Another "what is this part" quiz

I think it comes from the inner ashtray. Handle to push or pull it out and maybe to hold your cigarettes in (not sure about that, I don't smoke).

yes, it is attached to the ashtray. Since I don't smoke, I have no idea what it does. I use the ashtray as a storage/garbage area, and find that to get in the way. I was surprised that someone at honda designed and engineered this part. And for what? What is this part supposed to do?
yes, it is attached to the ashtray. Since I don't smoke, I have no idea what it does. I use the ashtray as a storage/garbage area, and find that to get in the way. I was surprised that someone at honda designed and engineered this part. And for what? What is this part supposed to do?
I didn't know this came off! I thought it was molded as part of the ash tray. I believe it is to but the cigarette. Japanese love to smoke. Especially back in the 1990's.
Yeah, I thought it was molded as well, until I looked at it more closely while trying to get out some paper that got wedged in there. Since it is plastic, I would think that it would melt or burn if the lit cigarette was pressed against it. Anyone here smoke in their NSX?