Austin NSX Meet

'FoYoAss: Thanks! Yes, we were in the NW Austin area thoughout the drive. Most of those pictures were on 2222/Bullick Hollow Road, but the fun stuff was on City Park Road and Lime Creek Road. I was too busy driving to snap pictures. :)

missnsx: I don't think you slowed anyone down - burbel's pace was good.

November 8 or 22 work for me. Carting would be a blast!
yes yes carting does sound fun. Anytime is good for me, I'll always make time to hang out with a bunch of other nsxers :) but can we please do lime creek again pleeeeeaaase hahahaha

I finally got around to making a short video of our drive (shot from an in-car video camera). Before you watch, I'd like to apologize for two things: 1) there's a huge smudge mark on my windshield obsuring the view (don't ask me how it got there) and 2) my ghetto Home-Depot camera mount does a poor job of isolating road vibration, resulting in less-than-stable video. Actually, there's a 3rd one: I'm learning Adobe Premier, so you'll have to deal with my lame editing skills. :)

Now that I've got all the disclaimers out of the way, here you go:

Part 1: 2222, City Park Road, 2222 towards Lime Creek Road
mostly burbel, NSX ATX, missnsx, ghewgill, and ojas
5:34; 35 MB; MPEG-1: Right-click, save target

Part 2: Lime Creek Road
only NSX ATX, ghewgill, and ojas
6:18; 40 MB; MPEG-1: Right-click, save target

These videos are hosted on ImageStation, so you have to do right-click, save target... (regular click will most likely not work). If you have problems downloading, go to page 4 and page 5 of my ImageStation album to download.

I can't wait until the next meet. It looks like it will be even bigger and better than the last!
Hello everyone!

I'm a new NSX -T owner and I'm interested in meeting some like-minded friends in central Texas. I live in San Antonio but I would like to meet up with your group sometime soon. Have you decided on the next date for a get together?

By the way, I'll volunteer to bring the red to the party - both the car and the wine.

Thanks - I look forward to meeting you all.
LeftLane said:
Hello everyone!

I'm a new NSX -T owner and I'm interested in meeting some like-minded friends in central Texas. I live in San Antonio but I would like to meet up with your group sometime soon. Have you decided on the next date for a get together?

By the way, I'll volunteer to bring the red to the party - both the car and the wine.

Thanks - I look forward to meeting you all.


more info here:


ps - Welcome and congrats on the NSX-T!!!
Thanks for the links - I'm not sure if I'm ready for track time just yet. I'm not familiar enough with the car, and I have no skills to speak of, so I figured I'd take my time learning a little bit here and there before I go crazy. I appreciate the info - I'll have to save ups some spousal credits to get a hall pass to attend in the future.

Congrats on your purchase. It sounds like you got a good deal.

We are planning another Austin meet for this month. Keep watching this forum, there will be a post in the next day or so.

I think 'FoYoAss's TWS cruise would be cool (the DE event is already closed to green/blue participants)... So, we would not take our cars on the track. Instead, we'd head up to TWS and check out the action, possibly getting a ride around the track a few times, etc. If I can get away from work, I'd like to go. As soon as I know for sure, I'll post in that thread. If there are several of us from Austin/SA going, we can coordinate a caravan.

Congrats again, see you soon!
LeftLane said:
Thanks for the links - I'm not sure if I'm ready for track time just yet. I'm not familiar enough with the car, and I have no skills to speak of, so I figured I'd take my time learning a little bit here and there before I go crazy. I appreciate the info - I'll have to save ups some spousal credits to get a hall pass to attend in the future.

Leftlane, Ojas is right, I'm not going to track my car. None of the NSXer's coming with us are either. We are just making it a nice drive and a chance to meet fellow NSXer's. I want to check out the TWS and possibly track my car in the future. You should join us!
Ojas, you gotta make it bro, I want to see how your NSX looks without photoshop!! :D
yes yes, hopefully our small group will spark a fire underneath some of the slumbering or lone nsxer's in central tx and really get something going here. I thoroughly enjoy hanging out with Ojas, missnsx, burbel, ghewgill, porknbeans.... and i can't even imagine how awsome it would be to have double, triple, or even more nsx's rolling around central texas together.