I was happy to see the info on the knock sensor calibration, the first time I turned them on they were off the chart… and that was at 11:1 AFR with little timing.
When I’m ready to tune again, I will call you.
About the EGT’s- how many? Or all?
Amazing things can be learned on the dyno, I worked with cam timing to pick up almost 100 HP and better fuel mileage! When I re-dyno’d I had to take a ton of fuel out of it, it didn’t seem to make sense… at first; More Hp = more air = more fuel, but originally I was actually pushing unused boost and fuel out the exhaust. Unfortunately after 17 degrees, I finally ran out of valve clearance so it’s time to rebuild. I cut about .200" more clearance then a stock piston, but who would have ever thought 17 degrees.
For everyone reading- the cam is not stock, but it is a spec cam that I have to make the best of.
When I’m ready to tune again, I will call you.
About the EGT’s- how many? Or all?
Amazing things can be learned on the dyno, I worked with cam timing to pick up almost 100 HP and better fuel mileage! When I re-dyno’d I had to take a ton of fuel out of it, it didn’t seem to make sense… at first; More Hp = more air = more fuel, but originally I was actually pushing unused boost and fuel out the exhaust. Unfortunately after 17 degrees, I finally ran out of valve clearance so it’s time to rebuild. I cut about .200" more clearance then a stock piston, but who would have ever thought 17 degrees.
For everyone reading- the cam is not stock, but it is a spec cam that I have to make the best of.