Abs/tcs On

10 June 2001
Hong Kong
this happens intermittenly.. know there has been threads on it before. Is it something to do with bad wheel sensors. Had all wheels/brakes clean already and still occuring now/then.
Once switched off the engine, the lites are gone. any suggestions what to do next time??
many thanks:confused:
My '92 did that last year and it turned out to be a bad wheel sensor. Each sensor sends information to both systems, the ABS and TCS, so it's likely a sensor . If you do a scan, a code will appear which will tell you exactly which wheel is malfunctioning. Once you find out which sensor it is, you can first try to clean it gently by blowing compressed air on it--don't use any solvents. If that doesn't fix the problem, just replace the sensor. In the US they cost about $100. Installing it is a relatively easy job. Good luck.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say all the lights go out after you turn off the motor. When you do turn on the motor, does the TCS light stay on in the dash? If it does, pull the trouble codes and count the number of times the TCS light blinks. Once you get that trouble code, I'm sure you'll get a lot of help on this site. It could be as simple as your tire pressure.
It could also be caused by using the wrong size tires, tires whose outer diameters are too different from stock.

What size tires are you using?
nsxtasy said:
It could also be caused by using the wrong size tires, tires whose outer diameters are too different from stock.

I do not think you would get both lights if the tire sizes were off, just the TCS would engage and you would get the green light flashing, no??

You cannot use a scanner for an ODBI car, you must use the "blink method" Find the service connector and jump it with a paper clip. The ABS and TCS lights will blink a code: 41,42,44,48 are wheel speed sensor codes. The service manual shows which one. If the car is not bogging at all, then it is most likely a front sensor.

Larry Bastanza said:
I do not think you would get both lights if the tire sizes were off, just the TCS would engage and you would get the green light flashing, no??
True. But it's also possible that the TCS is activating for the tire sizes, and the MIL for something else. In any case, it's easy to check the tire sizes, if only to rule them out as a cause...
Thanks for all the comments. The technican disconnected the battery, clean the terminals and the codes/troubles went away... so far...also cleaned all sensors.