Anyone else watch the show "Jersey Shore" on MTV?

21 January 2004
New Brunswick, NJ
Just curious if anyone likes this dumb ass show as much as I do? Maybe its just a local thing. This is right by my house and I like to chill there in the summer. Funny stuff. :redface:
Not I. The last time I tuned into MTV, they still played music. :biggrin:
I watched it last night..... Before I really didn't like the show. I thought they were a bunch of juiced up guidos (sp?). After last night episode I gave them a little more respect. It can be an entertaining show, but I still dont see what all the hype is about. I still cant stand that Nookie girl. She annoys the crap out of me. But I dont think she deserved to get knocked out by a guy. No guy should ever hit any women like that.
Never saw it, but you may have my interest to give it a go, at least once.
Do the Staten Island guidos get involved with the Belmar chics in this show or do the writers stay clear of that whole mess?
Never saw it, but you may have my interest to give it a go, at least once.
Do the Staten Island guidos get involved with the Belmar chics in this show or do the writers stay clear of that whole mess?

Oh yea! Great Stuff:wink:
I have seen clips of it...after I saw MSN blurb something about girl getting knocked out. It's sort of like watching a train don't want to watch but you kind of do...

Talk about perpetuating stereo types though...
"we have a situation here":biggrin:
"we have a situation here":biggrin:

That dude and Pauly D make the show. "The situation" use to be a personal trainer at Bally's in East Brunswick.
That dude and Pauly D make the show. "The situation" use to be a personal trainer at Bally's in East Brunswick.
Watched episode #1 for the first time last night. This show is a riot! Looking forward to watching more and catching up.

You're right, Situation and Pauly D. are the best. The chicks on the show look like they feed on too many carbs and the guys look like porn stars. :biggrin:
It's hilarious. I cannot stop watching it. I don't know why.

Daily routine: Gym, tan, laundry. Gotta look fresh... lol.
What's with all those Michael Scofield tats on the one guy? :confused:

What the hell's that all about if you're so hung up on appearance? :confused:
It's hilarious. I cannot stop watching it. I don't know why.

Daily routine: Gym, tan, laundry. Gotta look fresh... lol.

Don't forget about getting their hair cut too. I think thats only on Friday though.

Hmmmmmmm. How great would my life be if that's all I did everyday. Gym, tan, laundry, gym, tan, laundry.

Gotta look fresh. Classic line.

To answer the question, yes I watch the show. Heck, I TIVO it just in case they throw on a show when i'm not ready.
FIST PUMP ! FIST PUMP ! :tongue: