Anti-Virus Programs... A scam?

2 May 2002
Ft. Lewis, WA
Okay, so...

I go for a couple of years with no virus protection on my laptop and then I decide to renew my protection "just in case" my computer has contracted something (even though it displayed no symptoms). No sooner do I install the upgrade than I start having all kinds of problems with my computer. And I know I'm not the only one who has experienced this. For example, the main issue I'm having is random advertising pop ups, and occasionally, some program or application turns itself on and launches internet explorer over and over again...

So I run virus scans and remove what is "found" (or was it planted by the program itself?), but these two symptoms just won't go away. I don't know enough about computers to manually find the viruses, though they'd probably be buried way to deep to find anyway, but even if I wanted to format, I'm not sure what I can afford not to back up (plus I don't have start up disks).

Anyway... anyone else experience more symptoms when they have anti-virus than when they don't?
Okay, so...

I go for a couple of years with no virus protection on my laptop and then I decide to renew my protection "just in case" my computer has contracted something (even though it displayed no symptoms). No sooner do I install the upgrade than I start having all kinds of problems with my computer. And I know I'm not the only one who has experienced this. For example, the main issue I'm having is random advertising pop ups, and occasionally, some program or application turns itself on and launches internet explorer over and over again...

So I run virus scans and remove what is "found" (or was it planted by the program itself?), but these two symptoms just won't go away. I don't know enough about computers to manually find the viruses, though they'd probably be buried way to deep to find anyway, but even if I wanted to format, I'm not sure what I can afford not to back up (plus I don't have start up disks).

Anyway... anyone else experience more symptoms when they have anti-virus than when they don't?

I try to avoid all-purpose anti-virus software like Norton and stick to standalone programs. I've used only AVG Free, Spybot and Ad-Aware for years with great success. All free. I have never had a virus, unwanted pop-ups or problems with spyware ever and I run Internet Explorer exclusively.

I'd uninstall anything you've installed (you may also want to do a system restore to a previous time before the upgrade you mention that you performed and the installation or update of any anti-virus programs) and download AVG free and run that.

I also recommend running a registry fixer program every few weeks or months to keep the registry tidy.

To answer your question I wouldn't say most of the all-purpose anti-virus pgms are scams but they do often have superfluous junk you don't need/want in them and there are better programs that are free out there.
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I am using what NSXGMS is using plus Norton Anti-Virus. No issues so far.
No Anti-Virus Program is virus proof. You have to use a combination of them. If you had the Virut virus before, you will know how hard it is to remove it. Most people just end up reformatting or restoring back to to a previous date.

Make sure you run them in Safe Mode (on windows bootup hit F8 button).

If your getting a lot of popups, then you should Reset Web Settings before installing these anti-virus. Delete all Temporary Internet Folders and Cookies.

Norton is a memory hog.

All of them are free, except Mcafee

I use:
- Spybot Search and Destroy
- Malwarebytes
- SuperAntispyware
- Bazooka
- Mcafee
Stay away from Ad-Aware. I used to use them as well, but many people now complain about them.

Ad-Aware seems to have issues with other anti-virus programs.

And some viruses has exploited ad-aware features to cause havoc to your system. I had on recently where ad-aware was rewritting a windows file. It would immediately log me out after logging in.
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I think these days anti-spyware/adware software is more important than antivirus. Unfortunatley it seems that these programs aren't really combined together most of the time.

After spending the past 15 years or so fixing people's broken ass computers I feel that Norton software causes more problems than it fixes. I have seen so many random strange problems in windows magically vanish as soon as I install Norton from the machine.

I think with some good Anti-spyware software and being careful about where you run executables from and you should be pretty safe. As soon as you start messing with torrents and pirated software you're begging to get infected with all sorts of crap.

Another very important thing to keep in mind is that there are a ton of FAKE AV programs out there that you see pop up in ads on web sites claiming that your machine is infected with all sorts of stuff. Once you make the mistake of downloading and installing their crap to "fix" it, they claim that you're infected with even more crap (even if you're not) and try to get you to pay them money for the full version to have it removed.

You never mentioned any specific software so we have no way of knowing. I suggest you try running something like SpyBot S&D since what you describe sounds more like adware than anything else.
I cant wait till there is a law against these companies and people who put this stuff out.:mad:

I'm sure theyre breaking several US federal laws... but they're in asia somewhere.. or another place where the locals don't care. The internet being so global makes it very difficult to stop anything.
I personally never understood the love for AVG. I absolutely hate it.

Personally I have been using and recommending AVG for years. AVG has found and eliminated more viruses and other malware, where others have failed. Only on one instance have I had a problem and it was being caused by a different application not AVG.

Just curious as to what you hate about it?

I use AVG on all my machines here at home. I have 5 laptops and 1 "server".

I see that my other tools are also mentioned here

I use this

Reg cleaner which works on all my machines

A lot of errors in the reg.

I have never had any trouble. But AVG have found some bad things here and there. Spybot and Ad-aware and also AVG removes some tracking cookies and stuff like that all the time.

I would recommend AVG and the other things I write about here. I had a nasty thing which I think that Malwarebytes blasted.

Stay away from Ad-Aware. I used to use them as well, but many people now complain about them.

Ad-Aware seems to have issues with other anti-virus programs.

Never heard that or experienced that. It's slow to boot and a CPU sucker when running but Ad-Aware has been nothing but good to me.

AVG does a little too go a job sometimes labeling safe files as virus but I can easily bypass that.

Again, I have never felt the need to restrict the sites I go to (although I don't go to crazy porn sites--but I wouldn't feel too threatened even if I did) and I use IE and I have never had a virus or annoying spyware for any length of time on an PC I've owned in the last 8 years.

I was running a combination of or all PC Tools AV, AVG, SpyBot or Ad-Aware. I have always used IE.
Myself as well as my brother are both having problems with our computers after installing AVG.

no joke. His computer is custom built and had NO problems till he downloaded AVG.

What kind of problems? AVG Free is a pretty streamlined program that has always behaved itself for me. My PC is custom built as well.
What kind of problems? AVG Free is a pretty streamlined program that has always behaved itself for me. My PC is custom built as well.


Strange. The "server" I have with Windows Home server runs AVG Network edition. The same version runs on 5 laptops all running Windows XP Pro.

The "server" is home built.

I have never had any trouble at all with AVG on any of them.

I've had Good experiences with Spybot S&D, and BitDefender. I'd stay away from Trendmicro and Mcafee products. They aren't entirely compatible with Spybot it seems. Microsoft seems to have really gotten its act together too, so PCs and MS Live are the way to go.

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I have had nothing but trouble with Symantec/Norton Antivirus products, and would not wish them on my worst enemy. If you need help getting rid of it, PM me and I'll send you a link to some sooper sekrit Symantec removal tools.

In general I like AVG, but it does not catch everything. But then again, nothing does.

MalwareBytes is my current favorite malware removal tool, but a lot of the harsher spywares will detect it and prevent it from running. Sometimes it's a matter of just trying all of the programs at FileHippo and see which ones work.

Nothing can take the place of a good backup, however. If you lose your data to a virus, it's ultimately your own damn fault for not having a current backup.
I've never had a computer virus. Probably because I've never owned a computer. (I may be the only person in the country that doesn't own a puter) :redface:
I have had nothing but trouble with Symantec/Norton Antivirus products, and would not wish them on my worst enemy. If you need help getting rid of it, PM me and I'll send you a link to some sooper sekrit Symantec removal tools.

In general I like AVG, but it does not catch everything. But then again, nothing does.

MalwareBytes is my current favorite malware removal tool, but a lot of the harsher spywares will detect it and prevent it from running. Sometimes it's a matter of just trying all of the programs at FileHippo and see which ones work.

Nothing can take the place of a good backup, however. If you lose your data to a virus, it's ultimately your own damn fault for not having a current backup.

Thanks for the tips, flaminio! Now I know what *I* would do if it were Me! Lol :smile:

Old thread revisited. Well the topic never gets old.

As I wrote I run AVG Network edition on my server and my 5 laptops. I have to run the network editon as other AVG version does not work on the (home)server.

AVG is set up to do a scan for virus and spyware. It finds some virus/trojan sometimes. It is not a suprise though as the things it finds bad things in are downloaded stuff that I suspect is bad. Other than that there are ofcourse tracking cookies and things like that.

A suspision of bad things is why I always tries out new software in a virtuell machine in Vmware.

On all my computers I also run Malwarebytes. Ad-aware, Spybot, CCleaner(not used much), Eusing Reg cleaner (very good and free).

You could also use Onecare

I have never used it. But it should be okey.

Well there are my tips. And ofcourse backup is in the end your only friend. I am about to upload everything that is worth anything for me to Keep it.

Online and affordable. I am at about 90gb and still have about 900gb left until I have a backup of everything.

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I have to give a big thanks to Malibu for posting the link to Malwarebytes. This morning my office computer got a nasty malware program called Antivrius Pro 2010 and my McAfee crap program couldn't do a thing. I downloaded and ran the aforementioned program and it wiped it out completely and even found some other crap lurking on my computer.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love this place. :smile: