92 now or 97 later

23 March 2002
Costa Mesa, California, USA
Ok I may be considering the 3.0 NSX simply because I can afford one within a year, But the 97 spa yellow nsx-T 3.2 has always been my goal. However I cannot imagine being dissapointed with a 1992 red coupe? Who has had any "regrets" not waiting for the exact nsx they want?
1997 may take 2 or more years to buy
1992 1 year
Start looking now for that Spa Yellow 97-T. It will take you some years to find it anyways.

[This message has been edited by ck (edited 14 April 2002).]
just traded my '92 for '00 viper,if i had found a '97 plus w/ 6-speed i may not have traded for viper.lost my A$$ on the '92 to much $ to maintain if you are not keeping long term,i'd wait for '97.JMO
Not to confuse, but in light of what was said above....... I had a 91 from 99-02 (last month) and it was the most trrouble free car I have EVER owned!!!!!1 I mean this car needed nothing...... Virtually ZERO maintenance costs. I know many others with the same story. Find a clean 91-94 and go for it. There is a significant difference in the newer ones however. Most all changes are positive except that the build quality of the newer models (my 01 for example) is definitely much poorer than the earlier models. I think they lost some passion for their building once it wasn't a novelty anymore.
Originally posted by Nsxotic:
the build quality of the newer models (my 01 for example) is definitely much poorer than the earlier models. I think they lost some passion for their building once it wasn't a novelty anymore.

I have never heard that before! Why do you think that todd? Does anyone else have a simliar opinion??

NetViper -= 100% Stock EBP 2000 Civic Si =- Still looking to get an NSX, but at least I can live life at 8,000 RPM!
I think that NSXotic's comment about poorer build quality is probably related to the fact that the Targa isn't as tight and solid as the coupes are. He's just not used to having the wind blowing across his head yet.
I'm talking about sublties..... Edges, lines, corners, stitching, etc........ My 91 had almost perfect lines around the interior for example. My 2001 is not so perfect...... the glovebox is not aligned evenly, the passenger airbag cover has waves in it, the stitching along the dash and seats is not as tight and even, the seat belt makes a snapping sound when the wind hits it as if something is loose or missing, the body panels do not all have smooth edges especially on the inner rocker panels, the seat backs have 'play' in them from side to side (they flex sideways and actually creak), the edges where black paint meets body color around the engine, etc.... are very uneven as if done by a blind guy with duct tape, etc...... Whew, now I've vented.

[This message has been edited by Nsxotic (edited 17 April 2002).]
Wow, that's a lot of things. My 97 doesn't seem to have any of those problems, but then again, I don't tend to check out the stitching quality. That line in the engine bay is uneven on a lot of NSX's I've seen, regardless of age or paintwork.
That's the abridged list! 4 years later is enough for a bunch of Japanese students to invade the factory and start throwing these cars together like they were Corollas, I guess. I don't think they could give a shit about building these cars in the last few years. They are thinking of the new one and just throwing a couple together because they have to. I took a Ford Taurus on trade today, had to look close to find poorer build quality.(kidding a little on that one) I've lost a big amount of respect for the NSX since buying the 01 and I was the biggest fan of the SUPERIOR build quality on these cars. I used to show everybody the smallest nooks and crannies on my old one and brag how perfect it was and how much detail there was even in places you really don't see. Can't do that anymore and actually get a little embarassed when people look too close.
Originally posted by Nsxotic:
That's the abridged list! 4 years later is enough for a bunch of Japanese students to invade the factory and start throwing these cars together like they were Corollas, I guess. I don't think they could give a shit about building these cars in the last few years. They are thinking of the new one and just throwing a couple together because they have to. I took a Ford Taurus on trade today, had to look close to find poorer build quality.(kidding a little on that one) I've lost a big amount of respect for the NSX since buying the 01 and I was the biggest fan of the SUPERIOR build quality on these cars. I used to show everybody the smallest nooks and crannies on my old one and brag how perfect it was and how much detail there was even in places you really don't see. Can't do that anymore and actually get a little embarassed when people look too close.

I think it is in very poor taste to make statements like this based on your ONE car. I have owned a '91 and now own a '00 and the quality is as good or better in every category you mentioned. Perhaps you just got a bad one, this is the first time I have heard anyone question the quality of the newer cars.

Yes in a perfect world every car that a company produces would be exactly the same and be perfect, but these are hand built cars and because of this some variance is going to occur. The NSX is Honda's flagship, even if they don't sell very many they are not going to let the cars that go out the door be anything less than the best they can produce.
My 01 is just about perfect. It has none of the problems you describe. And, i'm fussy. Why did you accept the car the way it is? I would have not accepted a wavy airbag cover or misalligned glove box. Did you buy it new? if not, was it wrecked? I'm sorry your experience was not a good one.

keep the shiny side up
MikeC 01 #46
I agree to some extent that the build quality in my 01 is not as good as it was in my 97 or 98. I thought it was just me. My release lever for the gas tank doesn't sit straight...kind of at a 20 degree angle. My passenger side door has to be slammed pretty hard in order to get the thing to shut. The driver's side seat belt tensioner only works when it wants to. Uh..I'm not sure about this part but the gas cap cover...not the gas cap but the part that flips open with the lever next to the driver's seat...doesn't have the spring thing loaded so it'll just flop around when the wind blows (while pumping gas) I thought it was supposed to be spring loaded so it stayed all the way open until you push it closed and the latch catches? I can't quite remember from my other one. Anyway, I agree that the overall build quality in my 01 has a lot to be desired.
The gas cover is probably just missing the little black spring clip on yours. However, my gas door also has a little play in it. My passenger door also doesn't close real easy with the window up... not bad though.

Again, I don't think you all are understanding how closely I am looking at these things. I'm not talking about things you can see from 3 feet away..... GET UP CLOSE.