August 2003 wallpaper political debate

10 June 2003
New York
[admin note - split from]

Don't mean to be the only critic here, but am I the only one who doesn't really want to think of death and war when I think about my NSX?

It does look very nice, but I think I'll stick with the July callender until next month. :(

But thanks for doing the work that goes into this......I'm sure your intentions are nothing but wonderful. :)
Eric5273 said:
Don't mean to be the only critic here, but am I the only one who doesn't really want to think of death and war when I think about my NSX?

It does look very nice, but I think I'll stick with the July callender until next month. :(

But thanks for doing the work that goes into this......I'm sure your intentions are nothing but wonderful. :)

Ya!! Lets put flowers, hearts, and teddy bears next time!!

hehe j/k
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Eric5273 said:
Don't mean to be the only critic here, but am I the only one who doesn't really want to think of death and war when I think about my NSX?

It does look very nice, but I think I'll stick with the July callender until next month. :(

But thanks for doing the work that goes into this......I'm sure your intentions are nothing but wonderful. :)
Feelings not hurt. :) I can understand your comments. However, the use of the F-16s was for two reasons.......
1) The influence the plane had in the design of the NSX (primary).........and
2) A tribute to owner of this particular car and "his favorite plane". ;) (secondary)
Great job!! Personally, I never thought of death and war when I saw this months wallpaper. More of the styling influence of the F-16 on the NSX as mentioned above.
Eric5273 said:
Don't mean to be the only critic here, but am I the only one who doesn't really want to think of death and war when I think about my NSX?

It's a reminder that FREEDOM is not Free. There are thousands of men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we may enjoy the freedoms we have - to include driving any car we want (providing we can afford it ;) ). The instruments of war visualized in the picture are some of the tools that our warriors use to keep our country free.
Litesokneecough said:
It's a reminder that FREEDOM is not Free. There are thousands of men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we may enjoy the freedoms we have - to include driving any car we want (providing we can afford it ;) ). The instruments of war visualized in the picture are some of the tools that our warriors use to keep our country free.

Not that I want to turn this into a political debate, but there were no F-16's yet the last time our military fought a war to preserve our freedom. To me, the F-16 is a symbol of corporate imperialism of the 3rd world. Just my viewpoint.
Eric5273 said:
Not that I want to turn this into a political debate, but there were no F-16's yet the last time our military fought a war to preserve our freedom. To me, the F-16 is a symbol of corporate imperialism of the 3rd world. Just my viewpoint.

Well, with a narrow-minded view like that, it seems to me like that's exactly what you are trying to do! If we got rid of the F-16s and left the picture of the pilot (me,) would that really change your opinion of the calendar? Just going out on a limb, but I'll bet that doesn't change things very much in your eyes. :rolleyes:

After my brief rant here, I'll leave you to your own naievity and to your own opinions, and hope that this thread doesn't turn into that political debate you claim to want no part of.

For the record, though, I believe the F-16 is one of the most beautiful aircraft the world has ever produced. All kidding aside, I am damn lucky to have the priviledge to fly them in defense of this country. FYI, that flight time of mine includes many hours of seat time boring holes in the sky over YOUR CITY and the still-smoldering World Trade Center. If you think we (the USAF) are using them for anything other than the protection of this country, then you are sadly mistaken and I'll leave it at that.

FURY, once again, nice calendar. For the peanut gallery who's inappreciative of the work he's done.......where are YOUR pics that you've contributed to the cause? Maybe there would be less of these baby-killing murderers on your wallpaper if you contributed more than just your two cents!

End of rant, and the end of my contributions to a thread that has gone WAY off topic. Adi-freakin'-os.

Chuck :mad:
Viper Driver said:
All kidding aside, I am damn lucky to have the priviledge to fly them in defense of this country.

I assume you were over American air-space if you were flying in defense of our country. Because that is what defense means. If you were over air space of a foreign country, then you were on "offense" and you were attacking a foreign country.

Unless of course you were flying a mission for an international peace force like the United Nations, and then you were not defending our freedom, but you were helping to defend the freedom of people in that foreign country. And if you did fly a mission like this, then the whole world owes you a big "thank you" :D

I wonder how most Americans would react if a foreign Air Force was bombing their home town and the leaders of that country claimed they were doing so to defend the freedom of their citizens. Do you realize just how absurd that sounds?

Edit: I just saw you added the WTC reference to your post.......then obviously you were flying in defense of our country, so I appologize for assuming something else
As the originator of this image, I'm really sorry that this month's wallpaper discussion has diverged to a political discussion. Implications of war and violence were never my intent. Honestly, it pains me when such a benign and simple gesture as merging the images of a beautiful car and the aircraft that inspired some of its design gets twisted into an avenue to express political views.

Viper Driver,
While it might not change your decision to participate in the discussion of this thread that involves a wallpaper of your beautiful car, I do want to say "Thank you" for everything that you've done for this country.

I certainly meant no disrespect to those who serve our country. A good friend of mine is very involved with an organization in Washington which is fighting for the rights of vetrans and attempting to educate those who enlist in the armed forces. Things such as the cutting of their health benfits, and their exposure to depleted uranium and things such as Gulf War Syndrome which has killed over 20,000 vetrans. I have the utmost respect for anyone who has served in the armed forces. However, I believe they have been lied to and used to further the agenda of those in Washington, and that is unfortunate. :(
Eric5273 said:
I assume you were over American air-space if you were flying in defense of our country. Because that is what defense means. If you were over air space of a foreign country, then you were on "offense" and you were attacking a foreign country.

Unless of course you were flying a mission for an international peace force like the United Nations, and then you were not defending our freedom, but you were helping to defend the freedom of people in that foreign country. And if you did fly a mission like this, then the whole world owes you a big "thank you" :D

I wonder how most Americans would react if a foreign Air Force was bombing their home town and the leaders of that country claimed they were doing so to defend the freedom of their citizens. Do you realize just how absurd that sounds?

Edit: I just saw you added the WTC reference to your post.......then obviously you were flying in defense of our country, so I appologize for assuming something else

I wonder how gas is so cheap over here compare to Europe? I wonder how we can all afford such nice things that cost so much like houses and NSX(s)? I wonder how people don't like our way of life and want us to be blow out of the freaking water? Sometime a good defense is a great offense, and thank god we have that. Anybody else who doesn't like our way of life and want to go on a freaking "holy war," then by all mean, bring it on. Life is unfair, (just like human being,) some countries are meant to be strong, and some countries are meant to be weak. I am just glad that I am here.
So tell me if I have this right....

It's ok if we bomb 3rd world countries, kill civilians, and give support to repressive dictatorships because that allows you to have nice stuff and cheap gas prices?

Am I understanding your point of view correctly?
Eric5273 said:
I assume you were over American air-space if you were flying in defense of our country. Because that is what defense means. If you were over air space of a foreign country, then you were on "offense" and you were attacking a foreign country.

Sometimes the best Defence is a good Offence.
NSXSAN said:
I wonder how people don't like our way of life and want us to be blow out of the freaking water?

Do you really think some people living on the other side of the world care about your way of life? Trust me, they don't lose any sleep if you drive an NSX, watch porn, have sex with your mother, or go to church and pray and be a model citizen....they really don't care. They only care about their own lives and they want our government to stop meddling in the affairs of their countries and supporting the dictatorships that keep their people repressed. As soon as our government stops meddling in the affairs of other countries, the terrorists will go home. Bombing their countries is certainly not going to help our image.
Eric5273 said:
So tell me if I have this right....

It's ok if we bomb 3rd world countries, kill civilians, and give support to repressive dictatorships because that allows you to have nice stuff and cheap gas prices?

Am I understanding your point of view correctly?

That is all depend on whose point of views. Everything about politic is debateable. However, I don't like it when people coming over here trying to erase our way of life.

How about this? Someone blow up your house, kill you, rape your wife, daughters and take away all your possesion. No, you wouldn't like that too much now, wouldn't you? You would want the military or police of this nation to be there and prevent that from happening, right?

The only reason why we can afford what we afford is because we are powerful. There were some rotten acts in Afghanistan and Iraq done by rotten people, and they will be punish. However, over 60 percent of my guys over there were also handing out food, medication and clothes. Beside that, we also try to bring life back to the people by building bridges and road....

I might not alway agree with everything that had happened, but to me, the life of my men, the smile on the children and families faces when we helped them were enough for me to do my job. And yes, many of those men and women haven't seen their families for almost a year, and quite a few are still being kill. Do you want to give up what you have and going over there and replace them? Perhap then you will be able to tell how screw up and evil this county really is.
Eric5273 said:
Do you really think some people living on the other side of the world care about your way of life? Trust me, they don't lose any sleep if you drive an NSX, watch porn, have sex with your mother, or go to church and pray and be a model citizen....they really don't care. They only care about their own lives and they want our government to stop meddling in the affairs of their countries and supporting the dictatorships that keep their people repressed. As soon as our government stops meddling in the affairs of other countries, the terrorists will go home. Bombing their countries is certainly not going to help our image.

I am just asking you: " How the heck do you think you can afford the things you have right now? Do you want to have nothing?" If that is the way you want your life to be, I know a ton of people who are willing to swap their lives for yours. It is exactly people like you that i don't like to see running this country, "TOO WEAK." Be like that, and an enemy will take over, no thanks.
NSXSAN said:
I am just asking you: " How the heck do you think you can afford the things you have right now? Do you want to have nothing?" If that is the way you want your life to be, I know a ton of people who are willing to swap their lives for yours. It is exactly people like you that i don't like to see running this country, "TOO WEAK." Be like that, and an enemy will take over, no thanks.

I hate to break it to you, but we (the United States) are not even on the top 10 list of highest standards of living anymore. Sweeden, Finland, Norway, Canada, Switzerland and a few others are all way above us. Strange since last time I checked, none of them had large militaries.

You don't have to steal and kill to have wealth. You can instead try to earn it fair and square. Unfortunately, we have a bunch of thiefs and criminals running our foreign policy for the last 20 years. Trust me, what they are doing is only benefiting a very small percentage of Americans and is doing a disservice to the rest of us.
Eric5273 said:
I hate to break it to you, but we (the United States) are not even on the top 10 list of highest standards of living anymore. Sweeden, Finland, Norway, Canada, Switzerland and a few others are all way above us. Strange since last time I checked, none of them had large militaries.

I hate to break it to you, too, but the countries that you just mentiond had a difference system where medical care, school and other life supporting structures are also much more readily available and affordable. This country's system is very unique with both good and bad characteristics. However, i don't see how people can have a dream, education, afford a 300,000-500,000 houses, then go ahead and spend another 30,000-100,000 on a car and call that being sub-standard. Ya, last time I checked, people from all walk of life are still trying to get into this country. WHY?

Military, we are not even in the top five of the biggest. China, North Korea, Pakistan, India... already saw to that. The problem is the last time I checked, a few of those countries don't really like us, and would like us to be remove from the number one contender spot. Good luck!

However, like you said, nobody have to steal and kill to get what they want. I can't guarantee that will happen with other people. However, I know how the men under me will behave when we deploy.
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NSXSAN said:
I hate to break it to you, too, but the countries that you just mentiond had a different system where medical care, school and other life supporting structures are also much more readily available and affordable. This country system is very different.

And why do you think that is?

NSXSAN said:
Military, we are not even in the top five of the biggest. China, North Korea, Pakistan, India... already saw to that. The problem is the last time I checked, a few of those countries don't really like us, and like us to be remove from the number one contender spot. Good luck!

I don't know where you get this info. This year, our military budget is over $400 billion. China, Russia, Britain and France combined spent less than $90 billion. We spend more on military than the rest of the countries in the world put together do. And we spent more on military than the gross national product of the other countries you mentioned there.

Perhaps if we spent a little less on missles and bombs and a little more on those things mentioned above, we would all live in a nicer place and enjoy life a little bit more. :D
I was talking about the number of people that are serving in the military, not the budget. However, I am dang glad that our warriors can get their hands on what they need to get the job done.
NSXSAN said:
I was talking about the number of people that are serving in the military, not the budget. However, I am dang glad that our warriors can get their hands on what they need to get the job done.

You are correct that we are running out of military personel, but I believe we still have the largest in the world. We are just spread so thin because we have troops stationed in over 80 countries around the world and are currently fighting 2 wars. What is starting to happen to us is what happened to Germany during WWII. We are fighting on too many fronts and if this continues, we may suffer the same fate as they did. Remember that they too had to largest and best military in the world at that time.

What I find interesting is that we brand some of these countries evil (such as North Korea and China) and they have never sent a single soldier outside their borders in their entire history. Yet we have troops in all these countries around the world and we have been involved in about a dozen wars in the last 50 years, and all of them have involved us sending troops to invade another country. I wonder what the criteria for "evil" is... :confused:

I guess that's why this Time Poll turned out the way it did. Click on this link and then click on the "See The Results" button at the bottom of the article. I think many Americans may be surprised at what our European friends think of us. I'm sure if the same poll was taken in Asia, Africa, Latin America or the Middle East, the results would be even more extreme.