Apple doctors photo evidence of lawsuit against Samsung

Jack for all the comparisons that you linked that shows the Iphone 4S winning, I can post the same amount with the baby jesus.. I mean iphone 4s losing.

Here is a camera comparison

Here is a side by side comparison is app and browser speeds along with features

Here is the comparison for the 1080p videos back to back

I guess having only 512 megs of ram really hurt it

Here is your precious fragile quality piece of equipment in a durability test

Weight does not = durability.

You also claim that apple knows what they are doing by offering only 512 megs of ram to save battery and to save the cost of the phone, than why does apple rape their customers with the 64 gig model costing $849, and the 16 gig costing $649? 48 gigs of storage sure as hell don't cost $200. We can just get a class 10 32gig card for $57 dollars to add on top of the already built in 16 gig flash memory. But the battery on the Iphone 4S is not so great either. My friends phone is getting 30 + hours per charge, if you call bs I can have him send me his screenshot of his battery usage. So the battery argument is a wash.

Mean while IOS5 still cannot truly multitask which is why it can get away with such a pathetic amount of ram.

Also I did the same speed comparisons in real life with a friends Iphone 4S with a epic 4g touch ( Galaxy S II ) and even with the 3d live wall paper running, with 7 apps running in the back ground with the Iphone 4s's "background" apps cleared the galaxy S II was just as fast. Even from the speeds the camera opens and everything.

Sorry I don't drink Job's coolaid like most people do, nor am I paid to rigged these test up because I have no special interest in Apple on my biased websites.

Wow. Just so many errors in this post... Not worth responding to. Enjoy your Android phone.
Wow. Just so many errors in this post... Not worth responding to. Enjoy your Android phone.

So what was an error? The unsubsidized cost? The 512 megs of ram? The cost of a 32 gig class 10 micro sd card? Or did think I made up the speed and camera comparison too? Or how about that it still doesn't do true multi tasking?

Those seems to be the points that I made in the last post. Do you want me to link you too?

edit: you know what? I'll just link you anyways

multi tasking

Cost of unsubsidized Iphone4S's.

on apple's website for the unlocked phones ranging from $649 to $849

cost of class 10 32gig micro sd card

My mistake, did I say $57? It actually cost $42.99

the phone only has 512 megs of ram, I wonder why apple doesn't proudly boast this number, or even list it at all at the official apple website.,13702.html

Here is a screen capture of my friend's battery usage. This is his personal best, but he regularly hits 1 day 9 hours on his phone


so again, what did I say was fictional again?
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Battery times are useless without some context. Was that strictly standby? How many minutes was the radio used for calls or Wifi? Was bluetooth enabled? Did he watch any videos? What was the screen brightness set to? What apps were run? Anything that was intensively using 3D? etc.

There are a million variables that affect battery life, not the least of which is the hardware itself. The crappier and less robust the hardware, the longer it will last. Remember the great battery life on the original iPhone 2G's? It would last days on end if you didn't use it much. Or what about those old non-smartphones that you would charge once every couple of weeks?

Compare Apples to Apples. That "no true multitasking" that you complain about is actually one of the reasons that given equivalent sized batteries on the exact same hardware, iOS will always last longer than Android. One is designed to be power-efficient when dealing with background tasks and services, and the other simply doesn't take it into account.
The context of that screen shot is with live wall paper off, about an hour of talk time, constantly on gchat ( basically googles version of aim, and was chatting back and fourth all day ), no wifi, only browsed the web when taking a dump, and 2 hours of listening music at the gym. The brightness was set to medium.

With very very heavy use which is screen on max, streaming movies, playing games, browing web, listening to music with over 3 hours of screen on time he gets 16 hours out of the thing.

You also have to take into account that the Epic 4G Touch ( galaxy S II ) have a 1800mah battery as well.

Most of android's short comings are being eliminated by its constant revisions while apple's weaknesses..... well they haven't really done anything about that have they?
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The context of that screen shot is with live wall paper off, about an hour of talk time, constantly on gchat ( basically googles version of aim, and was chatting back and fourth all day ), no wifi, only browsed the web when taking a dump, and 2 hours of listening music at the gym. The brightness was set to medium.

This type of random anecdotal evidence is pretty much meaningless. Even things like "brightness set to medium" doesn't mean much when you aren't objectively comparing by looking at nits, resolution of panel, panel technology, etc. I can tell you that my old iPhone2G used to last a hell of a lot longer than your friends phone while doing all the same things. What does it mean? Nothing.

Bottom line is that there's nothing magical about this stuff. Apple, as well as Android manufacturers all pretty much use the same hardware components. There are minor differences here and there, but for the most part, the power consumption for equivalent parts is pretty much the same. Even Apple's custom SoC just uses off-the-shelf licensed ARM and SGX cores for the CPU+GPU. Where they can innovate for power is doing things like putting in smart power management microcontrollers that perform fine grained power gating and/or clock gating to shut down unused parts of the chip, take advantage of voltage islands etc.

The real innovation in power consumption however, typically comes from the OS software -- in how it deals with the things that suck up a lot of power like the GPU, the GPS, the cellular radio, etc. This is an area where Apple engineers made a conscious decision to provide multitasking services rather than allow any thread to arbitrarily run in the background. It's not a limitation in the OS... it can fully handle true pre-emptive multitasking, and in fact it does for various OS specific things. You can verify this easily by SSH'ing into your device and doing a "ps -a" to see all the background processes running.

For general apps however, they've devised specific ways that the app can register for notification of GPS updates, playing back audio in the background, or receiving network notifications -- all in a power efficient manner.

With very very heavy use which is screen on max, streaming movies, playing games, browing web, listening to music with over 3 hours of screen on time he gets 16 hours out of the thing.

And that's a load of crap. I can take any device, whether it's an iPhone or any android phone and write an app that will drain the sucker dry in less than an hour. Mind you, that's a contrived power virus, but the point is that it completely depends on what you're doing. Run any intensive 3D game using shaders and that battery won't last more than 3-4 hours let alone 16 hours.

Most of android's short comings are being eliminated by its constant revisions while apple's weaknesses..... well they haven't really done anything about that have they?

Uh, what? Apple revises more often than Google, and more importantly users can easily and directly upgrade their devices. Most android devices are locked to the version of OS that shipped with them unless you jailbreak them and manually update the OS. This is a HUGE downside to android.

BTW, there's always two ways of looking at everything. For example, I could argue (with objective scientific evidence) that the iOS method for background multitasking is more power efficient than Androids. So the question for you is: When is Google going to do something about fixing that weakness?
Seems to me a major difference is do you want to depend on your wireless carrier for OS updates or the manufacturer of the phone.
There goes Arshad for ruining this pissing match with logic. But seriously thought, with out a rogue app running in the background sucking the battery dry, that phone can last 16 hours with 3 hours of screen on time. Does not mean it can run the game for 16 hours... that would be absurd, but under what people consider to be heavy usage such as pushing emails through, browsing the web, streaming things, 16 hours is damn impressive.

I prefer the true multitasking route because I can listen to music with my stop watch running in the background which would show up in my notification bar, and browse the web all at once ( when i'm at the gym ). We have the pure hardware muscle to do all those task with plenty of ram to spare and we got a battery that have 350mah more capacity than that on the 4s.
Jack for all the comparisons that you linked that shows the Iphone 4S winning, I can post the same amount with the baby jesus.. I mean iphone 4s losing.

Here is a camera comparison

Here is a side by side comparison is app and browser speeds along with features

Here is the comparison for the 1080p videos back to back

I guess having only 512 megs of ram really hurt it

Here is your precious fragile quality piece of equipment in a durability test

Weight does not = durability.

You also claim that apple knows what they are doing by offering only 512 megs of ram to save battery and to save the cost of the phone, than why does apple rape their customers with the 64 gig model costing $849, and the 16 gig costing $649? 48 gigs of storage sure as hell don't cost $200. We can just get a class 10 32gig card for $57 dollars to add on top of the already built in 16 gig flash memory. But the battery on the Iphone 4S is not so great either. My friends phone is getting 30 + hours per charge, if you call bs I can have him send me his screenshot of his battery usage. So the battery argument is a wash.

Mean while IOS5 still cannot truly multitask which is why it can get away with such a pathetic amount of ram.

Also I did the same speed comparisons in real life with a friends Iphone 4S with a epic 4g touch ( Galaxy S II ) and even with the 3d live wall paper running, with 7 apps running in the back ground with the Iphone 4s's "background" apps cleared the galaxy S II was just as fast. Even from the speeds the camera opens and everything.

Sorry I don't drink Job's coolaid like most people do, nor am I paid to rigged these test up because I have no special interest in Apple on my biased websites.
How do you expect to be taken seriously when you reference YouTube videos from random people as hard evidence and act as if off contract Android Smartphones aren't as expensive as the iPhone? I know where my preference lies but this is becoming a bit delusional.
Wow. Just so many errors in this post... Not worth responding to. Enjoy your Android phone.

So that "awesome" screen on the Galaxy Nexus isn't so awesome after all...

And if you calculate the real pixel density you will find that the Galaxy Nexus is actually closer to a “real” ppi value of 200, which is slightly lower than on the Galaxy S II (that uses a Super AMOLED Plus with RGB pixel structure). Some claim that a PenTile panel needs around 420 ppi to qualify as a Retina display and that is probably also the reason why Retina is nowhere to be found on the specs sheets of neither Galaxy Note nor Galaxy Nexus. If you are keen on a Samsung smartphone you might even find that the screen in the Galaxy S II is better. But the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S still lead the pixel race. Some people say they never notice the PenTile pixel structure but it is just like a stain on a carpet; once you see it, it is hard to disregard.

Samsung can't buy a break right now.
How do you expect to be taken seriously when you reference YouTube videos from random people as hard evidence and act as if off contract Android Smartphones aren't as expensive as the iPhone? I know where my preference lies but this is becoming a bit delusional.


So that "awesome" screen on the Galaxy Nexus isn't so awesome after all...

Samsung can't buy a break right now.

You should do some research before you rebut me because a off contract price for the epic 4g touch is $500. Thats right, only $100 than your on contract price for a 64 gig iphone4s.

I showed you at least some proof on camera that the difference in real world use is not as big as the benchmarks shows. What proof have you shown me?......................I'm still waiting, I'm so disappointed in you jack sparrow, you normally would hit me with a wall of text and links. Yes I am a android fan boy and I am damn proud of it. At least I know more about my competitors than you know about androids.

Also regarding the Galaxy Nexus, its specs are not impressive only the OS is. Even the current Galaxy S2 is superior when it comes to cpu and gpu power. I'm still a little pissed off at google for going the texas instrument route. But the reasoning was because the Ti Omap 4460 and the SGX540 are over the counter chipsets that any manufacturer can use, the samsung Exynos and Mali 400 is only aval to samsung phones. So they ended sacraficing brute power for the ease of future phones to run off the same chip and be optimized for the OS ( yes very IOSish I know ). Only time will tell how this will work out for us.

But I will admit that I didn't know that the Super Amoled HD is going to be ugly pentile display. Well I guess its time to wait for the Plus version to come out. But I will take super amoled plus display over any small 3.5 inch screen. There just isn't enough real estate for anything. You would have to be a blind fan boy to not agree the 3.5 inch screen is no longer the "optimal" size.
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Please God, or Goddess, or whatever you prefer, let the horrible abomination known as "software patents" die die die.

Soon? kthxbai!
I like apple because it works and made it easy for people like me to develope games with little money. No longer do you need million of dollars to make a game and sell it world wide. But I do agree with some of you that it should not matter what the tablet looks like. For that matter every car maker riped of every one else because they all have doors and a trunk.