And now, introducing... Layla!

Does anyone have any good source for getting a dog??

My fiance really really like the toy size Mini American Eskimo, but I couldn't find any source locally, and I'm no sure if I should trust the breeders that I found over the internet.

2 ideas I have, contact the AKC and ask them for a list of breeders and or champion show dogs of that breed. Second go to a local dog show and ask the people who are showing that breed of dog. Also looking at the breeders you find on the internet wouldn't be a bad idea, just do your homework on them to see if they are legit or not.
cmarsh90 said:
Hey Ken I've always been curious, as the owner of the sire what is the usual deal between yourself and the owners of the female dog? Do they pay you to send your dog out to CA for a few days of enjoyment with their dog?:) Just always been curious.
The customary arrangement is that the owner of the sire receives the pick of the litter, or if that is not of interest, a stud fee in cash that is similar in value.

Originally posted by NSXDreamer2
Does anyone have any good source for getting a dog??

My fiance really really like the toy size Mini American Eskimo, but I couldn't find any source locally, and I'm no sure if I should trust the breeders that I found over the internet.
Chris's suggestions are good ones. Also, when you go to the page for your breed (in your case, the American Eskimo) on the AKC website, they have a link for "Parent Club and Breeder Referral". That would be a good place to start.
steveny said:
In September my lab had a seizure that lasted about 5 minutes or so. This was very scary for her and us as well. We took her to the vet and he said everything was fine no problems. Today around 2:30 she had another one that lasted about 10-12 minutes. She fell to the floor, legs stretched out, claws fully extended and trembling uncontrollably. Very upsetting to see with a six year old otherwise healthy dog.

Epilepsy in any animal (or human) is indeed very disturbing to see for those "new" to the physical ramifications. Labs are known carriers of the gene, so it is probably something familial. I generally counsel my clients to keep a log of when seizures occur and how long they last (typically not as long as you think, since they freak people out so much). Increasing frequency or severity lead me toward medication. Please discuss with your vet, as we all have slightly different protocols we follow.