91 and 92 nsx money pit from hell!!!

ryans said:
my A/C is little loud, my clock is screwed doesn't go past 10 (hours). I did change the snap ring and clutch too. Oh My ABS started making a loud ass noise so I pulled the fuses. I think only 2 of my speakers work too.....we'll see what happens next :(

Maybe the engine will fall out of the car? :biggrin:
dainese51 said:
Get this...I purchased my car from another prime member. This is before I found prime... So watch out everyone, not all prime members are nice!!!

What is it about the prime member that makes that person not nice? You bought a 14 year old car with "problems" that are well known. The fact that you spent an extra $2000 for wheels/tires should not be added to your list because that purely aesthetic change was obvious to you when you first saw the car. Did the seller misrepresent its condition? Did you ask any questions? Did you get it inspected by a dealer or reputable mechanic before buying it? I don't mean to get into an argument but you at least implicitly seem to be blaming the prior owner for your transaction without telling us what you did to research the car before jumping on the deal.
Not all Prime members are nice, this is true. I have even heard rumors of some who would pawn off an expensive repair on a friend or roomate when it was a flaw inherent to the car and not the driving that caused the problem.
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lol! :biggrin:

sorry to hear about it. Its about time to learn the do it yourself approach :smile:

it really cuts down on the cost of owning a supercar.

With the older cars, its not the buy it now price that is the killer :wink: its the maintance. :eek:

I think all prime members i have talked to are great. You bought a 14 year old super car... and didnt have the expertise to check it out right. Should have taken it to someone else.... also you have to pay to play. 14 year old does not = brand new with no problems. :rolleyes:

BTW getting ready to sell my 1991 Red NSX for $21k... lol you should have bought mine :biggrin:
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I guess you didnt read my previous post. But I did say I offered to pay for the repairs and that my roommate knew the problem is imminent. He just wanted to pay for it to make him feel better. So I took the offer. Shit if a hot girl is buck naked and say you could do whatever you want to her? Any normal guy would have done something. So everyone saying that I am not an honest person. Get off your high horse and moreover, I bet half of the people here dont even own an nsx. And like I said, my friend was cool with it. Just because you wouldnt do what he did doesnt mean anything.

White94 said:
Not all Prime members are nice, this is true. I have even heard rumors of some who would pawn off an expensive repair on a friend or roomate when it was a flaw inherent to the car and not the driving that caused the problem.
Whats up with the "91 and 92 nsx money pit from hell" ? Im lost do you have 2 of them? What year do you have?
let's just close this thread....

To sum it up. I bought a 92 nsx with low miles. didnt know the problems that can arise with purchasing this old of a car. Spent money to fix it. Vented a little. Had a cool friend thats helping me fix my car. And other nsx owners or wannabe nsx owners jumping down my throat because I vented and that I have a friend who is willing to help me with repairs...

Honestly tho, its a good learning expereince. Just remember to take something away from this. Hey if you have any questions with fixing your car. I would personally love to help out in anyway i can. If you need any help, give the community a shout and im confident that we'll all respond with just as must zellous agression as we did to your rant.
dainese51 said:
If you think about it, besides the engine/body, the rest of the nsx is shitty made... I mean they would have changed something like the ccu or the sound system if they knew those stuff are gonna fail on people.

Doofus! You bought a 14 year old car. You are so misunderstanding this car, go buy a chevy from the same year and you will know "shitty made." Not counting aestetics, the NSX build quality holds it's own to anything new on the road right now.

On another note, can we start voting on who can own this car? sheesh! :tongue:
Dude. I agree 100%. NSXs suck. I just did the exact same thing last month. I dropped $7k on a clutch, snap ring fix, wheels and tires for my 91. And I haven't done the MP3 cd changer upgrade yet. WTF?

Dude. I'll do you a favor. I'll give you $29k sight unseen. You break even. I'll put yours right next to mine. I need a second one.

Shoot me an IM.

dainese51 said:
I guess you didnt read my previous post. But I did say I offered to pay for the repairs and that my roommate knew the problem is imminent. He just wanted to pay for it to make him feel better. So I took the offer. Shit if a hot girl is buck naked and say you could do whatever you want to her? Any normal guy would have done something. So everyone saying that I am not an honest person. Get off your high horse and moreover, I bet half of the people here dont even own an nsx. And like I said, my friend was cool with it. Just because you wouldnt do what he did doesnt mean anything.

I own an NSX as well as a sense of ethics. I commend your friend for being unnecessarily generous but I criticize you for accepting his offer under these circumstances. Your attempted analogy to a "buck naked hot girl" demonstrates your inherent nature to take advantage of people which is exactly what you are doing with your "friend." Show less attitude and more gratitude and refuse your friend's money for a problem for which he had absolutely no responsibility.
dainese51 said:
i work with all electrical engineers. I think I can get it done for free.. thanks!!!

haha i hope they are circuit designers :biggrin: not all EE's are created equal... bwuhahahaha, i know some genius EE's that are godlike at Digital Design, but don't know what a transformer looks like :biggrin:
btw i do believe the correct operative term is Electrical EngiNerds :biggrin:
I have bad ethics and everyone who posted on this thread are all righteous. I give up...i guess it's best to read than post!

RSO 34 said:
I own an NSX as well as a sense of ethics. I commend your friend for being unnecessarily generous but I criticize you for accepting his offer under these circumstances. Your attempted analogy to a "buck naked hot girl" demonstrates your inherent nature to take advantage of people which is exactly what you are doing with your "friend." Show less attitude and more gratitude and refuse your friend's money for a problem for which he had absolutely no responsibility.
This thread should be shown to anyone who posts a new thread titled something like... "is this car a good deal." :mad: You get what you pay for.
If A naked hot chick was in front of me and said I could do anything?....I would tell her to go put her clothes on and find some self esteem.
I've bought my NSX four years ago from a Honda dealer. I knew the former owner and his driving style (no track). The big service and timing-belt were done with the deal, trunk-struts too. After a test-drive I felt the clutch shuddering too much for me. I've asked the dealer what the costs of a new clutch would be regarding that the engine is taken out for timing-belt anyway. He said $400. Great deal! :)
Within four years and 20000 miles I never had a problem more than $200. BOSE, cooling box leaking. The only thing I was really surprised was tire-wear. :D But I was positively surprised by the mpg and the great reliability and performance.
The only problems above $200 were my strong urge to perfect my baby with tuning-parts like wheels, shorties/final, suspension, header for more than $10'000. But every $ made me even happier. :)
I've sold my two-years-old Integra to the dealer and thought I might regret it changing it for a 11 year old car. :)
A friend of mine's NSX was on the track and ran into all of the stated $$$-problems. :(
So make sure you read nsxprime.com. :D, test-drive it and have a look at the service history with the mayor points. AND: Never believe what the seller says. :D It's that simple. :)
khappucino said:
haha i hope they are circuit designers :biggrin: not all EE's are created equal... bwuhahahaha, i know some genius EE's that are godlike at Digital Design, but don't know what a transformer looks like :biggrin:
haha. That's me... I'm all Digital Design and no transformer... I'm more of a go-bots fan. :wink: :biggrin:
dainese51 said:
I bet half of the people here dont even own an nsx.
I believe every person in this thread but one(yellow rose is a former owner) have NSX's. And some in this thread have more than one nsx(01blackS4) so that makes up for the one that didnt. Strike two noo-b. Lets see some pics of your pit. You do have a camera, huh? Or did all your money go to the car. Sell your money pit and buy that really well built IS300 you dream of. :rolleyes:
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You guys all really have sticks up your asses or something... Basically, my post was to show that I didnt really get a good deal and I made a mistake. Hence I called myself a stupid newbie. Shit, so fucken what... Not everyone goes online every fucken day and not every one knows about prime. I did mention that I found prime after I purchased my car. It's easy to stonewall someone because they say something wrong with the "beloved" nsx, but at the end of it all, a car is just a car.

This thread is like every other car forums but with different titles. If you say something remotely wrong with the car and the whole community jumps down your throat. You guys are as bad as the viper crowd, p crowd, f crowd, and others.

In any case, I just vented a little and I said Im rebuilding the car to be perfect to my taste. You guys need to relax and stop stroking each other.
dainese51 said:
You guys need to relax and stop stroking each other.

I'll stroke you.....oh oh, you are so short that you finished before I got started.