Attn: c32b

15 February 2003
Fort Lauderdale
Hey, I saw you inherited alot of money. I also saw you called the state scholarship the "Bright Future" you live in Florida? I know the state scholarships are named different things in different states and Bright Future is the name given here.

If so, I will show you ways that you can turn that $350,000 into a hell of alot more. Enough so that you wouldn't have to worry about money for a much longer time.

I started out with just a small sum of money that I made for myself through that 'scam' as some call it, but now I'm doing much more 'accepted' things in society to make my money.

Please respond to this thread in a PM....i don't want anyone responding to this because the thread was locked and I don't want to stir anything up again.

It took me a long time to smarten up with my money...I was in your shoes about three years ago. I made the wrong decision, and I think you seem like you're about to as well.

Good luck either way.