Advanced Flat Out Engine Bay cover

7 February 2001
Any of you guys ever seen an NSX with the Flat Out engine cover? It looks awesome in pictures and I'm thinking of ordering one from Japan vs. the Gruppe M engine cover with mesh. It's original and looks awesome IMO. I like the design and the glass (it looks like glass) so you can see right through unlike using mesh. Very much a ferrari look.
It would be nice if I could see one in person before dropping a grand on it. Anybody actually have this cover in their car? Opinions? I'm just looking for experiences or opinions of those who may know it before dropping that kind of cash.
Am I the first to consider this one?
Where can you buy this at? DC Sports used to carry one with a window (single in the middle) according to the FAQ but they (DCS) informed me it is OOP and wouldn't give out a source for the part.
The one I'm talking about is very different. It's hard to explain what it looks like, but it actually has three windows with a nice design. One large one over the middle, and two smaller traingular shaped windows on each corner. I'll see if I can scan a pic and post it. The only large pic that really shows it off that I have seen is in the HyperRev no.32 magazine. That's where I saw this cover for the first time and became interested in picking one up. I'm trying to keep my copy in good condition so I don't want to fold it up to scan it. I'll see what I can do though. I'll post a pic up soon. Hopefully I can find someone who has one.

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That looks like they use the factory cover as a blank. It shouldn't be hard to produce here. I created a mesh cover using the factory cover.

To create the one that George posted, you would just cut out the holes on the cover, cut plexiglass or lexan to fit, and secure it in there.

With my mesh cover, I secured the mesh on the bottom of the cut out, and used small bolts on the perimeter of the cut out to bolt the mesh to the cover. Looked great with the mesh, but probably wouldn't look as nice with clear lexan.

George needs to have his guy make lexan engine covers with cut outs like the one in the picture. I'd be a buying customer.

-- Chris

Chris Willson
I wonder if that hatch is a one of a kind, custom made by advance or if they sell that too. I'm going to try and post a pic of the hatch from the hyperrev. The hatch is up so you can really tell what it looks like.
the hatch is one of a kind. they d not market it yet.

Chris, you dont want just a lexan replacement of the glass hach? saves a bit of weight where it really counts.

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Andrie, you are such as a blvd pimp, you pimp!

Well, I'm not a blvd pimp yet (although I do pimp ladiez as a side business) so I'm just looking for some weight savings.

the vents on the Australia car is just little cut-outs, on the advance one, they have a little deflectors on the vents.

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There seems to be more than one kind of the engine cover. I could be wrong, but there are a few pics of that cover in the mag and they don't all look the same. One actually looks like it's made of the same or similar material as the Gruppe M cover... carbon fiber/kevlar... something like that. I can't tell from the pics whether the glass inserts are actually glass or lexan.
I am going to try and scan a few of the different pics from that today and post if I get the chance.
It doesn't look like they used a stock engine cover, but made their own. It's hard to tell what materials were used with the poor quality of the pic.
I like weight savings (goal with out getting too crazy is 2800 lbs). I'd like to eventually get that down to 2600 lbs. But to get motivated to buy, I'd really want those vents.

-- Chris

Chris Willson
TheAdvance engine cover is made of carbon fiber and lexan. It's retail just over $1000 with today's exchange rate.

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