Any advice on intermittent fuel injector codes and correction?

15 February 2015
Coral ridge, Ft. Lauderdale
Last night will be the third time since supercharging my nsx that the car throws a CEL with a TCS light to match. It only seems to do it when I am under full 6 psi boost and driving the car like a bat out of hell.
The light comes on, the motor sputters, and looses power.
When the code gets thrown, all I need do is restart the motor and all goes back to normal while the code gets stored. It is a code 16 fuel injector. Service manual suggests swapping the ecu with a known good unit in the event the code is thrown but then corrects itself.
I have checked all connectors and such. Plus the car drives perfectly after restarting the motor.
Is there a certain mileage the Oem ecu needs to drive for an obd1 car to get perfect run settings?
Has any other ctsc people out there expirienced this issue?

Thanks in advance
Yes too both. I have an in cabin fuel pressure gauge.
Spoke to Shad today and there has been a couple of cars with the newest version of the CT kits with the exact same issues
which only happens in the cold weather and only at full rpm range. He says the CT electronics need a reflash.
Lukily one car recently did this while on a dyno at his shop and says it's safe to drive it until he reflashes it.
Last night will be the third time since supercharging my nsx that the car throws a CEL with a TCS light to match.

We will need more info to help.

Are you using the CTSC fuel system as it was shipped in the original kit or have you modified it?

Are you using OEM Fuel pump?

OEM Fuel Pressure Regulator or the CTSC RRFPR?

OEM ECU and ESM or OEM ECU and piggyback like AEM F/IC?

Stock Injectors or aftermarket?

We will need more info to help.

Are you using the CTSC fuel system as it was shipped in the original kit or have you modified it?

Are you using OEM Fuel pump?

OEM Fuel Pressure Regulator or the CTSC RRFPR?

OEM ECU and ESM or OEM ECU and piggyback like AEM F/IC?

Stock Injectors or aftermarket?


I have the stock ct 6# kit.
Stock fuel pump, injectors, rising rate fuel system.
Oem ecu, no f/ic.
Injectors cleaned prior to install as well as new fuel filter. Dyno runs before and after show a healthy pre and post boosted motor. Shad says there have been a few of the new ct kits like mine which have done this. It is random. Sometimes on the end of the rpm band, the motor just cuts..... Dead...... Code is thrown and restarting the car makes it all go away.
He says there is a reflash of firmware for this issue. I'll be having this done in the next few weeks. Other than this issue and a squeaking belt, I have loved the ctsc kit. Even now, I'd have bought nothing other.
But any insight would be awesome. Also maybe cause us new California ctsc owners less greif.
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I have the stock ct 6# kit.
Stock fuel pump, injectors, rising rate fuel system.
Oem ecu, no f/ic.
Injectors cleaned prior to install as well as new fuel filter. Dyno runs before and after show a healthy pre and post boosted motor. Shad says there have been a few of the new ct kits like mine which have done this. It is random. Sometimes on the end of the rpm band, the motor just cuts..... Dead...... Code is thrown and restarting the car makes it all go away.
He says there is a reflash of firmware for this issue. I'll be having this done in the next few weeks. Other than this issue and a squeaking belt, I have loved the ctsc kit. Even now, I'd have bought nothing other.
But any insight would be awesome. Also maybe cause us new California ctsc owners less greif.
Aren't you running oem ecu with oem firmware? What are you going to reflash anyway? Solder socket in and flash custom tune for this kit? I'm not following.
The unit that needs to be reflashed is the ct electronic box. According to Shad.

- - - Updated - - -

Aren't you running oem ecu with oem firmware? What are you going to reflash anyway? Solder socket in and flash custom tune for this kit? I'm not following.

I think he is referring to this. I didn't think these were updatable or able to reflash, but Shad is saying it can be?
Who knows. Will have him reflash it and see if that does the trick.
I have similar if not the same issues. Did you get the firmware flashed? and if so, did it solve your problems?

Hey Sel,
I have not had the time to take the car up to Shad's yet to update the firmware. My nsx has been happy go lucky and worry free though. Per Shad's Intel, for some reason the newer kits seem to do this and ONLY when at the very end of the rpm range when it is cooler than usual. I hope to get the car to him very soon, I will update the thread once I get some mileage on the update. What year car? New kit? Older kit?
I'd love to hear your results once you do get it flashed. The symptoms are exactly the same. When driving a little more aggressively than usual, I would get a bit of a hiccup in the acceleration and then I would get a CEL (with random misfire codes) and the TCS warning light would turn on. I'd clear the codes and it all runs well...for a while.
I had the SC looked at and tuned by Shad a while back and thought this would be fixed.
Mine is a 98 with a SC from the group buy a few
years back. So likely the "newer" version.

I drove the car south for the winter and it drove fine, though I didn't really push it. I live in Tahoe and I'd say that when it did occur I was usually at 5000-6500 foot altitude... If that has any effect.
Ignoring a "hiccup" or recurring CEL seems like a risky approach to me. Do you have AFR logging ability? I'd want to know what is going on.
Interesting hearing the CEL code you got especially on 91 model.

While it is possible getting CEL #16, there is no INJ open/close detection circuit or feedback loop on NSX ECU hardware/software.
Therefore, CEL #16 could be nothing to do with the INJ related area (although CEL #16 is listed as INJ related issue in OBD).
In fact, not sure why CEL #16 was included in the English version of the workshop manual.
It was never listed in the Japanese version throughout the 91 - 05 models and although there are some differences between the different country models, the INJ, INJ I/F circuit and the software around INJ modules were the same/similar so CEL #16 could mean completely different thing.

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