A Cheer for Ted Klaus

8 July 2002
Tomorrow we'll get to see and learn about the new NSX.

Tonight take a minute for Ted Klaus.

He's spent years of his life developing the new NSX.
Tomorrow he'll be both applauded and criticized

He's taken on a job where he knows he'll not please everyone or and possibly even anyone.
Countless hours of overtime, endless weekends at work.
Striving to bring forward the new version of the NSX.

If it's a great success his career is assured.
If it is not well received it's a heavy blow.

So If you're inclined to heap heavy criticism tomorrow think about Ted, his family, and his team before you press post.
If you wish to applaud do it loudly
JD, Well said! +1

I look forward to seeing your new NSX soon! Oh to be the ORIGINAL owner of both versions, that is very cool.
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Amen! Mr. Klaus is a gentleman and from my interactions with him, he understands The appeal of the NSX to the fanatics, car writers and the general public.
Best wishes upon the team and Mr. klaus.
The car will be well received today I'm sure - heck they could just roll out the last concept version and say "here it is" and most people will be thrilled. The proof of this highly technical car will be the driving experience and they likely won't make them available to reviewers until summer, hopefully sooner.
Now 500+ instant torque vectoring hp and an 8 speed dsg for $115k will really impress me! :biggrin:
Although I wasn't fortune enough to buy my 91 New, I hope this car is as great and I will be able to park one next to, or on a lift with someday.
Ted is a stand up guy and I am glad he stepped up to work on the project.

I do think he is in for a rough ride though as the competitive landscape for the NSX is extremely well populated.
Meeting Ted at NSXPO 2012 & 2014 was a pleasure. It was great to see him introduce his new baby today. I can't wait to drive one.