Anyone ever get an A/C condensor fan replaced?

28 January 2002
Saskatchewan, Canada
I'm talking about the ones that pull air thru the a/c condensors underneath the head lights. Only one of my is running and after following the diagnostic charts in the service manual, I have confirmed that the fan needs replacing (yes, the fuse is ok).

However, in order to do so, it appears that you first have to take the condensor itself out which means you have to evacuate the lines. It's also not clear to me whether you can remove it from underneath the car or whether the whole nose has to come off. I've had the wheel lining out and there doesn't appear to be any way to get the fan or condensor out from the wheel side.

Anybody ever have to get this done or do it yourself?
Tks ...Ian
Looking in the manual suspect that you have to remove it from front side. This means evacuating the system:( .

The fan not working only gives you a bit less cooling(airco)capicity when in trafic, when driving, fans not leave it till system is down for other reasons.??:confused: