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Acura NSX hat - Gauging interest

Ok, fresh news on the hat homefront...


Hopefully, the vendor is paying attention to the interest and will react accordingly...there's customers to be satisfied and money to be made here! :wink:

Thanks all. Sorry again.
Phil, reluctant rogue non-profit salesman :biggrin:

Why make money if you don't have too?

these are $9.99 INCUDING SHIPPING....and they are in stock too - of course you have to be in CA... :biggrin:


Also available w/out the -CA

if you ask nicely. Same Price.

The original Not for Profit NSX Parts Company
So who's design is it then, if it's on that hat as well? :confused:

I'd hate to think I was being strong-armed here, especially since I was doing it as a favor and with no personal gain in mind other than to be regarded as a nice guy. :cool:
Sorry, but I gotta go w/ this one (2 for the price of 1)!!!

Esp. since he says we can get it w/out the "CA"!!!

Why make money if you don't have too?

these are $9.99 INCUDING SHIPPING....and they are in stock too - of course you have to be in CA... :biggrin:


Also available w/out the -CA

if you ask nicely. Same Price.

The original Not for Profit NSX Parts Company
Sorry, but I gotta go w/ this one (2 for the price of 1)!!!

Esp. since he says we can get it w/out the "CA"!!!

No apologies necessary, I'm out of it :smile: . It's actually less work and the same amount of profit if I don't do anything with this. Like I said, just trying to be nice.

I'm just wondering why there's no issue with this hat having the same design. Also, the other vendor in question chose to stay out of this thread due to forum rules. It just seems like I'm falling victim to the "No good deed ever goes unpunished" syndrome.
So who's design is it then, if it's on that hat as well? :confused:

I'd hate to think I was being strong-armed here, especially since I was doing it as a favor and with no personal gain in mind other than to be regarded as a nice guy. :cool:

Phil, thank you for your post clarifying that this was a KHrant Enterprises design offered on our apparel, car covers, fender mats, etc., we can even put on floor mats too :eek: :biggrin:

DaliRacing has asked and received permission to use the logo, as well as Stuck! caps - the latter is a local NSX owner and NSXCA and NSX-CA member. Both used my logo when the NSX-CA was launched about three months ago, and I agreed to the logo's use at no fees, kickbacks, royalties, or any personal gain because it was and is for good cause. And the veterans of Prime will also note that DaliRacing has been posting all of my products on his webpage (with the same logo) as a friendly service for many years. I don't get a discount from DaliRacing nor do I give him one - that way we stay honest LOL!

There are many different brands, types and qualities of caps. My cost for the caps that I offer are higher than what DaliRacing can make and ship them - he also made them in large batches to meet the demand from NSX-CA membership. The one he is advertising is a good bargain; and I can assure you he is doing it at cost :wink:

Even the Stuck! caps offered on his webpage are a great bargain given the patented feature when compared to what other caps are sold for. It's all for good cause :smile:

Phil, thank you for your post clarifying that this was a KHrant Enterprises design offered on our apparel, car covers, fender mats, etc., we can even put on floor mats too :eek: :biggrin:

DaliRacing has asked and received permission to use the logo, as well as Stuck! caps - the latter is a local NSX owner and NSXCA and NSX-CA member. Both used my logo when the NSX-CA was launched about three months ago, and I agreed to the logo's use at no fees, kickbacks, royalties, or any personal gain because it was and is for good cause. And the veterans of Prime will also note that DaliRacing has been posting all of my products on his webpage (with the same logo) as a friendly service for many years. I don't get a discount from DaliRacing nor do I give him one - that way we stay honest LOL!

There are many different brands, types and qualities of caps. My cost for the caps that I offer are higher than what DaliRacing can make and ship them - he also made them in large batches to meet the demand from NSX-CA membership. The one he is advertising is a good bargain; and I can assure you he is doing it at cost :wink:

Even the Stuck! caps offered on his webpage are a great bargain given the patented feature when compared to what other caps are sold for. It's all for good cause :smile:


Thanks for clearing that up. I feel like less of a schmuck now :smile: . I may buy one of each from both of you just to have all three :biggrin: .