Another newbie on board! thinkin about getting an NSX in 2 yrs

8 January 2005
I just joined this forum and I just want to say hi. I recently totalled my stage III Audi S4 :(. Wasnt my fault... I plan keep my insurance money and save up for anohter two years to get an NSX once I graduate college/get accepted to med school. I am currently a 2nd year at Berkeley. I think I will have about 40k saved up in 2 years to get an nsx. Will it be possible for me to get a nice 97 one by that time and still have money left over for suspension mods? What do you guys think?
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Won't you be needing the $40K for room & board & tuition? Financial aid will wan't your assets & having an NSX won't look good on your financial aid form, especially if you list what your pymt is. Plus insurance costs. Not good to have big bills while in med school, especially for a car you won't have a lot of time to be driving.
TyraNSX said:
Won't you be needing the $40K for room & board & tuition? Financial aid will wan't your assets & having an NSX won't look good on your financial aid form, especially if you list what your pymt is. Plus insurance costs. Not good to have big bills while in med school, especially for a car you won't have a lot of time to be driving.

I concur.
It's not wise to spend 40K on a car when you're still in school, unless money grows out of your feet. Since you're planning to attend med schoo, i doubt you will have time to enjoy the car.
Engel07 said:
It's not wise to spend 40K on a car when you're still in school, unless money grows out of your feet. Since you're planning to attend med schoo, i doubt you will have time to enjoy the car.

Eww...he's got a good point. My sister finished med school 3 years ago and I remember she barely had time to eat. The rotations were the worst... 70 - 80 hour weeks. My hat's off to ya; med school is very very very hard work. And then once you become a resident, it starts all over again. (not to mention the $85k worth of loans while making $30k a year) :frown:

Anyway...good luck to you...i hope you can get an NSX. I'm in the market for one, too :biggrin:
TyraNSX said:
Won't you be needing the $40K for room & board & tuition? Financial aid will wan't your assets & having an NSX won't look good on your financial aid form, especially if you list what your pymt is. Plus insurance costs. Not good to have big bills while in med school, especially for a car you won't have a lot of time to be driving.

Thanx for the concern, but I think I already have a plan for this. I got full scholarship for my undergrad education, so I will have another 40-50k saved up towards med school by the time i graduate. I know thats not enough but I am sure will be able to find a way to pay for my med school tuition some how. The thing is I really want to be able enjoy the car while i am still young.
Don't forget that at some point after (during?) school you'll want to get your own place to live. So, IMHO, what I would do is save up and put a nice fat downpayment on a house or condo...something. You'll save money in the long run and have extra money for an NSX, not to mention a garage to keep it in. I'm too old now, but you are young enough to play your cards right. I think you could probably have the NSX and the house and the great career at the same time...just be careful with money.

This is the kind of stuff no one told me when I was younger :frown:
You don't need an NSX to get some booty call in Med school!!!! The girls in your school will be more impress if you have your own home to do your booty call. Besides, after 4 years of owning your home, it will appreciate in value and you can take the equity out and buy yourself a brand new spanking NSX.

hadokenny said:
Thanx for the concern, but I think I already have a plan for this. I got full scholarship for my undergrad education, so I will have another 40-50k saved up towards med school by the time i graduate. I know thats not enough but I am sure will be able to find a way to pay for my med school tuition some how. The thing is I really want to be able enjoy the car while i am still young.
I had been dreaming of an NSX from age 25 until the present. I finally aquired mine at age 36. If you can pull off one at your age, you are set. Take care of school,and everything else before you are worried about an NSX. You will get one in due time.

Get yourself straight before you are worried about cruising in a cool ride. :smile:
don't forget your daily driver. I doubt you want to leave your nice car in a crappy hospital parking lot with all the riff raff for 36 hours at a stint...

I think it would be cool to have an nsx in med school, but realistically, you won't get to enjoy it a whole lot..

yeah, i think 40k should get you a 97 in two years..
Engel07 said:
You don't need an NSX to get some booty call in Med school!!!! The girls in your school will be more impress if you have your own home to do your booty call.
Nonsense. The girls will be plenty impressed just by the fact that you're in med school. Neither home nor car should be needed...
Even if you are saving the $40-50K before med school financial aid will see at as an asset. Why should someone give a kid w/ $40K in cash a scholarship? I've been out of school over 10yrs now, but assets (yours & parents) always enter the equation. As was said earlier, better to get a house or condo to live in during med school, take the mortgage interest tax deduction, watch the real estate appreciate, and really be well off when you finish school. Then go buy all the toys. If you can afford any after paying malpractice insurance premiums.
HadoKenny.....i know you from will love the nsx..not as fast as the stg3 s4 (dont listen to what people might say on here...ducking...)
but is still a nice car, ill seel you my S4 if you are looking for a new one, 01 M box ko4/16 with ZC, coating etc,etc,etc....and all kinds of other stuff.

good to see a friendly audi face on here..

TyraNSX said:
Even if you are saving the $40-50K before med school financial aid will see at as an asset. Why should someone give a kid w/ $40K in cash a scholarship? I've been out of school over 10yrs now, but assets (yours & parents) always enter the equation. As was said earlier, better to get a house or condo to live in during med school, take the mortgage interest tax deduction, watch the real estate appreciate, and really be well off when you finish school. Then go buy all the toys. If you can afford any after paying malpractice insurance premiums.

i stillwouldn't recommend one before med school unless you're financially set, but unless he's going to get an actual scholarship for financial hardship, his 40k won't matter... When i was in med school, they were virtually throwing money at us. Didn't matter what the assets were. I'm not kidding. If i wanted to borrow another $5k, i just walked down to financial aid and 45 mins later walked out, all paperwork done. And it didn't differ one iota for the "rich folks" in my class... my friend went to med school, already owned 8 houses. He still borrowed money without a problem (he used it for investments i believe)
peiserg said:
i stillwouldn't recommend one before med school unless you're financially set, but unless he's going to get an actual scholarship for financial hardship, his 40k won't matter... When i was in med school, they were virtually throwing money at us. Didn't matter what the assets were. I'm not kidding. If i wanted to borrow another $5k, i just walked down to financial aid and 45 mins later walked out, all paperwork done. And it didn't differ one iota for the "rich folks" in my class... my friend went to med school, already owned 8 houses. He still borrowed money without a problem (he used it for investments i believe)

That's nice to know for the rest of us who had to eat Mac & Cheese and Roman Noodles through college because we worked full-time just to pay rent and tuition :mad:

As far as when he gets his car....that's his choice. I say get it when you can (can meaning, can afford it) A buddy of mine bought his Viper a year out of college...while the rest of us were buying our homes and becoming financially secure. He paid his Viper off the same year I bought my NSX (5 years later). So part of me regrets having waited so long....... but in retrospect, I have a huge garage and a an extra 5 years down on my mortgage. So it can go either way.....
newby said:
That's nice to know for the rest of us who had to eat Mac & Cheese and Roman Noodles through college because we worked full-time just to pay rent and tuition :mad:

You could afford the name-brand Ramen noodles!? Hell, I had to save the $0.03 and get the off-brand wal-mart kind.
Sorry, I just had to run back to the computer... After my last post, I went to the kitchen and found a bowl of Ramen noodles (chicken flavor) in the microwave which I forgot about from last night!! :tongue:

Think it's still good???

Jetpilot2112 said:
Sorry, I just had to run back to the computer... After my last post, I went to the kitchen and found a bowl of Ramen noodles (chicken flavor) in the microwave which I forgot about from last night!! :tongue:

Think it's still good???


It's funny, but talking about them makes me crave them too. Probably one of the few things in life that is cheap & good.