91-93 NSX vs S2000

jdc1687 said:
Ok, yes yes.. The NSX is faster than the S2000.. And, yes, they are differen't breeds of car.. But, I am simply looking to get a true sports car that is fun to drive as my summer daily driver and have come up with this list: (in no particular order)


I have always loved the Porsches, but it seems like the quintessential yuppie car, and it has lost its panache to me.

So, that leaves the NSX and the S2000. I have ridden in an S2000 on an autocross course and I was floored by how well it handled. The car could accelerate through tight sections where I thought for sure it would spin... Granted, an s2k would have an advantage over the NSX in this tight environment.

In a comparison of the NSX vs the S2000, I recognize they are different breeds of car, but for those of you that have driven both, what are your thoughts???


i would drive a mini s before you make a decision.
in terms of fun it is the only car i think comes close to the NSX.
porsches are fast but not fun.
NSX's are more fun than anything else out there.
(but i have not driven an elise yet).
liftshard said:
I have had chicks roll up on me and honk, wave, blow kisses, and all manner of stuff in the NSX. In jaded DC metro, ppl don't give a crap about s2000s and Boxsters or SLKs. You see a million of them everyday. We pulled up to a restaurant in as-yuppie-as-it-can-get Arlington the other night and the waitresses on shift came OUT of the restaurant and stood on the sidewalk to see the car. The doors were glass. When we pulled up, the host opened the damned door for me on his way out to look at my car, along with a waiter who happened to be going by. And, then they told their chick coworkers who came out onto the sidewalk too. You don't get this type of heat from a freaking S2000 or a Boxster. Nobody CARES about those cars because they are everywhere. The NSX will get you attention a little shy of what a Ferrari gets. C'mon man, w/ all those cars you have, you gotta know this.

I have a couple female friends that absolutely love the Audi TT and new SL. These same women do not like the looks of my NSX and ranked it up there with my previous ZO6s. They thought my 996 turbo was much nicer looking. Then again, these women could easily be considered gold diggers in a lot of peoples eyes. I think they assign an index to cars depending on their perceived value and apparently to them the NSX does not rank high compared to Porsches and Mercedes on the economic scale. Then again these same women joke about Porsche owners over compensating for something. However, I just try to ignore them.
CerberusM5 said:
I have a couple female friends that absolutely love the Audi TT and new SL. These same women do not like the looks of my NSX and ranked it up there with my previous ZO6s. They thought my 996 turbo was much nicer looking. Then again, these women could easily be considered gold diggers in a lot of peoples eyes. I think they assign an index to cars depending on their perceived value and apparently to them the NSX does not rank high compared to Porsches and Mercedes on the economic scale. Then again these same women joke about Porsche owners over compensating for something. However, I just try to ignore them.

This may be possible, however, I was just in Georgetown last night and EVERYBODY was gaga over my car. Porsches are cool, but they don't draw crowds and get people hollering. People try to play it off that you're in a Boxster, like they are all hard and whatnot, won't give props, pretend like it's no big deal. Around here, it isn't. Nobody, yet, has had ANY problem giving a shout out over the NSX. People of all races, and from both sexes, get vocal. And, they may continue talking about it as they're halfway down the sidewalk. I get stared at by chicks inside restaurants. I can see everyone's head turning. Yeah, I am a pretty good looking guy, but it's not me they can see coming down the street. People turn, en masse, look, point, and talk.

This is just an uncommon car. And, it looks like a racecar. People don't really know what it is, but a few have heard the legend of the NSX and consider it a supercar. Chicks definitely dig its looks here.

I don't know where you're at, but in the DC area, there are billions of MBs, BMWs, 911s, and even Ferraris. Yeah, a Ferrari gets a lot of attention, but hell, at a club I was at, a guy drove up in a Gallardo and nobody was really hollering. AMG benzes are everywhere here. I've even seen several Bentleys. I mean, it's not as crazy as Monaco, but still, people spend a lot on cars here. The NSX gets heat from spectators. Something that looks really cool and rare is always going to draw a better crowd than something ppl see every day.
liftshard said:
This may be possible, however, I was just in Georgetown last night and EVERYBODY was gaga over my car. Porsches are cool, but they don't draw crowds and get people hollering. People try to play it off that you're in a Boxster, like they are all hard and whatnot, won't give props, pretend like it's no big deal. Around here, it isn't. Nobody, yet, has had ANY problem giving a shout out over the NSX. People of all races, and from both sexes, get vocal. And, they may continue talking about it as they're halfway down the sidewalk. I get stared at by chicks inside restaurants. I can see everyone's head turning. Yeah, I am a pretty good looking guy, but it's not me they can see coming down the street. People turn, en masse, look, point, and talk.

This is just an uncommon car. And, it looks like a racecar. People don't really know what it is, but a few have heard the legend of the NSX and consider it a supercar. Chicks definitely dig its looks here.

I don't know where you're at, but in the DC area, there are billions of MBs, BMWs, 911s, and even Ferraris. Yeah, a Ferrari gets a lot of attention, but hell, at a club I was at, a guy drove up in a Gallardo and nobody was really hollering. AMG benzes are everywhere here. I've even seen several Bentleys. I mean, it's not as crazy as Monaco, but still, people spend a lot on cars here. The NSX gets heat from spectators. Something that looks really cool and rare is always going to draw a better crowd than something ppl see every day.

I did not know the DC market was that huge of a market for higher end automobiles. Here is Las Vegas we have our share of glamour. Hell, its Vegas baby!

There is no doubt the NSX is rare and sweet looking, but apparently it does not have the same rockstar status it has in DC. Enjoy it! :biggrin:
liftshard said:
This may be possible, however, I was just in Georgetown last night and EVERYBODY was gaga over my car. Porsches are cool, but they don't draw crowds and get people hollering. People try to play it off that you're in a Boxster, like they are all hard and whatnot, won't give props, pretend like it's no big deal. Around here, it isn't. Nobody, yet, has had ANY problem giving a shout out over the NSX. People of all races, and from both sexes, get vocal. And, they may continue talking about it as they're halfway down the sidewalk. I get stared at by chicks inside restaurants. I can see everyone's head turning. Yeah, I am a pretty good looking guy, but it's not me they can see coming down the street. People turn, en masse, look, point, and talk.

This is just an uncommon car. And, it looks like a racecar. People don't really know what it is, but a few have heard the legend of the NSX and consider it a supercar. Chicks definitely dig its looks here.

I don't know where you're at, but in the DC area, there are billions of MBs, BMWs, 911s, and even Ferraris. Yeah, a Ferrari gets a lot of attention, but hell, at a club I was at, a guy drove up in a Gallardo and nobody was really hollering. AMG benzes are everywhere here. I've even seen several Bentleys. I mean, it's not as crazy as Monaco, but still, people spend a lot on cars here. The NSX gets heat from spectators. Something that looks really cool and rare is always going to draw a better crowd than something ppl see every day.

True, I went to the nightclub Fur last weekend. I barely could get out of my car from the stares. Either it was the Bolivia chick on my arm or the NSX.
CerberusM5 said:
I did not know the DC market was that huge of a market for higher end automobiles. Here is Las Vegas we have our share of glamour. Hell, its Vegas baby!

There is no doubt the NSX is rare and sweet looking, but apparently it does not have the same rockstar status it has in DC. Enjoy it! :biggrin:


Let me just tell you...this place is the CAPITAL of pretentiousness. I have never been anywhere w/ the sheer amount of @ssholes that DC has. And, there is a ton of money here. Most of this stuff driving around is leased, but, nobody knows that when you're parking it, do they? Seriously, an image-conscious town. I hate it here. Don't think I'd like Vegas much either, but what the hell, huh?

rogers said:
True, I went to the nightclub Fur last weekend. I barely could get out of my car from the stares. Either it was the Bolivia chick on my arm or the NSX.

How is Fur? I'm yet to go there. I've heard nothing terrifically good about it. I used to be a fixture at Dream w/ full VIP run of the place back when it had lines down the block in both directions. I knew one of the owners, Masoud, probably 80% of the security guys, the manager, the subpromoters, everyone. Was cool. Just walk up and in and laugh at ppl waiting. My buddy Abdul had a S420, the previous model, and chicks marked over that. He traded that for a previous model Range Rover and they marked for that too. So, perhaps the women here are just stupid, dunno. I mean, in GTown, we got noticed in my bud's 911. I could see girls peeking to see who it was driving and I do project a definite presence (I was driving). W/ the NSX, tho, so far it's been like ppl pointing and hollering and stuff like that. It's fking great.

You gotta let me know when you're gonna be out and I'll make sure to go somewhere else so that we don't steal each other's heat...lol.
W/ the NSX, tho, so far it's been like ppl pointing and hollering and stuff like that. It's fking great.

This is all very disturbing, but I suppose it is the people you see.. One of my closest friends has a red F355 in which we often bomb around on the weekends. I think he may be the least image conscience ferrari owner.. When I'm with him anyway, it is usually a Saturday or Sunday morning, and he usually is wearing dirty clothes from working on the house or one of his muscle cars, plus not having shaved. We go to Dunkin Donuts, Home Depot, parts store, etc,. for only god knows what.

People comment on the car all the time, and Michael is the first one to start up a conversation, let people sit in the car, etc.. The attention gathered by a "cool" car is just what you make of it. The way I see it, and I think my buddy Michael agrees; it is the car that is cool; not the driver. :)

But hey, do what you like.

funny thing is that I notice the NSX more than most cars, I see a lot of exotic and expensive cars but the NSX I can spot a mile away and realize its something attractive. anyways about the s2000 I personally hate torqueless cars as in my rx8 it was painfully annoying to have to rev up to 6000rpm just to feel the car move. Anyways I know rx8 and the s2000 are very similar in the engine feel as they both have 9000 rpm redline and low torque numbers. IMHO I hated the way the engine felt when under acceleration. The s2k is a cool car as it is convertible and a nice drive for sunny days, however I would purchase a used s2k... well I would purchase any car used. why pay more for a depreciating liability? and have it depreciate 2-3K when you drive off the lot... that in my opinion is just stupid. If people have money to burn like that just give me the depreciation costs to invest and we will both come out happy :) s2000 maybe decent in autox but autox aka cone dodgers is for wimps. no elevation changes and no high speeds? no other cars on track? its like sex without the orgasm... or burger with no fries...

996 c2 and nsx.... TOUGH decision. Both are fairly high end cars with good reliability. I am in the same boat. around the same price range and performance about the same. I love both cars, but simply said I keep coming back to the NSX because of its sexy look. I would highly recommend test driving both and seeing what makes you FEEL better, its all about the EXPERIENCE with sports cars as someone else mentioned previously.

as far as the m5... its not really in the class of the nsx, 996 c2, boxster, s2k ... so its irrelevant really. If you are looking for a luxury sports sedan m5 is a good choice however I really like the w211 e55 amg, but I do agree that the brakes and steering feel disconnected... its a luxury car though... however I do like the m5 being a more SPORTS oriented.