Aftermarket steering wheel install question

25 November 2004
Upstate NY
I want to install a Momo wheel on my '92. What is the most economical hub to buy and who sells it ? I don't care about quick release options. I just want a reasonably priced hub which will keep the wheel in the stock position. I've seen a post on here somewhere that indicated that some hub(s) are too short and cause interference with the beam/directional stalks. I'd like to avoid that issue too.
Well, par for the course, the reasonably- priced Momo hub is no longer available for the NSX. However, Dali carries a similar "Momo-style hub". I emailed Mark at Dali and he indicated that this hub doesn't allow for " wire reel functionality ". Does this matter since I'm disconnecting the cruise control and airbag? I'm only interested in wiring up the horn on a Momo wheel.

Also--has anyone used this hub ? If so, how well does it work and what sized spacer is needed to keep the wheel in the stock position? Mark indicated that I would need a spacer.
Can anyone comment on this q---does the "wire reel functionality" matter if one is going to disconnect the cruise and airbag and only run a center horn button?
Can anyone comment on this q---does the "wire reel functionality" matter if one is going to disconnect the cruise and airbag and only run a center horn button?


you can remove the reel if your doing away with cruise control and airbag. then run a wire from the SRS cable that carries the horn function to your new hub to get the horn buton working.