A Ford Beats Ferrari 360 !!

NetViper said:
My only complaint against the new GT is that there is NO luggage space. I think that is silly. You cannot do anything with the car except drive around. At least the NSX has a useable trunk.. that was a big selling feature for me.
If you really want trunk space in a sports car, why limit yourself to an NSX when you can get REAL usable trunk space in a Vette or a Z06?? Heck, even the HP rating is right up your alley!! :rolleyes:

Sorry, couldn't resist...... ;) :D

Kidding aside, I think the GT's straight-line performance reinforces the old addage "There's no replacement for displacement" argument. Even if P to W ratio of both cars match in another hypothetical comparo, the one with more grunt (aka torque) at lower (and more usable) powerband will always jump off the line faster from the hole. But personally, I feel the GT's chassis is probably not as dynamically balanced and capable as the 360's, judging the fact that it pushes quite more than you would expect for a car of that caliber, according to the magazine tests. Was that also the problem with enduro racing GT40 of yore, that annoying moderate understeer? Perhaps the powerplant is overdeveloped than its chassis? Could Ford engineers just "dial away" the understeer tendency just by backing off on HP, rearrange suspension setup/alignment/tire choice, or is there something more to it than that, like the chassis wasn't desgined to paired well to go with that much HP?

Which reminds me, this GT vs. 360 comparo is similar to NSX-R vs. Murcielago/911 GT3 in track performance, doesn't it? One obviously has better chassis dynamic but "undernourished" to really keep up in the long haul?
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Tom Larkins said:
The mag. article your seeking is SportsCar International (Sept03) Vol#158. The GT in Gulf colors was on the cover.

Lengthly artical about the GT which stated the NSX was one of 3 cars the Ford purchased to compare its test mule too. While it may have been in another mag., I'm cetain it was in that one.

I'll take a GT too, but none of the dealers I've contacted will sell it to me. The Ford dealers themselves are keeping the ones they get!

I don’t think so. The magazine I read was competing a Ferrari 360 against the Ford directly. They were even swapping cars and commenting on the difference between them and the Ford thrashed the Ferrari so badly that the guy who wrote the article said that he would have placed the GT as one of his 5 best supercars ever. But due to its mild under steer when you reach its limit which can only be achieved in a racetrack, he then ranked it as being one of his 10 best supercars. And that is way ahead of the Ferrari 360.
In the mag I read (it was either MT or C&D), they compared the GT to the Enzo (never mind the 360), and stated that the GT was far easier to drive on the track. The Enzo took a lot of work to keep stable, while the GT was forgiving, especially when powering out of turns.

Sounds to me like Ford engineers may have done a decent job on the overall design, not just the engine.
all this and its still cheaper than the 360 let alone the ENZO, Carrera GT, Gallardo, SLR.

yep, its another supercar built in america and its a Ford
PHOEN$X said:
Yup...and I wish they'd make fewer damn vettes and more of these! :D

I dont know about corvettes, but the GT will definatly put a huge hole in the Ferrari and Porsche sails charts
Zanardi 50 said:
If you really want trunk space in a sports car, why limit yourself to an NSX when you can get REAL usable trunk space in a Vette or a Z06?? Heck, even the HP rating is right up your alley!! :rolleyes:

Sorry, couldn't resist...... ;) :D

Alright Zanardi 50... it's on! :D
I have always been a fan of the GT40 where it once dominated the race tracks. I read articles from the 60's where the results are very similar to the current ones.

I have a model of the 1966 GT40 MKII Le Mans signed by the driver himself- Mario Andretti-

I heard $500,000 will NOT put you in the seat on one, at least for now.

Good to see True car enthusiast on this thread :cool:
spartan2-3 said:
I have always been a fan of the GT40 where it once dominated the race tracks. I read articles from the 60's where the results are very similar to the current ones.

I have a model of the 1966 GT40 MKII Le Mans signed by the driver himself- Mario Andretti-

I heard $500,000 will NOT put you in the seat on one, at least for now.

Good to see True car enthusiast on this thread :cool:

dont worry, the 500,000 $ price tage is reserved for the three Ford GTs that were sold before Fords aniversiry

when the GT os sold to the public on 2004 it will only cost around 150,000 $ in US. so it is alot cheaper than its main rival, the Ferrai 360 and other potential rivls like the Gallardo
cmhs75 said:
dont worry, the 500,000 $ price tage is reserved for the three Ford GTs that were sold before Fords aniversiry

when the GT os sold to the public on 2004 it will only cost around 150,000 $ in US. so it is alot cheaper than its main rival, the Ferrai 360 and other potential rivls like the Gallardo

I think what Spartan2-3 was trying to say is, you will not be able to get your hands on a GT for the list price, or anything close to it.
Since they will be in very short supply, whoever has the inside edge (like Ford dealers, buddies of Ford dealers, etc) will be able to sell to the highest bidder.
Damn, I never thought of it that way. I guess Al capon legacy lives on.

I hope popular demand pushes Ford into forgetting their limited edition thinking and start addressing the publics demands, just like what happened to the Ferrari F40 they were only going to make 400 but ended up making more than 1000 due to its unexpected fame.