Scammers are using compromised Prime member accounts to pose as a trusted seller in the marketplace. Before you enter into a deal with any seller, follow these tips to keep yourself safe. If you encounter one of these scammers, please report them immediately and we will lock their account.
Caveat Emptor!
Ediddynsx 17,18 gunmetal looking ones for now
I would rather pay 60-70 more and deal with an autorized dealer.
Make it happen DAVE :biggrin:! They counting on you :wink:! Buy me a set too and I will pay you back when it comes in :tongue:!
No, All jokes aside there is quite some name on this list tho :wink:
Hey man if you really are interested then please add your name to the list. Seriously I already have to keep track of a few that want wheels and for some reason don't want to be on the public list. I don't want to keep doing this. I've got too many things on my brain. No one is paying me to do this. I am trying to contribute to the members and the forum to make up for all of your poor posts. Haha... :biggrin:
Until the deposit has been made, we don't know exactly how many people will be actually buying, so the number of people on the list might come down.
Until the deposit has been made, we don't know exactly how many people will be actually buying, so the number of people on the list might come down.
Just saying. Hahaha! Relax....:smile: poor posts!? :smile: