Not too difficult. I went in through the wheel well for both.
Losen lug nuts
Car on Jack stands
Remove wheel and fender liner
Disconnect wire connector
Might have to fiddle with the connector bracket, can't remember
Remove fan and housing
Remove fan from housing
Stuff to have on hand-
Good assortment of extensions and wobble heads
Spare wheel liner clips and fasteners
The fan and shroud have to come off together, getting them out of the wheel well requires some spatial reasoning (or luck). I remember that the housing has to drop down to clear the suspension, but that it clears it without having to modify anything. Having the extensions on hand is critical-you'll have to get a socket/wrench on both sides of the housing to remove the bolts. The bottom housing bolts will be corroded, I cleaned mine up with a tap and die before putting them back on.
Here is a link to info on wheel liner clips and fasteners-
Awesome. Thank you for the instructions!