don't, who cares what other people do. Why do some people feel it is there job to "protect" people by forcing them to do something. Not wearing a helmet probably isn't going to hurt anyone but the person not wearing it, so to each his own. Sometimes I wear one sometimes I don't, it depends on where I'm riding. But my friend never wears one and it doesn't keep me up at night because he is experienced and is making his own decision. In WI the only time you are required to wear a helmet is when you have your learners permit, which is good. I wonder how many people who believe that helmets should be mandatory actually have ridden a motorcycle?
This in today's paper

WASHINGTON - Motorcycle fatalities have risen sharply in Florida since the state repealed its mandatory helmet law. States that repeal such laws run the risk of increased deaths and mounting health care costs for injured bikers, according to two studies released Monday, one by NHTSA, the other by IIHS. The NHTSA found that in three years following the repeal of Florida's helmet law in 2000, 933 motorcyclists were killed, an 81% increase from the 515 bikers that were killed from '97 to '99. The insurance study found that the death rate of motorcyclists from '01 - '02 increased 25% compared with the two years before the repeal of the helmet law in Florida.
2Dobes said:
This in today's paper

WASHINGTON - Motorcycle fatalities have risen sharply in Florida since the state repealed its mandatory helmet law. States that repeal such laws run the risk of increased deaths and mounting health care costs for injured bikers, according to two studies released Monday, one by NHTSA, the other by IIHS. The NHTSA found that in three years following the repeal of Florida's helmet law in 2000, 933 motorcyclists were killed, an 81% increase from the 515 bikers that were killed from '97 to '99. The insurance study found that the death rate of motorcyclists from '01 - '02 increased 25% compared with the two years before the repeal of the helmet law in Florida.

This study cites 933 deaths in 3 years versus 515 in two years,This clearly isnt an 81% increase in fatalities per year. Based on these figures fatalities are averaging 207.5 per year with a helmet and 311 without . I also wonder if this takes into account the increase in rider registration.
Zennsx said:
This study cites 933 deaths in 3 years versus 515 in two years,This clearly isnt an 81% increase in fatalities per year. Based on these figures fatalities are averaging 207.5 per year with a helmet and 311 without . I also wonder if this takes into account the increase in rider registration.

I don't know... I read a report the other day that said the median age for motorcycle fatalities has risen sharply. I'll paraphrase when I say that most of the fatalities were now due to 40 somethings that have just gotten their first motorcycle. It also said that alcohol was a huge factor in the new age group of deaths.

I threw the paper out. I wonder if I mistyped the original info?
headshot99r6 said:
I don't understand why this is such an important topic. Some people wear helmets some people don't, who cares what other people do. Why do some people feel it is there job to "protect" people by forcing them to do something. Not wearing a helmet probably isn't going to hurt anyone but the person not wearing it, so to each his own. Sometimes I wear one sometimes I don't, it depends on where I'm riding. But my friend never wears one and it doesn't keep me up at night because he is experienced and is making his own decision. In WI the only time you are required to wear a helmet is when you have your learners permit, which is good. I wonder how many people who believe that helmets should be mandatory actually have ridden a motorcycle?

Don't expect me to subsidize your ass when you get brain damage and your insurance expires and the state is picking up the tab for your long-term care.

People who choose to ride without helmets should be allowed to die and not be given care to treat wounds which would not have been present had they been wearing a helmet. If their private insurance or family can cover it, fine, but not the state.

There are reasonable risks and unreasonable ones. Driving a car w/o a helmet is not an unreasonable risk, statistically. Riding a bike w/o a helmet is.
liftshard said:
Don't expect me to subsidize your ass when you get brain damage and your insurance expires and the state is picking up the tab for your long-term care.

People who choose to ride without helmets should be allowed to die and not be given care to treat wounds which would not have been present had they been wearing a helmet. If their private insurance or family can cover it, fine, but not the state.

There are reasonable risks and unreasonable ones. Driving a car w/o a helmet is not an unreasonable risk, statistically. Riding a bike w/o a helmet is.

Whos to determine what a reasonable risk is? OURSELVES and not the government.
Zennsx said:
Whos to determine what a reasonable risk is? OURSELVES and not the government.


How about those who has to pay if you do something stupid and screw up?

Insurancecompanies do riskassessment all the time. I bet they will like to have all their customers to be as safe as possible. That means more money to them ofcourse, but it also means lower premium for all of us.

martin said:

How about those who has to pay if you do something stupid and screw up?

Insurancecompanies do riskassessment all the time. I bet they will like to have all their customers to be as safe as possible. That means more money to them ofcourse, but it also means lower premium for all of us.

Freedom isnt free...
Zennsx said:
Freedom isnt free...


I admit that I have very little knowledge to how your insurance in the US work.

In Norway everybody needs to have a insurance to cover if you do damage to other people vehicles/other people. Optional coverage to cover damage to your vehicle. Everybody also has a driver insurance.

From what I know about US insurance you can drive without insurance and cover whatever damage you make yourself.

Our insurance works like if there are a lot of people crashing a lot of bikes for whatever reason the insurance for all of us goes up.

You will have a lower premium if you are older and have driven for so and so many years without a accident. However if there have been a very bad year and a lots of accidents, stolen and crashed bikes I will eventually have to pay throug a higher premium the next year.

So in Norway your statement that "Freedom is'nt free" would bring up the point that "why should I pay for your "freedom".

liftshard said:
Don't expect me to subsidize your ass when you get brain damage and your insurance expires and the state is picking up the tab for your long-term care.
Well, that opens a can of worms. Can I decline to subsidize anyone's ass because they smoked and got lung cancer or because they were speeding and got in an accident or because they ate too much crap and got fat or drank until they got liver disease or masturbated until they went blind?