Anyone else get see this disgusting photo?

No dog.. is equal in "status" to any of my/your kids, for example.
Agreed. Most dogs are much better than kids, to equate them to the drooling little brats that run around is insulting.

Equality in my mind is a nonsense notion, there are always cases that belie the argument one way or another, so to make broad generalizations about all members of a species being better than all members of another species comes across to me as silly.

Gabe > Lindsay Lohan

A lot of love for the doggies here on Prime. I myself am not an "animal lover" per se, but I do agree that a person who willingly tortures any living being is sadistic, period. While morality cannot be legistated (i.e. we can't make it illegal to have a sadistic mentality), we could make sadistic behavior toward animals require, like, 50 years of treatment (or whatever) in addition to criminal discipline.

For what it's worth, I am NOT in favor of equating cruelty to animals with cruelty to human beings. No dog or endagered condor or cockroach or bald eagle is equal in "status" to any of my/your kids, for example. I will never condone animals having "equal statutory rights" to human beings.

So you think you are superior to animals? That is the kind of mentality that thinks it ok to treat animals bad because they are not human.
So you think you are superior to animals? That is the kind of mentality that thinks it ok to treat animals bad because they are not human.

You sure your want to go down that road for discussion? Put your flame suit on then.

Everyone on here that is on the dog's side probably eats meat at some point, and I can tell you that the conditions in which we raise and kill animals in factory farms is not all that great, and in many cases is most certainly abuse. No one wants to really talk about that, it is just easier to talk about and feel for a dog.

I don't think it matters whether one thinks animals are inferior, the same, or superior, the bottom line is that almost all of us agree that what happened to this dog is not right. I doubt anyone on this board would do that to a dog or not try to stop it if they saw it happening. Is that still hypocritical when you mistreat a cow or a pig in a factory farm and eat it without guilt of any type? Probably. But some caring is better than no caring. Most people are simply unaware.
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You sure your want to go down that road for discussion? Put your flame suit on then.

Everyone on here that is on the dog's side probably eats meat at some point, and I can tell you that the conditions in which we raise and kill animals in factory farms is not all that great, and in many cases is most certainly abuse. No one wants to really talk about that, it is just easier to talk about and feel for a dog.

I don't think it matters whether one thinks animals are inferior, the same, or superior, the bottom line is that almost all of us agree that what happened to this dog is not right. I doubt anyone on this board would do that to a dog or not try to stop it if they saw it happening. Is that still hypocritical when you mistreat a cow or a pig in a factory farm and eat it without guilt of any type? Probably. But some caring is better than no caring. Most people are simply unaware.

Well said.

Some awareness for those:

In the U.S., more than 42 million cows suffer and die for the meat and dairy industries every year. When they are still very young, many cows are burned with hot irons (branded), their horns are cut or burned off, and male cattle have their testicles ripped out of their scrotums (castrated)—all without painkillers. Once they have grown big enough, they are sent to massive, filthy feedlots where they are exposed to the elements, to be fattened for slaughter. Many female cows are sent to dairy farms, where they will be repeatedly impregnated and separated from their calves until their bodies give out and they are sent to be killed.

Like all animals, cows form strong maternal bonds with their calves, and on dairy farms and cattle ranches, mother cows can be heard frantically crying out for their calves for several days after they have been separated.

Cows are gentle giants—large in size but sweet in nature. They are curious, clever animals who have been known to go to extraordinary lengths to escape from slaughterhouses. These very social animals prefer to spend their time together, and they form complex relationships, very much like dogs form packs.

Cattle are transported hundreds of miles in all weather extremes, typically without food or water, to the slaughterhouse. Many cows die on the way to slaughter, but those who survive are shot in the head with a captive-bolt gun, hung up by one leg, and taken onto the killing floor where their throats are cut and they are skinned and gutted. Some cows remain fully conscious throughout the entire process. In an interview with The Washington Post, one slaughterhouse worker said, "They die piece by piece."
see where this is is a very complex topic.....each individual human must decide for themselves......pets/food/sport/?/ vegitarian/peta/.....some day a really smart geneticly altered ape could teach other apes to think more like humans,and maybe try to become the dominant specie......hmmmmmm
see where this is is a very complex topic.....each individual human must decide for themselves......pets/food/sport/?/ vegitarian/peta/.....some day a really smart geneticly altered ape could teach other apes to think more like humans,and maybe try to become the dominant specie......hmmmmmm

Complex indeed! :wink:
Agreed. Most dogs are much better than kids, to equate them to the drooling little brats...

Just curious: do you have kids? Were you born an adult?

So you think you are superior to animals? That is the kind of mentality that thinks it ok to treat animals bad because they are not human.

It would depend on what you mean by "superior," I guess. To be clear, I value human life more than animal life. That's all I was trying to say.
It would depend on what you mean by "superior," I guess. To be clear, I value human life more than animal life. That's all I was trying to say.

If your either save your dog who was a faithful companion to you or even saved your life on an occasion, or lose Jefferey Dahmer who murdered and ate his victims, you would choose to save Dahmer? I am guessing you would save your dog. I can tell you I would. I could be wrong about my assumption of your choice, but I think the individual case or scenario does matter.
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Complex indeed! :wink:

Idk I think it only becomes complex when you try to look for absolutes and hard lines. I don't find it complex at all when you need to make decisions on a case by case basis. Cruelty is bad. Less cruelty is better than more cruelty. Less abuse is better than more abuse.

I'll give you an example: I don't eat much meat. When people find out, they often get defensive or they try to prove to me that my decision is wrong. They start mild and ask why. When I explain that I made my decision after visiting a slaughterhouse and realizing where the meat on my plate comes from, they then try to label me as a hypocrit by looking at my shoes to see if they are leather or asking me if the seats in my car are. What they are trying to do is say "you are wrong" so somehow it makes them right or less wrong for not being like me.

The truth is I don't care at all if they are or aren't like me. I used to eat factory-farmed supermarket meat just like they did. I phased it out slowly. I am fully aware that my shoes may be leather or my car seats suede and that is animal hide. But even a person that eats less meat spares more animals from a cruel life than one that eats more. Even a person that hunts a deer and eats it, inflicts much less cruelty on an animal than one that buys veal from Safeway. The guy that buys veal from Safeway still inflicts less damage and cruelty than the person that eats "bush meat" which could be a baby chimpanzee taken away from its mother.

Because people don't generally want to acknowledge what they may be doing may be not so great, they try to label the person that is otherwise, as "wrong" by drawing hard lines. Which are all worthless.

With a hard line they try to prove that either eating meat as a whole is fine, or being vegetarian as a whole is right. Is that a complex debate? Sure is... But I doubt many would argue that it would be better to treat the animals they eat with some minimum level of dignity, to not torture them before killing them. I doubt many would argue that if you can not cause undue pain to any other creature, it is better than to create it. I think every person has some level of compassion in them. That can guide a person fairly clearly. The "complexity" is only mental masturbation, when you choose to create philosophy or a belief system of something so you can egoically satisfy yourself by "winning" an argument or proving yourself right and someone else wrong.
Last edited: I said it is are comfortable with your way of reasoning,dahmer and all. I said it is are comfortable with your way of reasoning,dahmer and all.

My point is that everyone is. That's why it is not that "complex". It's only complex if you are looking for a hard fast rule for everyone to abide by.
My point is that everyone is. That's why it is not that "complex". It's only complex if you are looking for a hard fast rule for everyone to abide by.

Thats fine but I wish the other posters were more comfortable with each others views,as you are with your own.