Aftermarket Steering Wheel picture thread

Where did you get your SS steering wheel screws? I can't get them where I'm at. Any help is appreciated. BTW, it's nice to know someone actually puts coins in the coin tray! :)
Veleno said:
Where did you get your SS steering wheel screws? I can't get them where I'm at. Any help is appreciated. BTW, it's nice to know someone actually puts coins in the coin tray! :)

PM me your address and I will drop a set of 6 in the mail for you, the damn fastener shop made me purchase a bag of 20.
My came with the SOS Rapid Hub. They sell the screws only also.
Thanks for the info and offers guys, that's what makes this site worth being a part of! I asked Chris @ SOS a while back and he told me he did not carry the ss screws anymore...idk. I'll take scorp up on his offer, but for my info, what size are the screws if I was to order more at a later date?
Momo F1 concept:

Full Race Harness will it provide safety of an airbag???

If you were to put in a full racing harness would it not provide as good as if not better protection than an airbag. I hate the schoolbus sterering wheel in my car but would not go without an air bag if I could not match the level of safety.........Steve
Any carbon/suede+leather/flat bottom steering wheels out there? I really like the Momo's pictured above, but I haven't seen one with significant carbon fiber? That would be a nice addition in my opinion.


get the lock.

stop watching gone in 60 seconds.
its just a movie, its not real.

if thieves realy wanted your car, they will have your car.

but atleast give them more obstacles and hope that it will deter them.
there's plenty of things to do to deter theives.

get this wheel and no one will try and steal your car.
i need to see more pics , please update everyone

cant decide on what hub or quick release i should run
link please? and can you add a quick release on there
mugen fg360 badass whose car is that and is it for sale lol
what hub are you using btw,

the team orange thing the quick release right