Audi comment on performance hybrids

But Audi won Lemans with a hybrid...
It depends on the VW group, they could bring a variant of the Pcar 918 under another brand but they haven't yet.
The main thing with these hybrids is to meet CAFE mpg requirements, performance is secondary.
I actually agree with Audi's position on this - that's why it will be so interesting to see the final spec's (weight, battery size, etc) and performance figures. Sure, Porsche seems to have pulled it off, but for an additional $700k!
Well everyone of the 918 units was spoken for before it even came out at their price. I don't think the same would have been the same if the nsx came out with that same price.
Sounds to me like excuses from a company that got left behind…

I kind of agree with this. Their performance engine development has been fairly slow. Its not that they don't have the know-how (see Le Mans), its just they havent really started applying it when other manufacturers already jumped on the bandwagon.
Reads like a typical Audi/VW/VAG-group excuse.

I think the truth is simply that the VAG-group is lagging behind others when it comes to applying hybrid technology in cars.
Can someone tell me exactly what kind of new technologies were demonstrated with the introduction of the Audi R8?
Afaik, the only 'new' thing there were the LED head lights.

With current battery technology, like the Li-Fe batteries you see more and more, it is clear that good/fast/functional hybrid can be created.
Many car makers already do this.
The fact that Audi doesn't use them is probably because their own technology in this area is still not entirely the production ready.
Where I live (Netherlands) VW/Audi/VAG is probably the biggest car seller in the country, with many models, nice lease-contracts and a big advertisement budget.
Yet, the VW Hybrid cars like the VW Jetta of Golf GTE are not that popular and haven't received very high marks. And this in a country where environmental cars benefit hugely from taks-shortcuts.

Besided all this is the fact that, again IMHO, ALL Audi performance cars suffer from obesitats. Even the all-aluminum Audi R8 is >3500 lbs. The RS4 and RS5 are even heavier. So complaining about the weight of hybrid cars is a case of nicely ignoring this same fact their own cars are not exactly lightweights either.
Can someone tell me exactly what kind of new technologies were demonstrated with the introduction of the Audi R8?
Afaik, the only 'new' thing there were the LED head lights.
So true - while I considered the car gorgeous at the time, basically everything in it was taken from their other cars, mainly the TT! And in the US, we didn't even get the LED headlights until the V10 came out (likely a DOT thing however) the only truly unique features were the LED dot DRLs and gaping Audi grill which they subsequently copied onto every car in the line in a year or two. The current A7 sedan looks nearly identical to their R8 supercar from the front!
Funny excuse. I would understand if they throw in weight that messes with handling and quality capacitor cost that is still too high for mass production. Might as well close down all production and wait 50 years for compact nuclear batteries that weights a can of coke. Using whats available and make improvements is inevitable. Closing up and not wanting something new seems pretty odd for a corporation like Audi.
I'd say a company like Audi can do whatever they want, they obviously have the technology. and when they feel like using it in production street cars, they most certainly will...
Its not like they can't produce the e tron, its a matter if they can sell it and make a profit. They know not many will pay more than 200k for their cars. We know Honda is selling the NSX at a lost but they are willing to.
The RS Quattro line has the most to lose with these new generation Hybrid AWD cars. He's just being defensive and protective of their Quattro brand. A man in that position would have to know to play the politics. He's not just going to throw Quattro technology under the bus even though I'm sure he's seeing the end of multi diff, multi axle, multi driveshaft driven AWDs. They're just too much weight and drivetrain losses when compared to electronic AWD. The challenge now for the new generation of AWD engineers is getting the programming up to spec... Its a tall order. I suspect many software updates in the NSX's lifetime.
The first gen NSX sold 18,685 units globally over approx 15yrs. Assuming no time value of money impact and no sales price escalations nor CPI impact... (to keep things simple) and assuming the new NSX sells in the same quantity then gross sales revenue is 18,685 x $150,000 = $2,802,750,000.00.

Corporate cost allocations to a particular model is all bogus anyway. There's a lot of fixed cost allocated to other models i'm sure. No one here will be able to say Acura will lose or will make money on this model because i'm sure they don't even know. It's whatever the bean counters decide to allocate..

One Bean.., Two Bean.., Three Bean

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Anyone have global sales figures for the R8? That's probably a better metric to compare.
they hope it will help sales of the other models by trickling down tbe technology to upcoming models like the orginal nsx. So they probably look for success of sales of other models however they want to count those beans