A Mermaid and Her NSX In Snow!!!~

7 March 2005
*Sunshine* State ~
Hey y'all.....

I've been a bit obsolete from the board for the past couple weeks. Mostly due to homesickness ;) Well! It snowed here last week. I woke up got dressed for work, about to head out and as I look outside I see lovely snow falling from the heavens, and about a l/2 inch on the surroundings about me. Of course, never have driven (nor even really experienced) snow at where I lived, I tried to discern whether it would be safe to drive 'her' or not. I called Enterprise to rent a 4x4 or awd. They were super slow and I really had to get into work.

So..............................yup, I drove in the snow. Gotta tell ya.... very exhilarating... Although my stomach was in my throat the majority of the time, our lil' Lady handled beautifully. Another reason I love this car. But , I gotta admit she's been a bit pissy at the lower temps ..... but whatta car!!! Very different seeing white flurries crashing into the foreground than clear raindrops. However, I have to say it was one of the most beautiful experiences I have had. Ha! and I received several "heads cocked to side, like "what the heck is she thinkin' ?" But it was great! And thank God for my angels.... all was safe !! :) So, now Mermaid gets to say she drove her NSX in the snow, and the NSX, as faithful as she has always been, proved once again, true. ;)
Your Crazy:biggrin: I wouldnt even think of driving my NSX in the snow, I actually hate snow. I try not to leave the house when it snows, maybe for a game of football but other than that....its beer and movies for the kid.:wink:
The Kid said:
Your Crazy:biggrin: I wouldnt even think of driving my NSX in the snow, I actually hate snow. I try not to leave the house when it snows, maybe for a game of football but other than that....its beer and movies for the kid.:wink:

haha.... I hear ya, but I didnt (well maybe I did) have much a choice. But wow! what an experience. SOOOO Glad to have pushed through it. Of course, everyone on the road stared at me (and my Florida tags) and stayed far away ;) Eh , hey my girl is STRONG... she can handle a little challenge here and then ;) Keeps her Spirit Alive*

scorp965 You need to install some snow tires :
Okay, as silly as this may seem, I have considered it for 'low snow' days. I am NOT used to leaving my car alone for more than 7 days...... I'm keeping my insurance on it via winter so those days that aren't icky icky (ie: more than 1 inch snow) I will drive. But , uh, uh, are there snow tires for the NSX'r?? ;) I am actually about to purchase the Equinox, but still looking at others .... I just am getting teary -eyed thinking of not driving my baby year round.... I need to get back home to Fla. or Cali.... :)
Blizzak's are popular with BMW's, just find a set of early 5-spokes for cheap, and install snow tires on them; I would imagine the nsx is suited, in a way, for snow, as its aluminum will not rust, and it has traction control. The only concern is ground clearance; on light snow you're fine, but if you get caught in anything even slightly serious you're going to get stuck (insert nightmare image of tow truck tearing off nsx bumper here).


I would definitly keep some kind of insurance, at least theft, on the nsx regardless of whether or not i'm driving it, but perhaps you should look into buying a beater car... maybe a corvette, or daewoo, that you won't care about?
scorp965 said:
Blizzak's are popular with BMW's, just find a set of early 5-spokes for cheap, and install snow tires on them; I would imagine the nsx is suited, in a way, for snow, as its aluminum will not rust, and it has traction control. The only concern is ground clearance; on light snow you're fine, but if you get caught in anything even slightly serious you're going to get stuck (insert nightmare image of tow truck tearing off nsx bumper here).


I would definitly keep some kind of insurance, at least theft, on the nsx regardless of whether or not i'm driving it, but perhaps you should look into buying a beater car... maybe a corvette, or daewoo, that you won't care about?
You're darlin' ;) Yes, I have FULL coverage (insurance wise) ..... and heck no, I wouldn't even consider driving my baby in anything but 'flurries'.... Actually, I have been looking for the past week and half for an nice 4x4 or awd..... Any suggestions ? :) Thansx* lucky Cali*fornian... ;)

edit: I hear that it gets to like obscene levels of snow here. All my lady friends are teaching me
I have tried two snow tires on my Miata (which was awful in the snow with stock tires - even worse than the NSX because it was so light). The Blizzaks sucked.... they did OK in the snow, but are built more for ice and were god awful when it was dry. They were so squirmmy that when you went around a corner I thought they would just roll right off the wheel. Now the Pirelli Winter 190Ps were FANTASTIC.... great in the snow and decent in the dry. As long as it didn't snow more than 3-4" the Miata went like a rally car, more than that and I was a snowplow.

Looks like Tirerack has Dunlop Winter Sport M3 in 205/45/16 & 245/40/17.

Just be careful not to cause a wreck from all the people looking at you driving your car in the snow. Next time at a red light, roll down the window and ask the person next to you if they know the way to Miami. I'm sure your car is missing Florida too. :cool:

And next time when there's some snow go hit a big parking lot and do some spins and have fun..not necessarily in the NSX. Its fun and good practice driving/recovering in the snow/ice.
I used to obliterate the Audi's in even the most hellish snowstorms (think feet, not inches) with my old S2000 with Blizzak's on it. That car was outrageous in the winter; amazing.

I take the NSX out, but not when there is any snow on the road. Only when its perfectly dry.

BUT, beware that high performace tires are deadly in cold temps. Dry road or not, unless you put snows on the car, do not, even a little, push the car.

Thankfully no snow here yet - still fairly warm. Still driving around with RA1s.

Mermi, let us know if you're headed to TO anytime.
CL65 Captain said:
I have tried two snow tires on my Miata (which was awful in the snow with stock tires - even worse than the NSX because it was so light). The Blizzaks sucked.... they did OK in the snow, but are built more for ice and were god awful when it was dry. They were so squirmmy that when you went around a corner I thought they would just roll right off the wheel. Now the Pirelli Winter 190Ps were FANTASTIC.... great in the snow and decent in the dry. As long as it didn't snow more than 3-4" the Miata went like a rally car, more than that and I was a snowplow.

Looks like Tirerack has Dunlop Winter Sport M3 in 205/45/16 & 245/40/17.


Um, eeks, forgive my ignorance of climate... (tropical lady here),,,, *and blessed in the experience * -we only live once*! myself, am happy to live it fully) However, I have to admit my humility that I truly am clueless of this such weather. So , in all regards, respect any suggestions put forth for your fellow' lady NSX'r. :) ThaNSX* ;)
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Mermi - I assume you've seem Mitch's white NSX in the snow.

I'd send him a PM... he's the king of snow-NSX's.


I don't drive my nsx in the snow or ice. I've lived in Fla, CA and AZ also and hardly seen snow until I moved here. They use a liquid de-ice on the roads that will devastate your car.

Buy yourself an AWD winter beater. Everyone else does!:wink:
Glad you made it fine in the snow. However its not feasible once it REALLY starts snowing.

Good AWD choices- there are plenty of them. The new CRV will be out soon. That should be a great choice. The RAV4 is another good choice. If you want Sporty - how about a Subaru Forester with 2.5L turbo or WRX wagon(if you really don't want a SUV). What's your budget and what other factors are important(reliability, room, tow?, etc etc).
Holey moley! You are one brave person for even attempting that!!!

My NSX doesn't even get out in the rain!

Having lived in the northern climes for most of my life (midwest and northeast) I do recommend the use of snow tires as many others have mentioned before me. I still have a set of snow tires with dedicated wheels in storage for my daily driver (but no use for them here in FL)

But even with snow tires I can't see the NSX as being the ideal winter driver. IF you intend on coping with the entire winter season in Michigan you should look into getting a inexpensive pre-owned AWD daily driver.

Or you could be like the millions of northern "snowbirds" and come back down to FL for a few months instead!!! (I'd go with this option...)

Good luck!
Com'mon guys - if someone puts snow tires on their NSX, and they have the clearance, there is nothing wrong or crazy about winter driving an NSX. You could not tell the difference between my winter driven S2000 and any of those which were put away for the winter. Just watch the slushy boots and the the icy snowbanks and you'll be just fine if you want to winter drive an NSX.

That said, I dont really drive mine in the winter either ;)
HAHAHAHAHA:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Let see - 72 degrees today, sunny all day. Perfect weather to take the Targa off.:biggrin: :biggrin:

Today the snow came here in Narvik. :mad:

I was supposed to park the NSX today, but I was a few hours late as it started to snow when I was at work. I have to wait a couple of days until it melts a little so I can move it on the summer tires.

I have been out on snow before and the NSX is not bad at all. Pictures below are from 2003. Last picture from christmas eve 2003.

I am not King of snow. But maybe the Sebring Silver Prince of snow with these pictures: :biggrin:



Acura NsX Pilot said:
I do not drive mine in the snow mostly because of fear of other drivers who cannot handle snow. What happened to your durango my dear ?
Hey , thansx for the tips* .... No, I most definitely will not be driving her in icy conditions or in anything but flurries. That morning I really had no other choice. I'm extremely clueless of how quickly the snow can just appear and form up. I got up and dressed for work , ready to hop into my car and I look at the cars in my lot toppled with snow.... not much snow was sticking to the road but still. I knew there was more on its way. I spoke with rental car company but they were out of awd/4x4's and besides, they wouldn't be able to get out to me for about an hour (then comes the time to do the paperwork, etc). I couldn't be that late for work, as I facilitate my groups in the morning. So, I said, what the heck...... jumped in my baby , drove with added caution, trying not to laugh at the trucks and suvs all around me, staring
.....like I was nuts.... then of course, the Florida plates gave it all away. "Crazy Floridians" ;) After the initial butterflies began to play dormant, it actually was pretty fun. Beautiful seeing the snow falling and kissing the car..... Neat stuff, but no, not for everyday ;)

My Durango is back home in Miami. So to transport would be silly. Plus, we lent it out to a gardener that works at the house. But I have been car searching here. I have found Chevy Excelsior AWD -like that one, Durango used, Trailblazer in green titanium, and Electric Blue Explorer and a few others. I'm not looking to spend much at all. Initially, I had budget at $3000 (I mean this will only be for four months (right??!!?? geesh I hope that's all) :eek: :tongue: But now I've increased the budget a bit , but still nothing new for me. I'm pretty positive that I'll spin out and/or hit something as I'm learning. Should be a real "neato" experience. :rolleyes: I'll tell you I'm a good driver but I'm used to clear rain, hot, flat streets wearing a tank and shorts----not white snow, cold, hilly streets while wearing thermals, sweater, wool pants and jacket! eeks* tell me again, what was I thinking?? :tongue: :biggrin:
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NSXLuvr said:
HAHAHAHAHA:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Let see - 72 degrees today, sunny all day. Perfect weather to take the Targa off.:biggrin: :biggrin:


:tongue: :biggrin: