A Win Against the Telemarketers

The site is slow, getting 1000 hits per second. No rush, the telemarketers don't have to purge their call lists until October.
For those in SBC serviced areas... get the "Privacy Manager" service. That combined with CallerID... I don't get telemarket calls anymore.

(Other companies have similar services... just called differently.)
For those in SBC serviced areas... get the "Privacy Manager" service. That combined with CallerID... I don't get telemarket calls anymore.
Think I'll set up a "976" number to give out to companies. They can pay ME if they want any of my time. ;)

P.S., you don't need to make your phone company rich to stop the telemarketers. I never give out my home phone #, just my pager number to companies. Also, I use a SIT tone on my answerer (the same thing that's in those Tele-Zapper things):

http://www.sandman.com/taliban.html (turn down the volume if you're at work!)
watch for email notifications

After several attempts, I finally registered our numbers.

Turns out that the "spam filter" provided by most of my ISPs blocks the "do not call" confirmation emails. I finally was able to specify a non-filtered addy, and then register our phone numbers...

Like all things from the gov't -- I'll take this one with a grain of salt, but here's to hoping...


Now if only someone could do the same things for email SPAM :)

My dad sent me an email the other day about things you can do to telemarketers that is pretty funny.
One is to answer the phone and when they ask for the man or woman of the house simply put the phone down and walk away from it. I did that tonight and the lady held on for 10 mins. I was watching a ball game and eating dinner. Was laughing about it the whole time.