Apple iPad

You seriously want to talk about open source platforms when you love APPLE?? Really? Seriously? Is there anyone more controlling over what software they LET you use with their OS?

Yet you want to talk about how you want an open source OS, yet embrace something proprietary like Flash, yeah ok.
Yet you want to talk about how you want an open source OS, yet embrace something proprietary like Flash, yeah ok.

Nice reply.:rolleyes:

I think you don't understand flash or what it is.

I can build any app, or animation I want in Flash and it works on 98% of PC's out there. Anyone who owns Flash can do this.

So what exactly is wrong with that? It is as much of as standard as anything else.

Shorlty every mobile phone will also be able to see flash, except one. Guess which.

PS. I never said I wanted an open source OS. I am perfectly happy with Win7. I think you are confusing me with someone else.
Flash works on 98% of PC's out there. I am sure they are in a rush to drop it.:rolleyes:
Wait until a million account holders with iPads call and complain. Since better technologies that work with even more devices now exist, why wouldn't they change?

Why don't you write apple and ask them why they are ruining your browsing experience.
Because they aren't. If you missed it above, Vanguard is the only site I use that utilizes Flash for anything other than advertisements.

I would much rather Apple put resources into getting a good JVM on the iPad than waste time on crappy Flash.
Wait until a million account holders with iPads call and complain. Since better technologies that work with even more devices now exist, why wouldn't they change?

So you are saying that everyone in the entire web industry that uses flash should change because apple won't support flash. Really?

Also you are saying that we should be 1000's of people out of work who make their living from flash because Apple won't support it. Really?
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So you are saying that everyone in the entire web industry that uses flash should change because apple won't support flash. Really?

Also you are saying that we should be 1000's of people out of work who make their living from flash because Apple won't support it. Really?
Yes, that's what I'm saying, but not because Apple won't support it. They should abandon Flash because it's crap.
Of course I understand.

What a stupid business model Apple has...

Why would you buy an Ipod when you already had a portable CD player? Who would really spend $200 to carry all their music in their pocket?


The iPad?

Its a device no one needs. It isn't really new. It is just a really big iPod Touch.

These things are all true.

Watch it take off.

BTW- I use PCs all day. I also have one at home for personal use, and I really like my PC. I also have an Apple laptop and I will probably get an iPad. Its something I will also have. When I get it, I will still have PC, and a Laptop. I'm not throwing those away- just like I didn't throw away my DVD player when I got Apple TV. You can have both.

Seriously doesn't anyone else get that?

BTW- I use PCs all day. I also have one at home for personal use, and I really like my PC. I also have an Apple laptop and I will probably get an iPad. Its something I will also have. When I get it, I will still have PC, and a Laptop. I'm not throwing those away- just like I didn't throw away my DVD player when I got Apple TV. You can have both.

Seriously doesn't anyone else get that?


I think everyone gets that Phil.

Nobody in their right mind is going use an iPad as a primary PC, but as a gadget it is pretty cool indeed.

They brought up better :biggrin: alternatives also, don't hear you calling them trolls. Plus you didn't see me calling you a troll in both of my threads listed below.:rolleyes:

Microsoft Zune HD

Microsoft Courier
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NOTE: I'm not a fan-boy for neither M$/PC nor Apple. I build my own gaming rigs and own an iPhone (although I would like to move to Android)

If flash was included on the iPhone/iPad I'm almost 100% sure all the apple fan-boys would support it rather than bash it.
If flash was included on the iPhone/iPad I'm almost 100% sure all the apple fan-boys would support it rather than bash it.

Isn't that the truth. In fact, I will take it a step further. If apple was the first to get flash on the iPhone they would be bragging about it all over the place and say how great the iPhone is because it has flash and all the rest don't.
I think part of the issue with sticking flash in the iPhone or iPad is that Apple wants things such as video played using the hardware-accelerated codec built into the device. This is the most power efficient way to go, and that is how those YouTube, MP4, and H.264 videos are played. AFAIK, Flash does it with software alone, which is its source of flexibility and is a strength, but that also makes it inefficient from a CPU and power consumption standpoint.
The fact that Flash sucks has nothing to do with Apple. They're just the first one to publicly shun it. And Flash sucked long before the iPhone didn't have it either.

I use both Macs and PCs and 90% percent of the time when my browser crashes or slows down it's Flash. I'm not the only one either...

It's just a major source of frustration.

The other aspect that is key for small portable devices is power usage. Flash is a resource hog. Just about every time my browser hits a page with Flash on it - you can hear the cooling fans kick in. Of course, when I'm plugged in to AC power it's not a big deal. But for small mobile devices like the iPhone and now the iPad I could see how it would kill battery life.

The trend in industry is moving away from Flash and toward open standards like H.264 and HTML5 anyway. Even Apple is pushing for these open standards. A lot of video sites are already moving away from Flash videos, like YouTube and Vimeo with more to come.

Not having Flash is just not a big deal for me. And not having my browser not crashing and burning several times a day on both my Macs and PCs on Flash content lowers my blood pressure.
Isn't that the truth. In fact, I will take it a step further. If apple was the first to get flash on the iPhone they would be bragging about it all over the place and say how great the iPhone is because it has flash and all the rest don't.

That's not true.
I think part of the issue with sticking flash in the iPhone or iPad is that Apple wants things such as video played using the hardware-accelerated codec built into the device. This is the most power efficient way to go, and that is how those YouTube, MP4, and H.264 videos are played. AFAIK, Flash does it with software alone, which is its source of flexibility and is a strength, but that also makes it inefficient from a CPU and power consumption standpoint.

Yes Gansan, that is very much part of the issue along with the buggyness of Flash and the proprietary nature of the code.

I suspect if you polled all the iPhone users only a very small percentage would complain about the lack of Flash support. In a couple of years this will all be a moot point.
To me, the iPad seems like a decidedly v1.0 product when it should have played off the strengths of both the iPhone and MacBooks. So many little omissions, most already mentioned. Like, how it'd be great for video conferencing, but -- no camera. It'd be great to copy pictures to, but no USB (yes, there's an adapter, but that's a lame kludge). It'd be great to watch movies, but no HDMI out. Does it at least have a standard headphone jack? I hadn't heard. And so on. It's a product that is more defined by what it's missing than what it's got.

And -- it's obvious that these little things are quite within the realm of Apple's ability -- which means that they were intentionally left out. Why? Why won't Jobs let this thing be truly cool? Why cripple it so?

Those are serious questions.
And -- it's obvious that these little things are quite within the realm of Apple's ability -- which means that they were intentionally left out. Why? Why won't Jobs let this thing be truly cool? Why cripple it so?

Those are serious questions.

Because you can turn around in 6 months and sell version 2 for more:biggrin:
Because you can turn around in 6 months and sell version 2 for more:biggrin:

Actually, Apple's usual strategy is to sell v2.0 for less. They're all about screwing the early adopters; just ask the folk who paid top dollar for the original iPhone only to see it slashed by hundreds of dollars mere months later.
Actually, Apple's usual strategy is to sell v2.0 for less. They're all about screwing the early adopters; just ask the folk who paid top dollar for the original iPhone only to see it slashed by hundreds of dollars mere months later.

R&D continues with the ver.1 one and the best beta tester are the general public. Beta tester who paid for the product!
Might consider this if they do come better 'equipped' Ipad with what have been mentioned above.
It's not like Apple goes out there and does this on purpose. This is the same with any hardware technology company. In some cases, the company is able to subsidize the cost of the HW by taking a cut of the SW. Or it may be a loss leader in order to aggressively grow market share. Heck when consoles are first introduced, they usually take a $200+ LOSS per unit!

The point is that once you have established volume business, you're able to negotiate lower prices, and more importantly as technology marches forward, the bill of materials cost goes down. This is true for memory, the silicon wafers for the various chips, etc. Cost reduction is an established part of the process, and everybody does it. Whether they pass it along to consumers or just use it to pad their margins is a different story.

BTW, I disagree with Apple's stance on flash. By virtue of market penetration, flash is a standard, and Apple's reluctance to adopt it means that people are not able to enjoy the full web experience. Especially on the gaming front, flash has redefined what is possible through a browser. The only thing I'm happy about is that for the moment I have less competition on the App store because of their position on flash :)
Actually, Apple's usual strategy is to sell v2.0 for less. They're all about screwing the early adopters; just ask the folk who paid top dollar for the original iPhone only to see it slashed by hundreds of dollars mere months later.

Actually, I didn't get screwed with the original iPhone. I sold my jailbroken and unlocked iPhone for pretty much the same price I paid for it, $600. Apple had given me a store credit like they did for all the early adopters. I then went and upgraded to the iPhone 3G , 16gb, which was $299, so I ended up making a small profit.