A close-up look at our beloved NSX vs. R8 v10 in comparison, Shocking Traits :)

The R8 is a german NSX to me..... If anyone wants to trade their R8 for a very clean. low mileage. widebody NSX, hit me up....................
R8 is a great DD / Exotic if there ever was such a thing, I find myself grabbing the keys and taking the long road just to give myself an excuse to drive the car. It does everything so well and effortlessly with no drama. The ride height is just low enough to not bother me but not so low to be scraping and avoiding tasks that my NSX could never do without scraping. It makes the car that much more fun to drive on a day to day basis without knowing the roads or path.

Only problem is now I want more exhaust note and I promised the wifey I won't modify this car too much....haha
Somebody likes taking beautiful cars and turning them ugly with big-ass do-nothing wings... :biggrin:

:applouse: well said!
Good thing I never sold the other wing - easy to swap back and forth :)

You guys really like this look more than the APR wing? hmmmm

The other wing is going to attract folks who like rice rocket. It reminds me of people who put 25 inch rims with 10 inch muffler crowd :) It's so old school.

Now, your car looks more exotic...more of an NSX.

Congratulation on the R8! It makes me want to get a white 911S :)
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R8 is nice but I think as another guy told me, she is like a hot one night stand but not a keeper....

I'm already a bit bored with the R8 and quite frankly it does not feel as "exotic" as the NSX. I have a feeling it will be going byebye once I can get my hands on a white Scuderia or maybe a 458 if prices come down enough.

Just for laughs I had to go REALLY way back in time when I first got the car to find some pictures of the car with the OEM spoiler:

Good memories flipping through my archive of photos, haven't seen her in this stock form in a long time and in a way I do see the cleanliness of the car with no add-ons. Luckily everything is reversible and I still have the original leather seats and OEM spoiler stored away with virtually no wear as if frozen in time and showroom new condition :)
Rick- I'm biased, but having seen your incredible fleet of cars in person, I have to say your NSX is still the alpha dog in the garage. Other cars may come and go, but the NSX is a keeper.
Good thing I never sold the other wing - easy to swap back and forth :)

You guys really like this look more than the APR wing? hmmmm

Very Exotic appearance

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Definitely. But the stock "wing" looks even better. In fact, it may be the most beautiful design feature on the entire car.

Absolutely agree!

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Just for laughs I had to go REALLY way back in time when I first got the car to find some pictures of the car with the OEM spoiler:

This......is simply Stunning!!!
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Rick- I'm biased, but having seen your incredible fleet of cars in person, I have to say your NSX is still the alpha dog in the garage. Other cars may come and go, but the NSX is a keeper.

thanks for the kind words! We all have our babies :)

I agree with your statement, almost every car on the market today can be bought with a blank check but the NSX is a true keeper. I'm already getting tired of some of the toys but the NSX is not leaving the garage for sure.