Austin NSX Meet

Im going to get the grill today so Im not sure if it'll be charcoal or gas yet. I'll take care of it either way so dont worry about bringing charcoal. I'll also get lettuce, tomotos, onion, condiments and prob make some baked beans so except for drinks, we should be set. See you all tomorrow!
I'll be there at least for a short while (bit of a schedule conflict). I'll bring some potato salad or something like that as a side.
eh nevermind, looks like ojas got the drinks.... hmmmm I'll call ojas a lil before noon to see if we need anything else.. otherwise if not i'll pitch in for all the stuff
Oh boy, oh boy! It was awesome meeting up again. Thanks everyone! I can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday. The weather cooperated with us this time. For those that could not make it, here's what you missed:

NSX ATX, burbel, PorknBeanz, ghewgill, and myself met at missnsx's place. We (eventually) got the grill going and chowed-down on some dogs and burgers.

After chit-chatting (mostly discussing missnsx's taste in wheels ;) ), we decided to go for a drive. Before we left, we made our presence known to the quiet Round Rock neighborhood. Here we are owning the street:


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That's right: No reds, no whites, no yellows... just two blacks and three Sebring Silvers... naturally, since Austinites have fine taste. Just ask Mr.Wolf.


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hmmm, whoa! Looks like and sounds like a grande' time. I look fwd' to being able to join you guys&gals soon. . .! All the bestz. :)
Missnsx posing with her badass car. Those are her words, not mine... although I don't disagree :). Look closely and you'll see burnout marks on the pavement... no doubt left by missnsx :cool:


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Still staying in formation: :)
Silver (burbel)
Black (missnsx)
Silver (ghewgill)
Black (NSX ATX)
Silver (Ojas)


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After relaxing by the lake, we head north.

Bad shot (everything is blurred except for a bush), but looks cool.


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NSX ATX, ghewgill, and I proceeded to Lime Creek Road. ghewgill did an outstanding job of leading... plenty of thrills, but still very safe. As you can see, we all left with big grins on our faces. :)

I can't wait until next time - See y'all then!


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yes yes it was lots of fun. thanks ghewgill for leading.... haha we gots to do it again!!! but anyways, can't wait till we meet up again... it would be cool if we could grow in numbers with each meet we have. drive safe guys...
Nice pictures Ojas! Looks like an awesome drive. Was that all in Austin? I can't recall seeing roads that nice in Austin. Haven't been there that much thou.
hey you crazy grillmasters~I had a blast on Saturday. Thanks for being patient with me on our trip through the winding hills. I know I prob really slowed you guys down but all I could think about was Brian's story about his friend who wrecked b/c he took the turns too fast. (well, that & how awesome his exhaust sounded too) I so want my car to sound like his! Anywayz, look forward to next time. How does Nov 8th or the 22nd sound??
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Yeah, it was a lot of fun - November sounds good, have to see what weekend works best for everyone - maybe this time we could have a group outing to RPM raceway for some indoor carting fun - I stopped by Saturday after the meet and talked with the manager there, looks like if we can get a group of 8-10 together we can get a pretty solid deal. I should hopefully be able to get two more folks at the next meet as well...